10 februari 2017

Honouring the first director: CBS Fungal Biodiversity Centre (CBS-KNAW) is now called the Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute.
In 1907 Johanna Westerdijk became the first director of the CBS-KNAW. On February 10th 1917 she also became the first female professor in the Netherlands: Utrecht University appointed her as a professor in phytopathology. To reflect the legacy this institute is built on, the name of the CBS-KNAW changes to Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute on this day.

When Johanna Westerdijk became director of the Westerdijk Institute, she started with a mere 80 living fungi in the collection. Under her inspiring leadership the collection evolved into the largest and most versatile microbial fungal resource centre in the world, containing over 100,000 different species today.
She was a renowned multi-talented scientist, a believer in equal opportunity and inclusion and a globetrotter; a true ‘homo universalis’. She thought that fungi held a promising potential in contributing to solve the world’s greatest challenges.

We continue to explore the world, collect new fungi and investigate its characteristics for relevant societal applications.

Celebrating the Westerdijk-year
On February 10th it is exactly 100 years ago since Johanna Westerdijk gave her inaugural lecture as the first female professor in the Netherlands. Westerdijk was a renowned scientist with an international and interdisciplinary orientation. She believed strongly in equal opportunities and inclusion; she educated 56 PhD students, almost half of which were female. In 2017, the “Westerdijk”-year, we honour her work and celebrate her contribution to science.

Follow our events with #westerdijk.

See our events in honour of the Westerdijk-year

What changes?
With a new name comes a new logo. The new logo still represents the legacy of the former logo. With a name change, a number of other things change as well. The most important changes for you are our website and our email addresses. Our website changes to www.westerdijksinstitute.nl as of February 10th. The website www.cbs.knaw.nl will redirect automatically to our new website.
Our email addresses change to name@westerdijkinstitute.nl. All emails sent to the old email address will be forwarded to the new address for at about 1 year.
The name of the collection remains the same: CBS-KNAW.

Have any questions about the change? Feel free to contact us.

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