BPS Newsletter - Issue 92                                                                                                4 June 2014
To: Firstname Lastname 
Your BPS Membership No:
Hello Firstname
Wednesday 4 June
Next Wednesday sees the culmination of all you print workers' hard work throughout the year with the 2014 Annual Print Competition. This year it is being judged by Peter Rees, FRPS MPAGB EFIAP/p. If you want to see the type of work that Peter produces you can follow this link to his website.
Annual Projected Image Competition
Last week we published the results of the Annual Projected Image Competition, unfortunately the gremlins got into the system and there were one or two errors or omissions. Jeff has spent the last week wearing a hair shirt in penance and has now sent me the correct list which is shown below, apologies to all who didn't get the correct credit due to them:
Photographer Title Award
John Hudson Pallid Bat Over Pool Best in Competition


Paul Smith Tranquil Sunset  1st
David Alderson The Bridge 2nd
Paul Smith Walking Into The Void 3rd
Steve Bevan Good Hair Day HC
Steve Bevan Pendine Rocks HC
Neil Brain Taking Off HC
Ruth Brown                       Pondering HC
Mike Fox Misty Morning HC
Mark Gilbert Smile Please HC
Paul Smith The Butterfly Man  HC


John Hudson Pallid Bat Over Pool 1st
Greg Duncan                     Peregrine Falcon 2nd
Peter Smith Imperial Shag with Nesting Material 3rd
Barry Mead Sandhill Crane Flying HC
Mary Pears                       Male Red Grouse HC
Peter Smith Ospreys  HC
Steve Taylor File Eared Tree Frog HC


Greg Duncan  Early Snow on Wyoming Range     1st
Neil McCoubrey Seljalandsfoss 2nd 
John Hudson In Performance 2 "Lac" 3rd 
Val Duncan Arabesque HC
Val Duncan Quad Bike Race HC
Val Duncan Slam Dunk HC
Rob Gillet Memories HC
Rob Gillet Sussex Beach HC
Neil McCoubrey Dyrholaey-2 HC
Neil McCoubrey Wistmans Wood-2 HC
Steve Taylor Forest Giants at Dawn HC
Keith Wood The Jump HC


Greg Duncan  Early Snow on Wyoming Range     Best Travel
Val Duncan Quad Bike Race Best Action
Richard Harris Mud Wash Best Mono
Barry Mead Venetian Dance Best Creative
Paul Smith The Butterfly Man Best People
Paul Smith Tranquil Sunset  Best Landscape
BPS - Possible New Premises
If you haven't already done so, please don't forget to send your replies to last Wednesday's email, concerning possible new premises for BPS, by Wednesday 4 June. This is an important issue for the future of the Society and Council needs the views of as large a cross-section of the membership as possible, this will ensure that any decision taken by Council on this matter will reflect the true wishes of the membership.
It has been suggested that Question 4 in the email should have included reference to there possibly being more problematic parking owing to the increased "double yellow lining" and the consequent battle between visitors and residents for parking spaces and that maybe the question should have read:
4. If the parking scheme does increase the costs of your attendance at BPS meetings, or if parking becomes more difficult than it already is because of the proposed restrictions, would you continue to be a member?
If this alters the answer you have already given to Question 4, please let me know, putting NEW PREMISES - CHANGED in the subject line. If you have not already responded, please use this revised version of the question and put NEW PREMISES in the subject line. All replies to be emailed to newsletter@bristolphoto.org.uk no later than Wednesday 4 June.
16 Years On .............
............... and things haven't changed a bit!
This is a letter to the Newsletter Editor in 1998, the letter & cutting say it all:
Help Needed
Before we can contemplate a move, we need to lay down a few ground rules, the first of which is that Gill (Peeke) must have help from more members when it comes to the Wednesday evening interval tea & coffee, we cannot continue to impose on Gill or rely on the same few helpers week in, week out. We are particularly looking for someone who can step in to the breach on those odd occasions when Gill is unable to make it. If you can help, either email me with your details (newsletter@bristolphoto.org.uk) or have a word with Gill at any meeting.
BPS Website - Members' Gallery
Barry is looking for more images for the Members' Gallery on the BPS Website. He is particularly interested in images from newer members. They don't have to be world class images, they just have to show what you have been up to (photographically). Images need to be saved at 72dpi and sized at 600 pixels on the longest side.
Please email your images to Barry at barrymead@blueyonder.co.uk
Putting a White Border Around Your Image
At the annual projected image competition the judge, Tom Dodd, mentioned more than once the benefit of putting a fine white border around a dark image to separate it from the black background of the screen.  As Tom is not the first judge to mention this, we thought the following might be of use to those of you who are not too sure how to do it:

In Photoshop (whatever version) and Photoshop Elements
  • Select the whole image, either by going to Selection and clicking All, alternatively click Ctrl and a (Cmd and a on Mac).
  • Go to Edit – scroll down the menu to Stroke then on that Screen
  • Choose Width - 2 or 3 px , colour- white, click Inside then OK
  • Deselect by going to Selection and clicking Deselect, alternatively click Ctrl and d (Cmd and d on Mac).
And that’s all there is to it!

