Thursday, May 12, 2011
John 21:6 He said, "Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some." When they did, they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish.
They did not recognize the man on the shore in the early morning hours. And yet they did what He said. So powerful was His Word! Did they remember the other time they had fished all night? Did they remember another time they had been told to throw their nets on a certain side of the boat. That time the net had filled with fish and had begun to tear. This time the net filled with fish and they were unable to haul it in!
Was it all the similarities that caused John suddenly to recognize that it was the Lord standing on the shore? Now the "mysterious" was not so mysterious anymore. He was operating with them as He had before. But it was different. This time the One on the shore had been dead and was alive again! He was the One for whom they had been waiting! Impetuous Peter leaped into the sea and swam the last 100 yards while his cohorts dragged the heavy net to shore.
When we trace that happy recognition back, it came after the net filled with fish. But had they not believed the Word which told them to cast the net, how could it have filled? It was His guiding Word which made all the difference. And as we wait for our Lord's glorious return, let us follow His Word, for thereby will He bring whatever success He wants us to have, also in our everyday walk. And following His Word will further open our eyes to recognize Him from whom all blessings flow.