Hi Cat Lover,

Here's what's in this issue:

Special pet care webinar....
True "tails" of survival...
Jack the cat found alive at airport...
Pet theft up 50%...
Cat food news...
Holiday food drive...
Natural hairball remedy...

Stuff for Cat lovers...
Do it yourself flea prevention formula
Dr. Harvey's natural flea spray

Web sites to explore...
A smile for you...
Take action....


If you'll notice, I've sent you this month's Kitty Times a
couple of days early. That's because I want you to have
an opportunity to see if you wanted to watch a webinar
by Dr. Jones, the holistic vet in Canada, on natural pet
care. It's being called a Dog Webinar, but it's also about
cats, and many people also have dogs in their home, along
with the cats.

Even if you can't watch it, or don't care to, at least sign
up so you can download Dr. Jones' latest ebook on natural
pet care for dogs and cats. It's free.

Use this URL - http://bit.ly/sk2wau

(If it doesn't go through, try just typing it in. And if that
doesn't work, let me know.)

The webinar is on November 7, so time is of the essence
for registration.


Remember Jack the cat, who went missing at JFK
airport a few months ago? Well, they finally found him!
He's a little thin, but he's OK!



While searching for interesting stories for you this
week, I was quite alarmed to come across far too
many stories about abuse and torture. Is this a sign
of the times? Or are we just noticing this depraved
behavior more now?

I'm not going to tell you those sad stories here;
it's just too heart breaking. Instead, let's come up
with some positive stories of our own. Tell me what
you do when you see someone abusing an animal,
or if you've had a special experience saving one.

I'll start: Some years ago, when I was walking my
children around the block on a nice day, I saw some
kids in a yard throwing a kitten back and forth like a
baseball. I jumped the fence, grabbed the kitten and
yelled at the kids, and took the poor thing home with
me. The mother at that house never even called me
to complain that I took her kids' kitten. Maybe she
wasn't home. In any case, she didn't seem to care.

That was my first rescue, over 40 years ago, and
I've rescued many since then and even started a rescue
shelter in 2002. Not everyone goes that far, but we all
need to keep our eyes open and report any abuse or
neglect we see.


From October 30 to November 13, PETCO, the PETCO
Foundation, Best Friends Animal Society, and Hill’s
Science Diet will host the second annual Holiday Pet Food Drive.

All food collected during the food drive will be donated to
food banks in each local community to help families in
need care for and keep their pets. Sadly, too many pets
lose their homes due to the cost of feeding.

Food donations will be accepted at any PETCO location
during business hours. Hill’s Science Diet will match
donations of Science Diet pet food purchased at PETCO
during this food drive. Consider donating food for cats, dogs,
birds, and small animals.


Special Note: For anyone who is boycotting Petco, that's
understandable, HOWEVER, there are other organizations
who could sure use donations. It doesn't have to be Petco
specifically. Check with your local shelter or rescue groups
to see what kinds of help they need.


Here's something you may or may not know about...
Not all cats like it, but for those who do, this will help
with the hairballs....


Hope you didn't throw away your jack-o-lantern from
Halloween. Just cut it up, boil it, mash it, store it in
containers for future use, and set a little dish out for
them now and then. It's full of great nutrition, so you'll
be doing them a health favor, too.


Help Feed Shelter Animals

Don't forget to visit these sites as often as you can and
click on the shelter-feed links. There is no cost to you
to do this.



http://www.freekibblekat.com/ (Answer a trivia question...
even a wrong answer gives a donation.)

You can sign up for their daily reminders, too, if you need
a little nudge, like I do.

STUFF FOR CATS (and cat lovers)


All-Natural Cat Care Supplies


Do it yourself Flea Prevention formula:
To 8oz of water, add 10-20 drops each of rosemary and citronella oils.
You can add cedar oil to kill existing fleas, and to spray on bedding
to eliminate any there.


Natural flea spray:

WEB SITES to explore

Helpful information if you're traveling with your pet:

Video on pets choking

Nationwide veterinarian directory:

Flea Control Secrets http://bit.ly/daZr9h

Pet Poison Helpline

Keep this information "on top," that is, don't bury
it in a notebook or on your computer. When (if) you
should need it, you don't want to waste time looking for it.


-------- LATEST VIDEO -----------Talking Cat-----

Check out the video on my website, at the top of the page.

These sites provide up to date information on how to help animals:

1. http://www.pet-abuse.org
If you're so inclined, it's a good resource to find petitions to
sign, letters to write, or other actions we can take to help pets in
abuse situations.

2. http://www.dosomething.org/whatsyourthing/Animal+Welfare
A good resource for helping people decide what kinds of help best
fit their own abilities and interests.

3. http://bit.ly/1YfBeo
Five quick, easy ways to help rescue pets NOW!

4. http://www.hipaws.com/help.html
Help feed the kitties that didn't get adopted. There is a secure
PayPal donation button at the bottom of the page.


Watch for your next issue of The Kitty Times in 2 weeks!

Purrs and nosetaps,

Roberta, the Cat Lady
mskitty @ theproblemcat.com


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To see past issues of the Kitty Times:

Disclaimer: This email newsletter may contain
affiliate links that may provide compensation to
our shelter if a purchase is made. (Yes, we need
the help.)