Foundation for the
Urban Environment

"Sustainable Cities"

Assessing the Performance and
Practice of Urban Environments
eds. P. Laconte & C. Gossop

Foundation for the
Urban Environment
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Criteria & Practices

1. Assessing Sustainable Urban Environments depends from the levels of observation – individual buildings, urban neighbourhoods and entire cities and towns, as well as the period of reference.

2. The book proposes a critical assessment of the techniques used to assess urban environments, including factors affecting climate change.

3. In line with these assessments, the book presents a number of best practices, including Urban Transport in France (Peter Hall’s last paper), Manchester’s waterfront, Amsterdam’s ring canals, London’s King‘s Cross development, Hamburg’s energy efficiency district, the Lee Kuan Yea World City Prizes Bilbao, New York and Suzhou (see illustration), Singapore being their common model, and the new university town of Louvain near Brussels. The presentation focuses on the cases of Singapore (state), Bilbao (city), and Louvain (part of a city).

"a masterpiece gathering the wisdoms of well-known experts from different fields concerning sustainable cities"

Chen Yulin, Jiang Yang - Review on "Sustainable Cities: Assessing the Performance and Practice of Urban Environments" in China City Planning Review vol. 26, No. 2, 2017, pp. 75-78.

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Foundation for the Urban Environment (FFUE)
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