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IAHF List: Please read the article below my comments titled "FDA Approves Injecting ID Chips in Patients".
Little by little I've been tracking this effort to control us via injectable microchips and have a whole section at IAHF.COM devoted to it. I also encourage you to check out the Anti NSA section of my site as well.
First they started chipping farm animals, livestock like cows, pigs, chickens. They did this to start getting us acclimated. Then they started chipping pet dogs and cats (again to get us acclimated). They wanted mothers to go to the Dr. with their infant child in tow and say "Doc! If its good enough for FIDO, its good enough for my KID, please CHIP the little monster so I can find him when he runs off!"
Then they started doing lots of publicity stunts by having high profile people get chipped, like former HHS Secretary Tommy Thompson who went to work for Applied Digital Solutions (makers of the injectable chip) after he left his government job.
They'll start with the Alzheimers and Diebetic patients, but in the end, they'll try to chip us ALL!!!
WHY do they want to do this? Is it JUST for ease of medical record keeping??
NO!!! It goes MUCH DEEPER than just that!
You need to become aware of the CIA's MKULTRA Mind Control Program if you're not already.
See http://www.aches-mc.org See http://www.us-government-torture.com The latter site especially has a lot of information about how to protect yourself from chips and from directed energy which can be used to influence your mind for societal control purposes. This is NOT "wildly paranoid delusional thinking" on my part.
Read this article titled Microchip Implants, Mind Control, & Cybernetics
by former Chief Medical Officer of Finland- Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde, MD
For INSPIRATION get and read the book OJIBWA WARRIOR: Dennis Banks & The Rise of the American Indian Movement
I just read it, and its HUGELY INSPIRATIONAL reading by a man who is a MASTER of survival and who has lived through several ARMED SKIRMISHES with the FEDSTAPO WHORES FROM HELL. If you aren't convinced that AMERIKA is the most evil country on the face of the earth, you'll BE convinced after reading this book and ALSO have delving into MKULTRA Mind Control and learning about THAT threat which these implanted chips are intended to be PART of, but we CAN stop this CRAP- for one thing, you can DISABLE an implanted chip using a Bob Beck Pulser: the electromagnetic pulses can WRECK the chips: http://www.myholistichealthshop.com/MagneticPulser.html
See article below "FDA Approves Injecting ID Chips in Patients"
Appreciate IAHF's efforts to save you from the BEAST? Donations help us do more public speaking, traveling to DC, lobbying in your behalf. PLEASE HELP! IAHF 556 Boundary Bay Rd., Point Roberts WA 98281 or via Paypal- our Paypal link is on the top of the scrollbar inside the site at http://www.iahf.com We need help getting to DC to try to kill the North American Security Act which would erase our borders with Canada and Mexico. We also need to agitate against forced implanted microchips by demanding Congress hold HEARINGS on this and that they REIN IN the FDA.
At some point we may have no choice but to EMULATE the American Indian Movement, please read Dennis Banks's book and learn from his good example because the GOVERNMENT IS our ENEMY.
FDA approves injecting ID chips in patients
by Alorie Gilbert,
November 19, 2005
ZDNet News - 2004-10-13
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The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved the practice of injecting humans with tracking devices for medical purposes, according to a Florida company that makes the devices.
Applied Digital, maker of the implantable VeriChip for humans, announced Wednesday the FDA's approval of its technology for use in hospitals following a yearlong review by the agency.
The computer chips, which are about the size of a grain of rice, are designed to be injected into the fatty tissue of the arm. Using a special scanner, doctors and other hospital staff can fetch information from the chips, such as the patient's identity, their blood type and the details of their condition, in order to speed treatment.
The company is targeting the devices at patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and other conditions requiring complex treatment.
Medical data is not stored on the devices, also known as radio frequency identification chips. Rather, it's stored in a database that links the chips' unique serial numbers with patient data. In its review, the FDA carefully studied the privacy issues around the technology, specifically the risk that medical records could be improperly disclosed, according to Applied Digital.
So far, no hospitals in the United States have placed orders for the chips, an Applied Digital representative said. So the company is planning to give away scanners, which cost $650 a piece, to 200 trauma centers around the country to jump-start the market.
The patient ID chips are taking off more quickly in other countries. In Mexico, more than 1,000 patients have been implanted with VeriChips. The Italian Ministry of Health is testing the technology in some hospitals there.
Applied Digital, based in Palm Beach, Fla., also markets the VeriChip as an authentication tool for use in building security and to complete financial transactions. The attorney general of Mexico and 200 people on his staff have already been implanted with the company's chips as part of an effort to control access to areas where confidential documents are kept.
The tags, which are inserted with a syringe, have been used to track pets and livestock for years, the company said.
Applied Digital has sold about 7,000 VeriChip devices, and approximately 1,000 have been inserted in humans, the company said in July. The company would not provide more current figures or disclose the price of the chips.