Tuesday, May 23, 2017


Luke 24:8 Then they remembered his words.

There are so many things that we don’t need in order to have the peace and joy of Easter in our hearts. It does not matter whether it is Saturday night or Sunday morning, or Tuesday morning, whether we are early or late in our life, or whether we even know. The angels will find us, no matter when or where our grave may be, and our grave, too, will one day be empty. For He is the First Fruits of them that sleep (1 Corinthians 15).

Nor do we need to worry about the greatness of our sin, which, like a stone, would keep us from God and all joy. The whole world could put it's solemn seal on that stone, testifying to our unworthiness, but that would not prevent our Savior from suffering in our place, and rolling that monstrous stone aside.

And when we stand before God, we will not need the sweet spices that we have prepared! For it will not be because of works that we have done, but because of God's own great goodness in Christ that our sins will be declared "punished," our debts "paid in full." All that is really needed is to *remember* how He told us, when He was with us this day: "Be of good cheer, your sins are forgiven." "Because I live, you shall live also."

Everything that was needed He has done, and His resurrection hands to us the victory over death, sin, and hell. No sickness, no injury, no test or trouble, no sorrow or disappointment, none of the storms and setbacks of this life can take this victory from us. Remember how he told you...