BPS Newsletter - Issue 156                                                                                    9 September  2015
To: Firstname Lastname 
Your BPS Membership No:
Hello Firstname
Wednesday, 9 September
Next Wednesday we have a visit from Joan Blease ARPS EFIAP MPAGB BPE3, who will be presenting her talk, Bad Start - Great Finish. Joan is a highly successful member of Wigan 10 Foto Club and her talk tells the story of how her love of conventional art helped shape the images she produces today. You can find out a bit more about Joan by viewing her gallery on the Wigan 10 website or by visiting her own website.
Joan's Bronze Medal winning image, "Spellbound", from this year's Bristol Salon.
Projected Image Competition - Round 1
We kick off the new season of competitions on Wednesday 2 September with the closing date for Round 1 of the Projected Image Competition. The judge for this round is Ralph Snook ARPS EFIAP DPAGB.
As usual, send your images to competitions@bristolphoto.org.uk
If you have any queries, I'm sure the new Projected Image Competition Secretary, Ken Clarke, will be only too happy to help - he can be reached on the same email address.
Print Competition - Round 1
Just in case your printer has dried up, this is advanced notice to clean the nozzles as the new season's Print Competitions start fairly soon with the closing date of Round 1 on 23 September. The judge for this round will be Gordon Jenkins APAGB. If you haven't already picked them up, there are (name & title) labels on the computer desk, so please take a set. Any queries or questions about the competition can be addressed to the Print Competition Secretary, David Alderson, at printcompetitions@bristolphoto.org.uk
Digital Imaging Group
The next meeting of the DI Group is a little while away yet (14 September), so there is still time to download the image for this month's "homework". Just follow this link to download it, you can then have a go at enhancing it (making a brief note of how it was done) and bring it to the meeting on 14th.
If you cannot attend the meeting please email it to Ashwin: (a.chauhan@blueyonder.co.uk).
Unit 13
Our fame continues to spread, this time into the hallowed halls of the Amateur Photographer magazine, follow this link to see the latest write up about our move; to paraphrase one Council member, it only leaves Vogue and Tatler and we will have been in 'em all!
To Let!
Work is now virtually complete on Unit 13 and we now have one of the best clubrooms in the Country. However, the clubroom is a bit like a football stadium, i.e. it only used once or twice a week at most, the rest of the time it just stands idle and empty. We are considering looking for organisations of a similar size to our own who might be looking for a suitable venue to meet. We have two evenings in the week when BPS very rarely has any meetings, Thursday and Friday: we already have one organisation who are interested in using Unit 13 on a Friday and we are now looking for a taker for Thursdays. If you belong to, or know of an organisation that might be looking for a venue to meet, please let Mike Bews know (mwb.rpic@btinternet.com).
Photography Course
This year's photography course starts on Tuesday 10 September
Kingswood PS
We have received the following invitation from Kingswood Photographic Society:
Kingswood Photographic Society is absolutely delighted to welcome the following during the next couple of months.
Friday 4 September – David Lowe ARPS, DPAGB
David says about his talk, Picture Mixture:  “As the title suggests my presentation contains a wide variety of subject matter, in fact I’m happy to tackle any subject as long as I’m producing pictures!
I have travelled quite extensively with my work and the camera has been my companion, but these are no holiday snaps.  I also take a number of sports pictures, landscapes, street images and art nudes. There are also some unusual pictures that are difficult to categorise.
My passion is for producing pictures that produce a reaction, positive or negative as long as the viewer is “moved” in some way.  Peter Gennard once said he could rely on me to see something “different” to everyone else, I think that was a compliment?
In recent years I have moved away from the regular club type picture to images that stretch my imagination and hopefully that of the viewer, which I find more satisfying.
I print all my own pictures, this allows me to control what the viewer sees, colour, density, size of the picture presented etc and no, I’m not sponsored by a paper supplier!
I try to visit as many exhibitions as I can, mostly by professional photographers that produce pictures for non-commercial use.  This is a great way to see modern trends and stir up ideas in your mind and get your creative juices percolating.”
Friday 18 September – Dave Mason FRPS
Dave says about his evening, I Shoot People: “My talk is based mainly around my various approaches to street photography, a genre of image making that is my passion.  I enjoy finding surreal happenings in our every day places be it urban, coastal or rural.
The talk is structured into various sequences many street, but deviating occasionally into other subject matter to add variety to the evening.  My main aim is to share my enjoyment of photography.”
