Dear distributors,
Entertaining Power Co. Limited is attending Hong Kong Filmart Online 2022 during March 14 - 17. We would like to arrange an e-meeting with you to discuss our latest lineup.
Please find our updated lineup below, and email us for your available meeting timeslots.
Ms Grace Chan (Distribution Manager):
Ms Daisy Wong (Distribution Executive):
We look forward to hearing from you!
Updated to 8th March, 2022
As It Burns
(Post Production)
Genre: Suspense, Drama
Country of Origin:  Hong Kong
Gordon CHAN (陳嘉上)  (As Director (“God Of War”(蕩寇風雲), “The Four” series (四大名捕)系列, “Painted Skin”(畫皮), “Beast Cops”(野獸刑警),as Best Film, Best Director & Best Screenplay in 18th Hong Kong Film Awards )

LEE Po Cheung (李保樟) (“Gangster Payday”(大茶飯), “Single Blog”(單身部落), “You Light Up My Life”(想見妳))

 Jasper LIU (劉以豪) (“More Than Blue”*比悲傷更悲傷的故事) “Take Me to The Moon”(帶我去月球));
 Stephy TANG Lai Yan (鄧麗欣) (“Shadows”(殘影空間), “My Prince Edward”(金都), “L Storm”(L風暴),” Somewhere Beyond the Mist”(藍天白雲));
 Ray LUI (呂良偉) (“Death Notice”(暗殺風暴), “ Raging Fire”(怒火), “Dynasty Warriors”(·三國無雙), “Our Time Will Come”(明月幾時有), “Firestorm”(暴));
Gladys LI Ching Kwan (李靖筠) (“You Are the One”(我的筍盤男友), “Big Brother”(大師兄))
 An explosion takes place in an apartment late at night, detective Ngai Wan (starring Ray LUI) arrives for the investigation and a charred woman body found on spot, her name is Yin Ching (starring Stephy TANG Lai Yan). Ching is getting married with Ng Lam who grew up in a wealthy family. Though it seems to be an accident, Wan feels that something is unusual.
 Wan first investigate the background of Ching and finds that her mother was died in a fire accident fifteen years ago also. Before that, Ching and her mother were in a difficult relationship, Lo Chi Fung (starring Jasper LIU) was the only person Ching could talk to. They both grew up in Pak Sin Town and disappeared together after the accident happened.
 Wan perseveres in the investigation but the case just like falling into the mist as everyone related to Ching are all hiding some secrets. The turning point comes out until Lo Chi Fung and his girlfriend Lam Yam (starring Stephy TANG Lai Yan) show up.
 The two fatal cases are crossing fifteen years, everyone can be suspected. The truth is far beyond everyone's imagination behind the foggy surface…
深夜某公寓發生氣體爆炸,現場留下一具燒焦女屍。探員魏允 (呂良偉  )到來調查,死者言貞 (鄧麗欣 )與城中的富二代吳嵐正計劃結婚,如今香消玉殞,一宗看似平凡的意外,魏允反而認為疑點重重… 他發現言貞母親於十五年前也同樣被燒死。聽說母女關係很差,言貞唯一能傾訴的對象就是盧子峰 (劉以豪 )。他也在百仙鎮中長大,二人青梅竹馬,奈何言母一直反對二人交往。直到意外發生後,言貞與盧子峰也各自從鎮中消失。
魏允鍥而不捨的追查,所有與言貞有關的人,也同樣掩飾著不同的秘密,更令事件撲朔迷離,直至他看見盧子峰的現任女友林音(鄧麗欣 ),二人無比相像,案情才出現轉機。
(Post Production)
Genre: Action, Crime
Country of Origin: Hong Kong/ China
Danny PANG Phat (彭發)  (“Out Of Inferno” (逃出生天), “The Storm Warriors” (風雲II), “The Eye” (見鬼) )

Wallance CHUNG (鐘漢良)  (“Three” (三人行), “Bounty Hunter” (賞金獵人), “Monster Hunt” (捉妖記),” Drug War” (毒戰));
Francis NG (吳鎮宇) ("Drifting"(濁水飄流), Men On The Dragon” (逆流大叔) Nominated Best Actor In 28th Hong Kong Film Award, “Infernal Affairs II” (無間道II) Nominated Best Actor In 23nd Hong Kong Film Award, “Bullets Over Summer” (爆裂刑警) Nominated Best Actor In 19th Hong Kong Film Award “The Mission”(鎗火) Nominated Best Actor In 37th Golden Horse Award);
CHEUNG Siu Fai (張兆輝) ("Dynasty Warriors” (·三國無雙), “Our Time Will Come” (明月幾時有), “Drug War” (毒戰), “Life Without Principle” (奪命金));
Myolie WU  (胡杏兒) (“Death Notice” (暗殺風暴), “Dearest Anita” (朝花夕拾芳華絕代 拾芳) Won Best Actress In 7th Vancouver Chinese Film Festival, “Temporary Family” (失戀急讓), “Life Without Principle” (奪命金))

