Thursday, November 24, 2011
Psalm 145:15-16 The eyes of all look expectantly to You, and You give them their food in due season. You open Your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing.
We do not like to think of ourselves of being dependent upon anyone. It is a bit of stigma to admit that we need someone, or must rely on someone. Today, though, I would ask you to not only to admit your dependence upon the Lord, but relish it.
We first must confess that we have not only failed to recognize God's hand in our lives providing for our needs, but more often than not have shown a lack of appreciation for it.
Our sinful nature quickly twists a wonderful dependency to selfishness and ingratitude. It's so easy to take for granted that on certain days we get paid, that we open up the refrigerator and find food, that we may go out and start up the car. If these things do not occur, we quickly become angry and bitter.
Today though, celebrate your dependence by worshiping the One upon whom you are dependent. Marvel at the graciousness of your God. He is under no obligation to see to it that we have the physical blessings as we profess in Luther's explanation of the first article of the Apostles' Creed. Yet He does provide. He even provides for those who do not believe in Him -- causing the rain to fall on the just and the unjust. He has lavished great things upon us, providing for us richly and daily. Despite the fact that we are sinners and undeserving of even one crumb or one drop, God has provided and continues to provide for our needs.
His graciousness is further seen that in this providing there is a time of grace for each of us on this earth, a time in which He has brought us to faith in Him. He has given us further time on this earth to glorify Him, and to bring His message of salvation to others. He sustains us physically and in this way continues to bless us and others spiritually.
Think of that feeling of security on your mother or father's lap. Think of that security of a child -- not knowing how it is that he is warm and fed, but confident that it will happen. That is the confidence that we can have in our heavenly Father. Appreciate with thanksgiving your dependence. We have a great deal. We have an even greater God.