Thursday, September 7, 2017
Voices Newsletter

In This Issue...
  1. Lorrene's Blog
  2. What's Happening Next Rehearsal
  3. Website Music Links
  4. Rehearsal Schedule
  5. Dates to Remember
  6. Smelly Stuff
  7. Voice Exercises and Warmups
1.  Lorrene's Blog...
Welcome back or welcome for the first time to all our VOICES members!  It's great being back with everyone.  We've only had two rehearsals, but I'm very excited about the semester. 
One of our new members shared with me that she joined VOICES because with so many negative things happening in our country right now, she needed something that would give her joy, so she came to sing.  I never really thought about it that way, but I know, for me, VOICES is a truly uplifting part of my week.  I always feel good coming to rehearsal and I always feel good after rehearsal.  (As you found out, some nights I have to have a glass of chocolate milk when I get home because I am so pumped from rehearsal!  That happened again after this past week's rehearsal!)  😊
I've shared a little bit of my thought process with you regarding how I program and hope each member of VOICES can find at least one piece that they truly love.  I try to balance diversity of language, level of difficulty, genre and look for music with a good text, as well as try to blend things around a theme.  I always appreciate your input on the music or ideas for a concert theme.
I also try to change up my rehearsal techniques because I know people respond differently and learn differently; some more easily from hearing something; others more easily by reading the written music.  I'm so grateful to Ed for posting the music links on the website and to Ross for posting pronunciations and individual parts, as well.  These are both great tools to help us learn the music.
 Finally, I am so grateful to all of you for your love of singing and dedication to VOICES.  I feel so privileged to be in front of you each week and am so appreciative of your and the trust you have in me.
Have a wonderful week!

2.  What's Happening Next Rehearsal...
We need some folks to come a little early to rehearsal on September 11th to set up chairs - it is a quick task.
We will be taking registrations before rehearsal for the next 2 weeks.  If you know anyone who wants to join or at least give us a try, make sure to let them know about rehearsal.  Registration will begin at 6:30 and rehearsal will begin at 7:00 PM. 

3.  Website Tutorial Files and Music Links...
We have posted YouTube links for this semester's music and will add more links as they become available.  The files can be found on the Voices Website:
4.  Rehearsal Schedule...
September 11,18, 25
October 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
November 6, 13, 20, 27
December 4
Concert date is Saturday, December 9th
5.  Dates To Remember...

A workshop to benefit the Affiliated Choruses of Ithaca

Open to all – music reading is not necessary!
Saturday, September 23, 2017
10:00 – 12:30, with registration and coffee at 9:30 and a midway break
Unitarian Annex, 208 E. Buffalo St., Ithaca
$20 Registration benefits the 4 projects of the
Affiliated Choruses of Ithaca

Complete details and to register:

6.  About Perfumes, Scents, Essential Oils and Garlic Around Your Neck...
Please remember to avoid wearing perfumes, colognes, essential oils and other scents to rehearsals as they create respiratory discomfort for some of our singers.

7.  Voice Exercises and Warmups...
Looking for a way to exercise your voice between rehearsals? Cyberbass is free website that has sizeable list of vocal warmups that play on your computer, smartphone or tablet. You can also purchase CD's with various exercises and warmups if you choose.  Go to
Questions, Comments and Newsletter Items...
The Voices Newsletter will be published each Thursday during the Fall semester.  Have a question about Voices, comments or suggestions for the newsletter, or do you have an item for the newsletter (items should be related to the chorus or the local music community)?  Contact Ed Olmstead at  
Ithaca Community Choruses, Inc.