Hey there. How’s it going?
This year has been so different, difficult to schedule because of the year. It’s changed everything. I haven’t done as much reading. I used to spend a lot of time on planes and hotel rooms. That’s how I passed the time, reading books. And now I’m working on a house or working on this and that. I don’t get to play music as much. Anyway, it’s just different.
I really, really enjoyed The Nashville Palace Show. I can’t tell you how much.
We did, too. We had a really good time. There was a guy named Luke Laird out there who is an extremely successful song writer. For most anybody you hear on the radio now, he’s written. He’s written some traditional, too. I was really tickled that he was there. He’s a super nice guy, a good guy. I thought Megan and Dink were on fire that night. It was just so much fun to get to play with them. We were all having a really good time. It was supposed to be limited capacity and that place was packed. I didn’t know what was going on. I hope no one got offended at me.
(HN note: We sat on the porch where we could distance. Had an N95 mask. We had a direct look at the stage through a garage size door opening. You watch the whole show here.
Wade Hayes Live at the Nashville Palace
How is the work going on the house, the farm?
You know I like to get them when they need help. I redid the inside mostly before we moved in. I still have to do the master bath and the kitchen. Now, I’ve been mending fence. There was a ton of that to do. A lot of it is stockade fence, a 3 rail fence. A lot of it had to be torn out and replaced. . The place was really neglected. I had to cut a bunch of trees that had fallen down on the fence. That’s taken forever to do all that. I’ve just about finished with the barn. I had to build on to it. So, all I have to do now is put the roof on it and I’m done with it. I’ll move back in here and start on the interior. I got new garage doors today. I didn’t do that. I had some guys do that. Just remodeling
I haven’t been writing much. I’ve only written one song. There’s a Christian rock band named Skillet. They’ve had a bunch of success, several hits. I’ve got a buddy that plays for that band and I was trying to write a tune with him, so that would be something new and interesting to do. It seems like it just takes reading the right book or hearing the right song to turn that switch on, whatever it is, in your brain. But it definitely turns on and off. It’s odd.
You’ve fixed up the fence. Do you plan to put anything in that fence?
Oh yea, We went and picked out cows a couple of weeks ago. They are on their way. Should be getting here next week. I’m excited about that. I’m anxious to get back to my normal life. This year has been so difficult. I look in the mirror and I’ve really aged this year. It’s been a tail-kicker for sure.