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Issue 622 Extra
3 Mar 2025 |
To: Firstname Lastname
Your BPS Membership No:
Your BPS Membership renewal date:
Hello, Firstname |
Bristol Photographic Society – Supporting Members |
Everyone will be familiar with the weekly meetings in Unit 13 shared over zoom. These are a great opportunity to see a variety of speakers, across varied genres or have your work judges.
But if you want a more hands-on approach to help improve your photography, opportunity to share ideas, etc, there are plenty of other opportunities:
The Digital Imaging Group |
This will continue to run on a bi-monthly basis, hosted by Rachel Domleo and will run hand in hand with the other initiatives and activities outlined below. The aim of the Digital Imaging Group is to learn, share, improve and enjoy!
The Digital Imaging practical sessions will be merging with the newly formed Studio Group headed by Mike Martin. Sharing editing tips and techniques will remain a DI Group activity for members to share their experience and learn from each other.
The next practical session is scheduled for Monday 17th March at 7.30pm [This session will not be zoomed] and will cover table-tops using tools. If you have any old tools, bric-a-brac, etc, bring it along and have a go at photographing them – feel free to bring any fruit or veg to augment your creations too.
Bring tripods (if you need to borrow one, let Mike know). It’s also worth bringing hand torches to illuminate your creations.
Here are a few images taken at the Monday daytime Studio Group, to give you an idea of what you can do. I’m sure you can beat these.
Simon Caplan will be presenting at the April DI group, and I’m sure we’ll all be able to learn where we went wrong!
Rachel Domleo
Mike Martin has been hosting sessions for Photographers with Disabilities for the last couple of years. With the formal dissolution of that charity a number of their members have joined BPS and Mike has committed to continue hosting Monday meets whilst opening these to ALL Members. So why not come along for a chat and get involved?
Depending upon who turns up, these meetings will be an opportunity to practice using the studio lights, light painting or doing tabletop sessions. To date we’ve experimented with lightboxes and still life (see top & bottom rows in the image below)
If there is a particular theme or something particular that you want to do, let Mike know.
On a monthly basis (last Monday) there will be more formal portrait studio sessions - the 10am - 1pm session will be open to anyone to attend (ie prioritising regular attendees) whilst depending upon the model's availability there may also be a follow on session from 1.15pm to 4.15pm for a limited number of members (booking list will be opened nearer the date) to give a better shoot experience. The first two of these have been a fantastic success.
Here’s a few snaps from the last portrait session (There are sure to be a few competition entries from these in the coming months!).
Once fully established, it’s hoped to supplement the monthly Monday photoshoots with evening or weekend sessions particularly for those members still in employment. In the meantime, anyone un-able to participate on Mondays, feeling left out, why not book your own Studio session with a model of your choosing?
Mike Martin
Keep an eye out for outings and events which take members beyond the club’s four walls, as these events offer great opportunities to try something new, learn new skills, build up your portfolio and just as importantly have a great day out. Mike Hall co-ordinates these so contact him if you have any ideas of events or locations worth a visit.
Mike Hall
Print/PDI and Panel evenings
These are a great opportunity to receive specific feedback on images whether you simply want to improve or are looking for competition success or actively pursuing distinctions.
Recognising the importance of printing and print presentation, experts will be on hand to offer guidance as necessary. Similarly, if you’re considering LRPS which are PDI only now, or PAGB distinctions you can bring PDI images for review/critique.
Ralph Snook
Keep an eye on the newsletter for more details on all the above activities.
You can view dates and times for all the above activities on the BPS programme page in the members area, which is regularly updated.
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Bristol Photographic Society,
Unit 13, Montpelier Central, Station Rd, Bristol, BS6 5EE