BPS Newsletter                                                                                             5 September 2012
To: Firstname Lastname 
Your BPS Membership No:
Hello Firstname
Wednesday 5 September
The new season kicks off with the Chairman's Evening. Barry will be showing a wide selection of projected images ranging from such diverse subjects as wildlife in Kenya, Florida and Namibia taken during the last few years, through to creative work derived from such subjects as Holy Week parades in Andalusia, the Wow Gorillas that were in Bristol last summer and the Venice Carnival project which has been ongoing since visiting the Venice Carnival back in February this year. Many of the images are part of his recent FIAP International activities plus some non-themed odds and sods. There will also be some images made purely for amusement which most might find funny; Sorry Shaun!!
There will be a selection of prints on display during the interval.
Projected Image Competition - Round 1
5 September is also the closing date for Round 1 of the Projected Image Competition. The judge is BPS member, Pete McCloskey FRPS APAGB. As mentioned in a previous Newsletter, the rules for submitting your entries have changed since last season to fall into line with the new automated on-line entry system. Included in these changes is the file naming protocol which will include your BPS membership number shown at the head of this email. Images that don't fully comply with either the file naming protocol, file size or type will be automatically rejected and you will receive an automated response email telling you that your image(s) has been rejected and explaining the reasons why; you will be asked to resubmit your entry. These emails might at first glance appear a bit formal but they have had to be created in a "one size fits all" format. Full details of these changes can be found on pages 23 to 26 of your new 2012-13 Handbook. If you have not yet received your copy of the Handbook, the rules are shown on the BPS website.
Changing Colour Space
One of the recommendations when submitting images for the Projected Image Competition, and indeed for many other exhibitions, is that the colour space of the images should be sRGB. Mutterings heard in the clubrooms last week when this was mentioned would indicate that some members are not too sure how to make check that their images are in the correct colour space and how to change it if they're not. Greg Duncan has written a few short notes for Photoshop and Photoshop Elements users, these can be found by following this link.  
Themed Summer Print Competition (TSP)
The TSP competition results were shown in last week's Newsletter, but space didn't allow for the following report; David Southwell has asked me to print it this week.

Thanks are due to John Chamberlin who judged the 35 entries. Unlike most competitions where rules permit entrants to choose the location the TSP gave the entrants a specific geographical location "within three miles of home". The mathematicians quickly realised we all had 28.25 square miles to work in and 6 months to find some creative opportunities. Sounds easy but those who tried it, quickly realised it was not easy to see familiar territory through new eyes. John summed it up by saying the general standard was not overwhelming. However the rules pushed everyone out of their comfort zones so we did not expect a set of 35 salon quality images! John also remarked that the strongest prints were essentially two types - street photography and garden photography and the top images were, in his view, the best examples of this work. Entering the TSP is intended to be entirely different challenge to the normal rounds. There also seems to be more mileage to be gained from developing our ability to be more imaginative when working close to home. 
A big thank you to John and to everyone who took part. Unlike the club rounds all the prints will be put up on the club boards and there is also a map to show where the images were captured.
FIAP Change of Heart
It appears that FIAP change their minds more often than a lady changes her knickers. At the recent FIAP Congress in Singapore they announced that they were having a change of heart, albeit temporarily, concerning the revised requirements for FIAP distinctions. The following has come from Dave Coates, the FIAP Liaison Officer for England.
On the opening day of the FIAP Congress in Singapore, the Directory Board announced that the implementation of the changes to the criteria, to AFIAP, EFIAP and MFIAP had been deferred to the 1st July 2013.
This involves the changes to the numbers of acceptances, titles, salons and countries required and the 10% requirement for print acceptances, as well as the increase in the qualifying period for MFIAP.  It does not include the change to the Portfolio requirements regarding the change from prints to digital image files, which is still to be implemented on 01/01/2013.
The Distinctions Director has indicated that any batch of applications arriving with him by 30th June 2013 will now be dealt with under the old rules, but any after that date will have to be under the new rules.
WCPF & PAGB Newsletters
You can download copies of the latest newsletters from these two organisations by clicking on the following links:
Both of these files are quite large, so if you have a slow internet connection, they may take a little time to download.
Things to Photograph
North Somerset Ploughing Match - 8 September. The 169th Match will take place at Stepstones Farm, Langford, Somerset. Classes include ploughing, hedging, roots, hay, silage, straw, grain and field crops classes and an Crafts and Produce Show. For full details this link.

Frampton Country Fair - 9 September, gates open at 9.30am. The event is being held at Frampton Court, Frampton on Severn. There are events taking place all day including falconry, vintage tractors, cart horses, Royal Signals White Helmets and much more. For full details follow this link
Pictures for the Newsletter
As you will by now have realised, I can include pictures in the new format Newsletter. If you have any pictures that you think worth publishing, either purely to show off your latest works or perhaps a shot of a recent club activity (embarrassing photos always go down well), then please send them to me at the newsletter@bristolphoto.org.uk
Items For Sale
If you have something photographic that you want to sell, why not let me have details and I can circulate them to a captive audience of photographers through the Newsletter - send to me at the usual address.
Trumpet Blowers' Corner
If you want to blow your own trumpet or, dare I say such a thing, blow someone else's trumpet for them, then this is the place to do it. Please let me know and I'll include it in the next issue.
Copy required
If you have anything you think other members would like to know about, such as exhibitions, special events etc. please let me know at newsletter@bristolphoto.org.uk
Missed a copy of the Newsletter?
To view past editions of this Newsletter, please click on the following link and then select the date(s) you are looking for - BPS Newsletter Archive

BPS Website - Members' Area "Log in"
To enter the Members' Area of the BPS website you will need the following:
User Name - chatroom            Password - pixel

Bristol Photographic Society, 12 West Mall, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 4BH
Web: www.bristolphoto.org.uk                 Email: newsletter@bristolphoto.org.uk