To: Firstname Lastname
Your BPS Membership No:
Your BPS Membership renewal date:
Hello, Firstname |
Please note: if you forward this newsletter to other people, you must remove the unsubscribe information from the email you send to them. If you do not, and one of them clicks on the unsubscribe link, it is YOU who will be unsubscribed. It can be found at the foot of every newsletter. |
What's in this issue:
- Virgin Media outage
- Next week's meeting
- Print Competition closing date
- Competition rules
- Prints - Collect Them or Lose Them!
- Downloads (PAGB eNews & Photography News)
- Programme For Submission of Applications for FIAP Distinctions
- RPS AV Festival
- Masters of Print
- Smethwick International Exhibition
- Crown Monochrome
- Dorchester CC Exhibition
Zoom this week
Virgin Media dropped us in the smelly stuff this week, by having a serious outage just as we were about to start Wednesday's meeting. This meant that we were unable to share the meeting over Zoom, so sorry all you Zoomers. Just to make you feel even worse, you missed a cracking evening!
Below is a screen grab from Virgin's website on Wednesday evening.
Next week we welcome back to BPS, Scott Hurd, who will be talking to us live from Namibia. Scott last graced our screens in January when he gave us his talk Living and Working as a Professional Photographer in Namibia - Part 1, this time we will be seeing the sequel to Part 1, not unsurprisingly called Part 2. If the first talk is anything to go by, this will definitely be an evening not to miss.
This is a Zoom talk which will be beamed both to the clubrooms and those at home.
For those who've already seen part one, Scott continues talking about his life as a photographer in his fascinating, adopted country.
This is a completely new talk, highlighting different areas of the country, new work assignments including more lodges and the Afrikaner 4x4 sport of Vasbyt, even more conservation with the Desert adapted horses, and even more wildlife including more elephants and eggs on legs. Camera techniques and tips abound. His usual relaxed and informed manner remains the same!
The diverse Namibian wildlife ranging from the desert adapted elephant to the tiny palmetto gecko has always been the icing on Scott's very big cake. Each animal presents its own challenges, but with observation and learning comes understanding, and from that a logical shooting strategy emerges that can be applied to most animals worldwide. This talk draws on some of his most interesting conservation projects as well as encounters in the bush and desert that have stirred his soul. He shares a wealth of photographic, stalking and editing techniques and looks at the joys, problems, and ethics of shooting in his extreme African environment. Scott peppers the evening with glimpses of fascinating animal behaviour, all of which help him to dig deeper and find shots that most don't even consider.
Here are a few images to give you an idea of what to expect: |
Login details:
- Wednesday 20 September @ 19:30hrs
- Log in: Click HERE
- Meeting ID: 834 9732 4245
- Password: 316208
Print Competition Closing Date |
The closing date for the first print round of the new season is Wednesday, September 27 and there is a box awaiting your entries on the stage in Unit 13.
For new members, members venturing into prints for the first time and, dare I say it, established members who may wish a little reminder, here are a few pointers.
Club level entrants may submit a maximum of 3 prints in each round of the competition. Intermediate and Advanced entrants may submit a maximum of 2. Prints awarded by the judge earn points. Across the four rounds these points are accumulated. Trophies are presented in each of the 3 levels (Club, Intermediate, and Advanced) to the holders of the highest number of points at the end of the four rounds.
Prescribed Topic Challenge
For entrants at all levels, one of your 3 or 2 images may be submitted for an optional Prescribed topic challenge in each round. These will be judged together, regardless of the entrant’s level. This entry must be identified by ticking the box on the print label. Points gained for the Prescribed topic will also accrue to the entrant’s score at the appropriate level.
A separate tally of Prescribed scores will be kept, with an award for the winner at the end of the season.
You can download labels for your prints from the Members’ Portal on the website. To find the current labels for prints, either go to Competition Closing Dates and find the download links at the foot of the list or go to Competition Rules & Info -> General Guide For Entrants and find the same links there.
It’s also important that you supply a digital copy of each print you enter. This should be the same size as for the PDI competitions – 1600 x 1200 – but there will be no need to give any other information than your name and the title. You don’t need to add your membership number or level of entry. Please upload the digital copies of your prints via this link:
The judge for Round 1 of the print competition will be John Tilsley APAGB, DPAGB, ARPS and the optional Prescribed topic for this round is Water.
David Alderson
Print Competition Secretary
Full details of the competition rules can be found in the Members' Area of the BPS website; or f ollow this link to download a full set of the 2023-24 BPS Competition Rules for both prints and PDIs, including the prescribed topics for all rounds and a set of print labels.
Prints - Collect Them or Lose Them! |
A large number of prints from previous competitions have accumulated at the front of the clubrooms. So that we can start the new competition season afresh, would members please collect their prints by the end of September, so as to avoid the poor Print Competition Secretary having to take them home to put out for the recycling man! If you don't want them kept, please let us know and we will dispose of them.
Prints belong to the following members (they are stacked in membership number order, highest at the top):
Member No |
Name |
No |
Name |
512 |
David Alderson |
600 |
Allan Jones |
438 |
Mike Bews |
672 |
Yealand Kalfayan |
666 |
Margaret Chambers |
585 |
Brian McBride |
583 |
Steve Field |
670 |
Linda Meaton |
566 |
Mike Hall |
492 |
Derwood Pamphilon |
711 |
Jay Hallsworth |
636 |
Glynnys Poole |
44 |
Beryl Heaton |
634 |
Ralph Snook |
479 |
John Hudson |
481 |
Andrew Wood |
466 |
Peter Humby |
There are also some prints going back to 2020 which were entered in the Salon, they belong to:
600 |
Allan Jones |
621 |
Bob Phelps |
87 |
Gordon Stirrat |
NEW - Download Issue 340 of PAGB eNews HERE .