The President of Gaming Association, Yim Ching Yeung, blacklisted Wa Sam Group from bidding of gaming concessions on the ground of the Group's bad reputation and unclean background. This blacklisting triggered a series of retaliations and acts of vying for gaming concessions from Wa Sam Group and its kingpin the Fourth Elder (starring CHEUNG Siu Fai). At the same time, Ching Yeung was kidnapped. The Anti-Triad Office immediately set up a special team lead by Lee Shui Ming, and he called back Man Fung (starring Wallace CHUNG) for help who had executed a secret mission in Thailand for three years to investigate.
Fourth Elder’s wife Chu Lei (starring Myolie WU) received a phone call from her ex-boyfriend Man Fung for a meeting. Kwan Chit (starring Francis NG), a member of the Gaming Association with the support of Wa Sam Group, also persuaded Man Fung to stop keeping his eyes on them. The two have parted in discord. Chu Lei had been collecting evidence of crimes Wa Sam Group had committed. But Fourth Elder discovered it and subsequently using her to try to kill Man Fung. Chu Lei unexpectedly sacrificed her life to protect Man Fung, who was able to jump into the river amid a mess and escaped a deadly chase.
Kwan Chit remembered the tragic death of his ex-girlfriend Man Kei, sister of Man Fung. He came to Man Fung late at night, the two old friends finally agreed to revenge for their beloved one together.
博彩協會會長嚴正陽將華森集團列入賭權競投的黑名單,此舉成為了其首腦人物四爺(張兆輝 飾)實施一系列爭奪賭權行動的導火線。警方隨後接到嚴正陽被擄劫消息後,反黑辦公室主管李瑞明連同早前潛伏於泰國的得意門生文峰(鐘漢良 飾)更成立調查組專項調查相關案件。
四爺的太太朱莉(胡杏兒 飾)一天接到來自前男友文峰的電話並相約見面。另一邊,文峰亦受到博彩協會理事的老死君哲(吳鎮宇 飾)相約並直接勸戒他收手不要調查華森集團,最終兩人不歡而散。原來四爺的手下跟蹤著君哲,想除掉文峰以絕後患。文峰幸得隊員掩護,最終脫險。

A Murder Erased
(Post Production)
Genre: Criminal, Suspense
Country of Origin:  Hong Kong
Director/ Producer/ Screenwriter:
Dennis LAW (羅守耀) (Producer as “Election” (黑社會) & “Election 2” (黑社會2:以和為貴), Director as “The Constable” (衝鋒戰警), “Womb Ghosts” (惡胎),“Fatal Move”(奪帥))

