Hello BodyBeats freaks!!
After almost two months of silence (no newsletters send) we are here again with some more new events fueled with finger licking good artists & music!
First of all, don't forget THIS weekend we are having our 21th BIMFEST featuring no-one less than the notorious Belgian "Big in the USA" cultband Lords Of Acid as headliners on Friday 1 December and Robert Görl representing legendary Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft or D.A.F. on Saturday 2 December. Eleven other known and brand new bands will of course spice up BIMFEST 2023 with their dark waves & beats!
Scroll further down for more info and to check all our other upcoming events!
Win win win!
Like with every BodyBeats newsletter we are giving away some goodies & tickets amongst our loyal newsletter subscribers ! All you have to do is reply to this newsletter with the answer to the following question ... At which time-index does the singing start on this song from Lifeless Past.
A very innocent hand will draw 5 lucky goodie winners, their names will be published here!
BodyBeats ain't still dead yet! Stay healthy!
01 + 02.12 BIMFEST XXI feat. DAF, Lords Of Acid, SA'42 & many more! |
BodyBeats Productions & De Casino proudly present : BELGIAN INDEPENDENT MUSIC FESTIVAL 2023 feat. D.A.F. , Lords Of Acid & many more!
While we are finalizing the 21th edition our renowned, congenial alternative underground music festival, we can already say we are honored to have DEUTSCH AMERIKANISCHE FREUNDSCHAFT / Robert Görl & DAF confirmed for BIMFEST 2023! Also the LORDS OF ACID will play a rare EU exclusive club show for us! We can confirm also the return of PLACEBO EFFECT to Belgium after een absence of almost 28 years!
Also performing @ BIM 2023 are QUAL, SIGNAL AOUT '42, THIS MORN' OMINA, 2ND FACE, SCHICKSAL (Exclusive reboot show!), NER/OGRIS, THE ULTIMATE DREAMERS, MANGELEXEMPLAR, LIFELESS PAST & SUCH BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS! Get your tickets now before they are gone!
08.12 A Split-Second + Invisible Limits @ Spook Club - Valencia - Spain |
BodyBeats Productions & Spook Club proudly present : A SPLIT-SECOND + Invisible Limits+ Interfront @ 39 Aniversario Spook Club Valencia - ES
On December 8th the renown Spook Club in Valencia will celebrate its 39th anniversary and they will do it in style by inviting 3 live bands and some legendary local dj's!
We are delighted A SPLIT-SECOND was chosen to be a part of this magic celebration, together with German cultband Invisible Spirit and the Spanish Cult band Interfront this will be a night to be remembered! More info: FACEBOOK EVENT
01.03 The Juggernauts + Front 242 + Nitzer Ebb + Mirexxx @ Porta Nigra - Aarschot - B |
BodyBeats Productions & Porta Nigra proudly present :
Friday March 1 - 2024 FRONT 242 + NITZER EBB
THE JUGGERNAUTS + MIREXXX Stadsfeestzaal - Aarschot - B
We at BodyBeats Productions are proud to announce Nu-EBM combo THE JUGGERNAUTS are invited to warm-up the crowd for those other , and legendary juggernauts of Electronic Body Music, FRONT 242 & Nitzer Ebb!
24.02.24 International EBM day 2024 @ De Casino - St.Niklaas - B |
BodyBeats Productions & De Casino proudly present:
That's right! 24.2. The International EBM Day is approaching ... again! We think we managed to put together another cool pounding line-up for our 2024 edition! No-one less than Scandinavian EBM legend CAT RAPES DOG will headlining our 4th edition. After an absence of ??? years this combo returns to Belgium for another exclusive club show! If that isn't enough we also have a new rising EBM star, all the way from Los Angels (US), SPIKE HELLIS, who just started to conquer the world with their stunning and updated Wax-Trax-ish pounding sound. Belgian rising EBM star MILDREDA will also be present to introduce us to his brand new work and blasting tracks from his back-catalogue. Another pounding EBM project we invited is HUMAN STEEL, this German based band which original founded in Poland by Wojciech Gierowski, now also features ex-PROJECT PITCHFORK / DIE KRUPPS live drummer Nook and is ready to kick some ass at our event! The Belgian ZYNIK 14 will be opening this great night with their EBM-Electro punk tunes and beats!
Of course, our resident DJ BORG will provide the afterparty with some more pounding Electronic Body Music!
Some more up-coming & BodyBeats powered events! |
-------------------------------Dates to put in your agenda!------------------------------------
13.01 Sonar, Zwickau, D 03.02 Motor!k @ De Warande, Turnhout, D
24.02 Dive @ Columbiahalle, Berlin, D
31.03 Absolute Body Control @ Waveteef, JH Wommel, Wommelgem, B
So, musical & party friends, that's it for now ... But there's is still more to come! Check our website www.bodybeats.be for more info and even more upcoming concerts!
Feel free to forward this newsletter or to all whom it might concern!
Thanks for your time and support!