Satellietgroep in cooperation with iii (instrument inventors initiative), ArtScience Interfaculty & TodaysArt warmly invite you to join the program during the Pre Summer Solstice on the Zandmotor.
Please register in advance at and we will inform you on the route (by bicycle, public transport or car) and what you need to know when visiting the Zandmotor.
Location: Argusmast at Zandmotor, south of The Hague
Dresscode: Outdoor
English text below
SPECIAL: FM Zandmotor Radio by Fauna
Marije Baalman, Lars Kynde, Tobias Lukassen, Christian Liljedahl, Ana Lemnaru, Grzegorz Marcinak, Maya Verlaak, Adam Basanta, David Pocknee, Tena Lazarevic, Jesse Smits, Kay Churcher, Cecile Gentili, Sophie Rust.
Performances vanaf 19:00

iii (instrument inventors initiative) is een kunstenaarsplatform uit Den Haag dat zich richt op zelfontwikkelde instrumenten en performatieve media met beeld, geluid, ruimte en het lichaam. iii brengt het laboratorium naar buiten en biedt unieke en speelse ervaringen aan publiek van alle leeftijden.
Voor SAND SONGS zijn kunstenaars gevraagd om het landschap van de Zandmotor te benaderen als een muziekinstrument dat bespeeld wordt door de natuurlijke elementen en door menselijk ingrijpen. De kunstenaars maakten speciaal voor de Zandmotor performances en muzikale composities door op inventieve wijze gebruik te maken van electronica, geluid, licht, de wind, waterstromen en het zand.
SPECIAL: 'Sur Polar - Art in Antarctica' door Andrea Juan
A TASTE OF THE ZANDMOTOR: Waterpionier door Satellietgroep & De Onkruidenier
CineMare start na zonsondergang

Kunstenaarscollectief Satellietgroep nodigt sinds 2014 kunstenaars, ontwerpers en studenten van ArtScience Interfaculty uit om in samenwerking met wetenschappers en locale experts werken te ontwikkelen die ons laten nadenken over een veranderend kustlandschap, klimaatverandering en de rol van de mens in deze processen.

Op 18 juni presenteren we in de 2e pop up openlucht CineMare op de Zandmotor de première van het videowerk ‘Climate Proof’ door kunstenaar Esther Kokmeijer.
Tijdens haar residentie bij Satellietgroep heeft Esther het Experiment Klimaatbestendigheid op de Zandmotor gerealiseerd met als onderzoeksvraag: Hoe klimaatbestendig zijn we als mens eigenlijk?
Tijdens de Winterzonnewende 21/22 december 2015 is onder leiding van verschillende experts extreme kou en hitte ervaren. Het experiment is gefilmd met o.a. warmte camera en infrarood wildcamera. Dit klimaatexperiment is onderdeel van het artistiek onderzoek ‘Because we Meet’ van Esther in China op uitnodiging van het Mondriaan Fonds, op Base Esperanza in Antarctica op uitnodiging van Sur Polar, SM Pro Art, D.N.A., Argentina Ministry of Foreign Affairs en op de Zandmotor op uitnodiging van Satellietgroep.
Tevens wordt de korte documentaire 'Sur Polar - Art in Antarctica' door Andrea Juan getoond over het artist in residency programma door kunstenaars op Antarctica.

Op deze avond verzorgt Satellietgroep in samenwerking met de Onkruidenier een speciale Zandmotor Proeverij in het kader van het lopende onderzoek De Waterpionier.
Door plant, dier en mens wordt het nieuwe kustlandschap van de Zandmotor toegeëigend. Voor pioniers is de eerste zorg drinkwater. Op de Zandmotor is geen zichtbare vorm van zoet water aanwezig. Er zijn geen rivieren of drinkwaterkranen. Het lijkt het meest op een woestijn in zee.
Halotolerant is het adaptieve vermogen van levende organismen om te overleven in omgevingscondities met een hoog zoutgehalte. Wat kunnen we leren van het vermogen van planten en dieren om zich aan te kunnen passen aan een zoute omgeving?  We gaan op zoek naar water en we bevragen in hoeverre mensen zelf Halotolerant kunnen worden. De Waterpionier is een samenwerking met Dunea (Duin en Drink Water) en NatureCoast om de gradiënten van zout en zoet water van de Zandmotor en in de duinen van Solleveld te leren begrijpen.
Met dank aan onze Zandmotor partners, Stroom, BankGiro Loterij Fonds (v/h stichting DOEN) en de gemeente Den Haag.
SPECIAL: FM Zandmotor Radio by Fauna
Performances: start at 19:00