Friday 9 October – Tony Worobiec FRPS
Tony says about his talk entitled The Art of Composition: “This is more of a workshop than a lecture as I positively welcome input from the audience.  It seeks to place the issue of ‘composition’ within a broader context.  Composition applies to all aspects of the arts including literature and music, but what I attempt to do with this workshop is to set ‘photographic composition’ within the context of the other visual arts, namely painting, graphic design and architecture.  What I argue is that the compositional principles that underline these other disciplines can also be applied to photography in an attempt to move away from the highly constrictive ‘rules’ that seems to dominate photography.
Having completed a degree in Fine Art and having taught Art and Design for more than 30 years, I hope that I am able to offer something original to this sometimes contentious subject.  I have recently had published a book called ‘The Complete Guide to Photographic Composition’, (David & Charles), which is where much of my information is drawn.”
Visitors are always very welcome and the cost for these evenings is £3.00 per night.  Kingswood PS meets Fridays at 7.30pm to 9.30pm at St Barnabas Church Hall, Warmley, Bristol BS30 5JJ.
We hope these evenings are of interest to you and, if so, we hope to see you there.
PAGB eNews
To download the latest issue, 145, of the PAGB eNews, please follow this link.
2015/2016 BPS Handbook
If you haven't done so already, please pick your 2015-2016 BPS Handbook up from the clubrooms to save the club having to spend unnecessary money on postage. When you take your handbook, please make sure that you tick your name off on the list provided.
Arena Photographers are holding an exhibition an Exhibition titled “Arena Presents” at The Grant Bradley Gallery, East Street, Bedminster from 10 October - 28 November. Membership of the Arena Group of Photographers is by invitation only and the exhibition includes work from Ted Sturgeon, John Chamberlin (BPS), Nikki Gwynn-Jones, Caroline Hyman, Vanda Ralevska, Leigh Preston, Steve Smith, Sue Brown, Harry Cundell, Tim Rudman, Paul Foley and Kathy Harcom. For further details, please click here, or to find out more about Arena, please visit their website.  Below is one of the images from the exhibition (by Sue Brown)
David Jones, a local amateur photographer, is having an exhibition of documentary photography in Bristol on the subject of families. The exhibition takes place at A capella cafe & pizzeria, 184c Wells Road, Bristol BS4 2AL.To view the poster for the exhibition, please click here.
It runs until the end of September 2015.
Photographers' Gallery (London) : Shirley Baker: Women, Children and Loitering Men. The  exhibition presents the work of pioneering British photographer Shirley Baker (1932-2014) in working class communities in Manchester which were gradually dispersed as a result of the slum clearance programmes of the 1960s and 70s. For further details, click here. Until 20 September.
National Portrait Gallery : Audrey Hepburn: Portraits of an Icon. For further details, click here. Until 18 October.
ExtraordinaryOrdinary 2 – Hidden Beauty in the Urban Environment - an exhibition by Simon Caplan LRPS at the Create Centre, Smeaton Road, BS1 6XN; entry to the exhibition is free and runs from 5 to 18 September (Monday to Fridays, 9am to 5pm). You can find out more about Simon by visiting his website.
Karl Blossfeldt - Art Forms in Nature. This is another (free) exhibition which might be of interest to BPS members which is currently showing at the City Museum and Art Gallery, Bristol until 13th September. The exhibition comprises 40 exquisite original photogravures from 1932 of Karl Blossfeldt’s close-up photographic images of plants and flora. For further details, please click here.
James Ravilious - There is an exhibition of traditional photography by James Ravilious at the RWA until 20th Sept. Details from this link to the exhibition, with more information on his work here.
Trumpet Blowers' Corner
If you want to blow your own trumpet (or someone else's), then this is the place to do it. Please let me know and I'll include details in a future issue.
Items For Sale
If you have something photographic that you want to sell, let me have the details and I will circulate them to a captive audience of photographers through the Newsletter - send to the usual address.

Copy required
If you have anything you think other members would like to know about, such as exhibitions, special events etc. please let me know at newsletter@bristolphoto.org.uk
Missed a copy of the Newsletter?
To view past editions of this Newsletter, please click on the following link and then select the date(s) you are looking for - BPS Newsletter Archive

BPS Website - Members' Area "Log in"
To enter the Members' Area of the BPS website you will need the following:
User Name - chatroom            Password - pixels
If you have any problems getting into the Members' Area, please contact Carol, either by email: membership@bristolphoto.org.uk or by telephone: 0117 924 1338
Bristol Photographic Society, Unit 13, Montpelier Central, Station Rd, Bristol, BS6 5EE
Web: www.bristolphoto.org.uk                          Email: newsletter@bristolphoto.org.uk