PAGB Inter-Club PDI Competition at Warwick
The PAGB Inter Club PDI Competition is being held at Warwick University on Saturday 12 July. BPS is representing the WCPF this year and it would be great to see a contingent of club members travelling to up the M5 to support us. If you'd like to order a ticket, you can download an order form by clicking on this link.
Competitions to Enter
'24 Hours in Bristol' is a unique photographic competition for amateur and professional photographers from the UK and beyond to put their creativity to the test by capturing the essence of life in this vibrant city of Bristol during over a single 24 hour period, which this year is 23-24 August. This is a competition organised by the City Council and even has some cash prizes (much better use of ratepayers' money than painting double yellow lines!). BPS member Paul Smith entered in 2013 and gained an award for his image of an early morning swimmer in Clifton Lido. For full details of the competition, please visit the official website.
2014 South Devon International Salon of Photography will consist of three Digital projected sections: Open (colour or mono) Creative/Altered Reality and Nature. Closing date 19 July. Full details and on-line entry on their website.
Things To Photograph
July & August - For those of you interested in a more sedate form of transport, there are a number of chances to photograph steam locos at Didcot Railway Centre in the coming months. Full details of these events can be found here.
Changes to the Programme
Please note these changes to the programme:
11th June
Delete - Rachel Burch
Add - Tony Byram ARPS EFIAP AWPF DPAGB and Jenny Byram DPAGB EFIAP/B BPE1*
“MR & MRS” Two different approaches to photography. Prints & DPI.

18th June
Delete - Ray Dowding
Add - David Burnett - “Burnett’s Baroque” DPI evening of visits to Dresden, Prague, Venice, Verona, Rome and Potsdam.
Calumet Open Day
The local branch of Calumet (at Montpelier) will be holding an open day on Thursday 5th June. Full details can be found by following this link. I'm told that an incentive to go along is the fact that there will be free sensor cleaning (Nikon & Canon only).
And Don't Forget ...........
“Photography for me is not looking, it’s feeling.  If you can’t feel what you’re looking at then you’re never going to get others to feel anything when they look at your pictures.”
Don McCullin
Trumpet Blowers' Corner
Congratulations to Sue O'Connell who can now put EFIAP after her name.
Sue is also chuffed that some of her images have reached the Finals of the USA Landscape Photographer of the Year competition. This is open to all nationalities but pictures must be taken in the US. She has three individual images and one portfolio of three in contention. The results will be published on line in USA Today
If you want to blow your own trumpet (or someone else's), then this is the place to do it. Please let me know and I'll include details in a future issue.
Items For Sale
Items will remain in this section for one month from the date of insertion or until notification of sale, whichever is the sooner.
(24/06) LG Monitor 20", ideal for use with a net book or laptop.
£57 ono contact John Hudson - jhnhd1@aol.com

(24/06) Panasonic Lumix TZ40 (Refurbished by Panasonic and used twice since) ideal pocket compact with 20x zoom.  
£117 ono contact John Hudson - jhnhd1@aol.com
If you have something photographic that you want to sell, let me have the details and I will circulate them to a captive audience of photographers through the Newsletter - send to the usual address.

Copy required
If you have anything you think other members would like to know about, such as exhibitions, special events etc. please let me know at newsletter@bristolphoto.org.uk
Missed a copy of the Newsletter?
To view past editions of this Newsletter, please click on the following link and then select the date(s) you are looking for - BPS Newsletter Archive

BPS Website - Members' Area "Log in"
To enter the Members' Area of the BPS website you will need the following:
User Name - chatroom            Password - pixel
If you have any problems getting into the Members' Area, please contact Carol, either by email: secretary@bristolphoto.org.uk or by telephone: 0117 9241338.
Bristol Photographic Society, 12 West Mall, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 4BH
Web: www.bristolphoto.org.uk                 Email: newsletter@bristolphoto.org.uk