Download the latest edition of Photography News (Issue 110) HERE |
Programme For Submission of Applications for FIAP Distinctions |
Applicants for AFIAP, EFIAP and EFIAP Levels who have achieved the criteria (**see note below) should, by email, contact Howard Tate to register, at, at any time from Monday 13th November 2023 until Wednesday 31st January 2024
PLEASE DO NOT seek to register unless you have achieved the criteria and the relevant salon Files have been submitted to FIAP (**see note below). The process is not designed to deal with speculative requests made in the hope or expectation of reaching targets before the deadline date.
** Note:- Achieving the criteria means that, not only have you achieved the required results, BUT ALSO that FIAP have received the relevant “Salon Report Files” from the salons. This can be checked on the “myfiap” Platform at:-
To register, please email Howard with your details, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER YOU HAVE APPLIED BEFORE, and include:
a) Your full name & address including post code, and telephone number(s).
b) The distinction you intend applying for.
c) Confirmation that you have achieved the criteria as described above.
d) Details of the number of your FIAP Life Card AND of your “FP Number” (ie TWO separate numbers). Once this is received, and subject to the next paragraph, you will be forwarded an “Applications Package”.
No registrations will be accepted after 31st January 2024, so please do not ask. No acceptances from salons with a 2024 FIAP Salon Number will be accepted, regardless of when those results are received. If you have not achieved your target by the above date, you must wait until the 2025 submission to apply. Once you have received the “Applications Package”, fully complete the whole (ie: all 3 required sheets) of the FIAP Dossier file as early as practicable and submit a copy of it to me by email for checking, but not until Friday 1 December 2023.
Once your Dossier file has been approved and sent back to you, you can complete your application fully and post it to me. However, to enable my family to enjoy Christmas without piles of applications around, please do not forward them until on or after Friday 5 January 2024.
The closing date for fully completed applications to reach me is Sunday 31 March 2024. This timetable ensures that, for anyone who is following on from an award gained in 2023, there will be the necessary 12 months gap between the previous distinction award level and application for the next award level.
MFIAP Applications
You should aim to have your application completed and with me no later than Friday 15 December 2023. Because of the FIAP Distinctions workload, any submissions after this date cannot be guaranteed to reach FIAP in time for the 2024 batch of submissions to be processed.
FIAP Liaison Officer for the PAGB
A message from the RPS:
I am writing to you as the members of your Photographic Society may be interested in the above event. The Festival is being held over the weekend of Saturday 30 September and Sunday 1 October 2023 in the Tony Troman Theatre, The Royal Photographic Society, RPS House, 337 Paintworks, Arnos Vale, Bristol, BS4 3AR, UK. Both days will start promptly at 10:00 a.m. We have received 65 entries from 12 different countries and 74 authors, and they will all be shown. The Tony Troman Theatre is a 101 seater auditorium, which has a high quality projector, surround sound, and a 12’ 6” by 6’ 6” screen, which is proportional to the size of the theatre. The Theatre has comfortable raked seats, each of which has a small built in movable writing table.
The Festival is a hybrid event as it will be judged ‘live’, with the results announced on the Sunday afternoon in the Theatre. There is also the opportunity to view the event over Zoom. Session tickets can be booked on the website
- The
closing date for booking tickets to attend the Festival in person at the
Tony Troman Theatre, RPS House, plus lunch if required, is 23:00 BST on
Thursday 21st September 2023. The cost is £17 per day and £6
for lunch each day, if required.
- The
closing date for booking tickets to watch the Festival over the weekend
via Zoom, is 23:00 BST on Tuesday 26th September 2023. The cost
is £10 for a Zoom Ticket, which covers both days.
If your members would prefer not to book ahead, but would like to attend, they can pay at the door, but I suggest they telephone the Festival Director, Edgar Gibbs FRPS MPAGB AV-AFIAP, on 07989 444326, to ensure that seats are available.
On the website you can also read previous Editions of Festival News. More detailed information on the location of RPS House and parking, together with the timetable for the Festival can be found in Edition 2 of Festival News.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Kind regards,
Assistant Festival Director
Mobile 07989 444321
Click on image for further details
Salon acceptances: Contrary to popular belief, I do not possess psychic powers and need you to tell me if you've had successes. If you want to blow your own trumpet (or someone else's), then this is the place to do it. Please let me know and I'll include details in a future issue.
If you have any photographic items for sale, drop me a line and I'll include it in the next newsletter. Please make sure that you provide contact details, price and full description of the sale items (pictures always help).
IMPORTANT: Personal Detail Changes |
Please don't forget that if you change your address (home or email), or gain additional photographic distinctions, it would be appreciated if you could let the Membership Secretary know so that she can keep her records up to date, this will also ensure that you continue to receive your newsletters - please email all changes to
The distinctions we have on record are those shown at the top of this newsletter, please remember, if you don't tell us we can't possibly know!
For those of you who aren't sure what MPAGB, EFIAP/s and many more such seemingly random collections of letters mean, just click here to see the list.
Missed a Copy of the Newsletter?
To view past editions of this Newsletter, please click on the following link and then select the date(s) you are looking for - BPS Newsletter Archive
BPS Website - Members' Portal "Log in" |
To enter the Members' Portal of the BPS website you will need the following:
Username - Your Membership Number Password - Created by you
If you have any problems getting into the Members' Area, please contact Matt by email:
Bristol Photographic Society,
Unit 13, Montpelier Central, Station Rd, Bristol, BS6 5EE