Holidays for November
Adopt a Senior Pet Month National Senior Pet Month Pet Diabetes Month Pet Cancer Awareness Month (AVMA) Nov 1: National Cook for Your Pets Day Nov 3–9: National Animal Shelter and Rescue Appreciation Week Nov 17: National Black Cat Day (US)
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From time to time, we like to share information about nifty products you might like. In some cases, if you make a purchase, we may get a small commission, which is used exclusively to care for the animals we have rescued.
About the Newsletter:
Published once a month on the 7th. Submissions and suggestions are welcome.
catzgalore @
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Search among over 400,000 answered questions and articles. If your question isn't addressed, you may be able to get more info by using the question submission form.
Pet Insurance and Alternatives
November 7, 2019
Do You Sleep With Your Pets?
Many pet owners enjoy sharing their bed with their furkids.This usually is not a problem, but it's a good idea to be careful....and clean! Animal dander can elicit allergic reactions in some people, and pets who spend time outdoors can pick up a variety of tiny hitchhikers in their fur. Fleas are common, especially at certain times of the year, though fleas can infest at any time. Mites often get into their ears and cause intense itching. You probably won't get the mites, but the sufferer can disrupt your sleep with their scratching, which can shake the bed! Not everyone knows this, but ringworm can be picked up from the ground outside, if the fungus is present. This is definitely contagious to humans. A neighborhood cat can also come into contact with yours and transfer their problems to them. Your best bet? Other than banning your best pals from the bedroom, at least aim to wash the bed sheets once a week. Keeping cats indoors helps, too.

Don't forget Nov. 17 is National Black Cat Day in the U.S.
Why Do So Many People Think Cats Are Unfriendly?
According to BBC Future, "While we can reasonably be sure of a dog’s bond with us, despite the
thousands of years domesticated cats have kept us company, they still
suffer something of a bad PR image. The independence that many see as a
bonus is seen by others as aloofness or selfishness. Their detractors
claim they only really show affection when a food bowl is empty."
This article by Stephen Dowling explains how cats are simply misunderstood and are not being unfriendly. Of course, they can be unfriendly, if necessary for self protection, but as cat lovers, we already knew this.
Are You Getting Ready for the Holidays Yet?
It's not too early to start thinking about this year's gift-giving preparations. Why wait until the last moment to shop in desperation because you've been too busy to take care of it sooner? Sure, technology to the rescue! Simply shop online and avoid the crowds. The physical crowds, anyway. It's still a good idea to start soon, though, to be sure products can be shipped and delivered in time.
You don't want to forget your pet-loving friends, or even their pets, or yours!
I just checked and my T-shirt page is still available for shirt-shopping! There are some really cute, funny and meaningful T-shirts here on my blog:
Over here are even more shirts that include other pets. Many of us cat people also have dogs!
Don't forget, any commissions I earn go exclusively to pet care.
Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate it!