Hi Fellow Cat Lover,
Here's what's in this issue:
Higher education leads to cat ownership?
Fake animal rescues...
Free Kibble to shelter cats...
Web sites to explore...
A smile for you... and latest video
How to help animals in need... donate old furs...
There seems to be a connection between educational level and
whether someone owns a cat or a dog. According to a study in
the U.K., people with advanced educational degrees tend to own
cats more often than dogs.
They said the reasons are mostly unclear, but theorized
it may be related to one's time availability, noting that
higher education usually requires more time commitment.
Thus, cats are favored over dogs (who usually need more
I wonder who has the time to sit around and think these
things up...
Please be careful when you decide to donate to
any animal rescue groups on the Internet. There
is an increasing problem with fake rescues taking
"donations" for either personal pets, or for pets
that don't even exist.
Our rescue is legitimate and if you feel an overwhelming
urge to send money to someone... please... send it to us!
(Joking, but also serious.) http://www.hipaws.com
Help Feed Shelter Animals
Did you remember to click on the trivia question at
www.freekibblekat.com Friday? They had a Hi-5 Day
event that provided 5 times more kibble donated to
shelter cats! (And thanks to Al, who reminded me!)
The daily donation is 10 bits of kibble, so go ahead and
click on them every day that you can:
http://www.freekibblekat.com/ (Answer a trivia question...
even a wrong answer gives a donation.)
http://www.theanimalrescuesite.com/ (Just click to donate)
http://pets.care2.com/i?p=868775137 (click to donate)
Now here's a fun way to help all pets. When you do a
search on the Internet, who do you use? Google? Yahoo?
Those are the biggest search services, but here's one you
can use that specifically helps the pet rescue community:
WEB SITES to explore
Nationwide veterinarian directory:
Flea Control Secrets
Pet Poison Helpline
(How to move when you have pets)
(Because every cat deserves to be comfortable!)
(Information about getting pet insurance)
Cat Trivia Tidbit:
The domestic cat was the only animal allowed in Ancient
Roman Temples.
----- Latest Video -----------
Check out the video on my website, at the bottom of the page.
If you want to see more videos, go to my blog:
and then go clear to the bottom of the page, where I have
a "Video Bar" with several cat videos that change out every
so often. So there is always a fresh one there in case
you need a cat video fix and can't wait for the next Kitty Times!
NOTE: If you ever have trouble clicking on a link, simply
copy the URL, then PASTE it into your browser's address
bar at the top of the page and hit Enter.
Donate your old fur coats to animals in need.
The Coats for Cubs program by the Humane Society
of the United States helps orphaned, injured or sick
wildlife by gathering fur coats and using them for nests,
bedding or cuddly replacements for mom and dad.
In 2009, 2,687 fur items were donated.
The coats go to wildlife rehabilitation centers that take
in baby raccoons, chipmunks, squirrels, coyotes, skunks
and other animals, and has helped thousands of animals
since it began in 2005 with the Fund for Animals. Many
of the coats are donated by people who find the production of
fur garments for decorating humans to be inhumane.
In the past, I have visited second hand clothing shops and
purchased fur coats and jackets just so I could send them in.
Buying from a used clothing store does not feed into the "supply
and demand" sales cycle of the big shops and furriers and takes
those items out of the public purchasing stream.
5 quick, easy ways to help rescue pets NOW! http://bit.ly/1YfBeo
Do you have any interesting stories to share about your
cats? Send them in and I'll put them here in
this newsletter. (Include your name and website
if you have one, and I'll give you a "plug" for
your website. Or, anonymous is OK, too. It's
up to you.)
Are you on Twitter yet? Anyone want to "follow" me?
Just go here, get an account (free, easy, fast), then
click on the Follow button under my picture!
If you ever want to review past issues, here is where
they are stored:
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R.J.Peters, "the Cat Lady." You can unsubscribe
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http://www.theproblemcat.com/ (use the signup form)
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If you would like to also receive my dog newsletter,
you can find the signup form here:
PS - Now for the new Legal Stuff I have to display:
As of Dec. 1, 2009, the FTC changed requirements for
providing information on the Internet. Here is a somewhat
generic statement that I hope covers this newsletter.
Material Connection Disclosure:
This email newsletter occasionally contains affiliate links
that may provide compensation to our shelter if a purchase
is made. If you think it's not right to pay someone a
commission for making a sale, then don't buy anything.