For SAND SONGS a group af artists is invited to imagine this landscape as if it is a musical instrument, played by the natural elements and by human intervention. The artists developed performances and musical compositions especially for the landscape of the Zandmotor. In a series of short and longer interventions, they make use of sound, light, the wind, water flow and the sand in new and inventive ways. Flying a kite becomes a new way to make electronic music; home made pulse jet motors generate a composition on the scale of a landscape; there are kinetic wind and light sculptures; a soundwalk guides you along as you walk blindfolded, and you can take part in a musical treasure hunt, searching for sounding objects buried in the sand.
Read more about the SAND SONGS program:
The program of SAND SONGS is produced within iii's international artist-in-residence program, in collaboration with the ArtScience Interfaculty, Satellietgroep/DCR Gueststudios and TodaysArt and with the support of the Creative Industries Fund NL and Stroom Den Haag.
SPECIAL: 'Sur Polar - Art in Antarctica' by Andrea Juan
A TASTE OF THE ZANDMOTOR: Waterpioneer by Satellietgroep & De Onkruidenier
CineMare: start after sunset
You are warmly invited to join the premiere of the videowork 'Climate Proof' by Esther Kokmeijer.
Since 2014 artists collective Satellietgroep invites artist in residents for artistic research on the Zandmotor. Artists, designers and stiudents of ArtScience Interfaculty are encouraged to develop new and insightful works in collaboration with locals and experts that reflect on coastal transitions, climate change and the role of human influence in these processes, to be shared during Public Expeditions.
On invitation of Satellietgroep artist in resident Esther Kokmeijer realized artistic research about the climate adaptivity of humans on the Zandmotor.
The Climate Experiment on the Zandmotor took place during the Winter Solstice on 21/22 of December 2015, the shortest day and the longest night. Led by several different experts a select group of 15 invitees experienced, embraced and questioned extreme cold and heat to the limits of their body. Among the experts were Dirk Sijmons, Jurjen Annen (cold expert), Mark Hoek (heat ritual), Theun Karelse and the Rescue brigade Monster. The experiment was documented for a short documentary and publication. This project is part of an ongoing series of works ‘Because we Meet’ of Esther about her research in China on invitation by the Mondriaan Fund, on Base Esperanza in Antarctica on invitation of Sur Polar, SM Pro Art, D.N.A., Argentina Ministry of Foreign Affairs and on the Zandmotor on invitation of Satellietgroep.
The program includes the special screening of 'Sur Polar - Art in Antarctica' by Andrea Juan. This is a short documentary film about the Residency Art Program from Sur Polar artists, hosted in Antractica.
During this event Satellietgroep & De Onkruidenier offer you a taste of the Zandmotor, as part of the ongoing research on the Zandmotor, called The Water Pioneer.
Plants, animals and humans appropriate the new coastal landscape of the Zandmotor. The first concern for these pioneers is drinking water. On the Zandmotor there are no visible forms of fresh water. No rivers and no water taps, a dessert surrounded by the salty waters of the sea.
Halotolerance is the ability of living organisms to adapt and survive in conditions with a high salt content. What can we learn from the ability of plants and animals to adapt and survive in a salty environment? Can humans evolve and become more Halo(salt)tolerant?
Satellietgroep & De Onkruidenier collaborates with Dunea (Dune and Drinking Water) and NatureCoast to learn to understand the gradients of salinazation of the Zandmotor and Solleveld dunes.

CineMare#1 with Laboratory for Microclimates. Photo: Florian Braakman

Research Waterpionier by Satellietgroep & De Onkruidenier. Photo: Twien
You can also contribute to the activities of Satellietgroep! Spread the word or invite us for a presentation, research, collaboration or exchange project. Satellietgroep works also on commissions. Feel free to contact us at or browse our website for ideas. 
Satellietgroep programs 3 DCR Gueststudios at DCR, the cultural incubator in The Hague that also houses 35 permanent studios for artists and designers, including the studio of Satellietgroep, Zaal 3 - laboratory for performing arts of Theater aan het Spui, sound studio Loos, Cloud Danslab and exhibition space Nest.
Contact our coordinator Lotte Bosman at if you are interested in a short or long term cultural visit in The Hague. More at |
Looking forward to meet you!
Jacqueline Heerema, Ronald Boer & Francois Lombarts, the curatorial team of Satellietgroep.
With special thanks to our partners & funds:

Artists collective Satellietgroep (The Hague, 2006) explores through arts the social and ecological impact of the sea and coastal transitions on cities, people, communities and environments, and vice versa the influence of mankind on coastal transitions and climate change in The Netherlands and abroad. Our aim is to enhance public and professional awareness. Satellietgroep hosts artists in residents for artistic fieldwork, collaborate with locals and experts and develop new concepts and works that reflect the resilience of coexistence of man and water, in past, present and future.
Long term projects are 'Badgast' - artist in residency program at The Hague/Scheveningen (2009-2014), 'Now Wakes The Sea', the international exchange residency program in collaboration with international cultural partners (since 2012). Since 2014 Satellietgroep develops the first artistic research on the Zandmotor, the newest innovation on coastal protection called Building with Nature. In these programs artist in residencies are used as a research method to enable artists and scientists to do fieldwork and to work on site with local partners, coastal communities and experts in order to map out and research the current status of coastal transitions and to generate new narratives and perspectives. The programs function as an alternative source for collecting. New concepts and works are developed that we connect and contextualize with existing works for public events like traveling film festivals, exhibitions, workshops and presentations at expert conferences. Artist in residents are invited to critically explore and visualize the zones of coexistence of man and water and reveal different perspectives. By interconnecting coastal communities, arts and science we share local knowledge on global level to gain sustainable insights on coastal transitions that transcend local and national issues.