Friday, November 9, 2007

Psalm 3:5-6 I lay down and slept; I awoke, for the LORD sustained me. I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people Who have set themselves against me all around.


Just last night I saw a TV show in which a sadistic murderer kept a young girl in a small locked room. The girl had a morbid fear of snakes and her torturer covered the floor of the room with snakes. The snakes actually weren't poisonous, but the girl didn't know that, and even if she had I'm not sure it would have been much of a comfort to her. The girl was locked in that room for two weeks and I went to bed wondering if in such a situation she slept at all. I personally have no particular fear of snakes as long as they aren't poisonous, but I don't think I could have slept on a floor crawling with them.

David, having just admitted that he was surrounded by his enemies, declares that he was trapped in a room with his worst fears. Nevertheless he lies down to sleep in peace, confident that he will awake again. Nor is David the only one. Daniel walked among the lions without fear. Three men warmed themselves in the furnace without pain. Paul and Silas sang contentedly in shackles. Martin Luther returned to preach in full view of the public, fearing not the ban of the emperor or the wrath of the pope. All these lay down and slept in peace under the very eyes of those who hated them, for they "considered Him faithful who promised."

On the other hand, what does God say about the wicked? "'There is no peace,' says my God, 'for the wicked.'" Despite all they faced, despite all the troubles that surrounded them, the saints of the past lay down to sleep in peace, knowing that God was protecting them. We too lie down to sleep in peace even though ten thousands of our enemies surround us. The wicked may sleep, but not in peace, even though no one pursues them. We with all the saints of God rest in peace with God -- even if the snakes are venomous.