CHEUNG Siu Fai (張兆輝) (“Our Time Will Come” (明月幾時有), “Life Without Principle” (奪命金), “The Detective 2” (B+偵探), “Connected” (保持通話), “Throw Down” (柔道龍虎榜)Nominated Best Supporting Actor in 41st Golden Horse Awards, “Running on Karma” (大隻佬) Nominated Best Supporting Actor in 23rd Hong Kong Film Awards);
Dada CHAN  (陳靜) (“G Storm” (G風暴),“The Secret Diary of a Mom to Be”(Baby復仇記), “Love off the cuff”(春嬌救志明), “Vulgaria”(低俗喜劇)Won Best Supporting Actress in 32nd Hong Kong Film Awards and Nominated in 49th Golden Horse Awards); 
Maggie SHIU (邵美琪) ((“Port of Call” (踏血尋梅), “Eye in the Sky” (跟蹤)Nominated Best Supporting Actress in 44th Golden Horse Awards and 27th Hong Kong Film Awards, “Election” (黑社會)Nominated Best Supporting Actress in 25th Hong Kong Film Awards, “PTU” Nominated Best Supporting Actress in 23rd Hong Kong Film Awards);
Suet LAM (林雪) (“Trivisa” (樹大招風), “The Midnight After” (那夜凌晨,我坐上了旺角開往大埔的紅VAN) Nominated Best Supporting Actor in 34th Hong Kong Film Awards, “PTU” Nominated Best Supporting Actor in 40th Golden Horse Awards, “The Mission”(鎗火)Nominated Best Supporting Actor in 37th Golden Horse Awards and 19th Hong Kong Film Awards);
Simon YAM (任達華) (“SPL 2” (殺破狼II), “Two Thumbs Up” (衝鋒車), “Echoes of the Rainbow” (歲月神偷) Won Best Actor in 29th Hong Kong Film Awards, ”Night and Fog”(天水圍的夜與霧) Nominated Best Actor in 29th Hong Kong Film Awards, “Sparrow”(文雀) Nominated Best Actor in 28th Hong Kong Film Awards, “Eye in the Sky”(跟蹤) Nominated Best Actor in 27th Hong Kong Film Awards);
Tony HO (何華超) (“Hand Rolled Cigarette” (手捲煙), “Shock Wave” (拆彈專家), “Z Storm” (Z風暴), “Cold War” (寒戰))
International narcotics officer CHOI (starring CHEUNG Siu Fai), has been demoted by his superior officer MA (starring Simon YAM) to local duties after partaking in bribery in the line of work. He’s assigned to a death scene investigation by YAN (starring Maggie SHIU) where the deceased, YUNG’s (starring Tony HO), body had laid undiscovered for eight years, and only recently discovered by maintenance workers during the renovation of an old block of flat. CHOI looks into CHAO (starring Timmy HUNG) as the prime suspect, and linking it to adultery with YUNG’s widow PING (starring Dada CHAN) as an accomplice. The case soon comes under scrutiny by a high-ranking court prosecutor SANTOS (starring Joe Junior). Under his inquiries, the investigator becomes the investigated, and CHOI’s actions fall under suspicion as all manner of inconsistencies come to light from his statement. YUNG was a man of many vices, with few crimes left untouched by his hand - rape, drug smuggling, blackmail and working alongside notorious gangster FAI WAI (starring Suet LAM). Has CHOI framed a pair of innocents? How did this case end up becoming an unsolved one? Who was responsible for burying this case?
跨國販毒調查科警長駱英財(張兆輝 飾)被捲入受賄事件,被上司馬文超(任達華 飾)調至地方警署,由重案組督察張嘉茵(邵美琪 飾)手上接手調查一宗屍體發現案件。死者胡英勇(何華超 飾)屍體被維修工人在舊樓重建工程中發現,死去已經八年。駱英財鎖定嫌疑犯為爛面超(洪天明 飾),及死者妻子言鳳萍(陳靜 飾),二人犯案動機通姦殺人。案件被律政署高級檢控官山度士(Joe Junior 飾)質疑。死者生前無惡不作,涉及強姦、迷姦、販毒及勒索,更觸及駱英財與黑幫大佬肥威(林雪 飾)的一些不可告人的勾當。在山度士質問下,駱英財由查案者而變為被調查者。到最後許多令人奇怪的情節不斷從駱英財的口供裡頭展現。究竟誰才是真正的殺人兇手?為何此案被消失了八年之久、更成為了一件懸案?駱英財是否誣陷他人? 還是另有內情?
Pretty Heart
(Post Production)
Genre: Family, Inspiring Drama
Country of Origin: Hong Kong
Terry NG Ka Wai (吳家偉) 1st Assistant Director: “Breakout Brothers” (越獄兄弟), “ P Storm”(P風暴), “L Storm” (L風暴))

Vincent WONG (王浩信) (“Guilt by Design” (催眠·裁決), “I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change!” (你咪理,我愛你!), “Black Ransom”(撕票風雲));
Jennifer YU Heung Ying (余香凝) ("The Secret Diary of a Mom to Be”(Baby復仇記), “Tracey”(翠絲), “Men On The Dragon”(逆流大叔) Nominated as Best Supporting Actress in 38th Hong Kong Film Awards, “Sisterhood”(骨妹)Nominated as Best Supporting Actress in 36th Hong Kong Film Awards);
Hugo NG (吳岱融) (“The Invincible Dragon”(九龍不敗), “Our Time Will Come”(明月幾時有), “Love off the cuff”(春嬌救志明), “The White Storm”(掃毒));
LAW Kar Ying (羅家英) (“Dynasty Warriors”(真·三國無雙), “From Vegas to Macau III”(賭城風雲III), “14 Blades”(錦衣衛), “A Chinese Odyssey Part 1-Pandora's Box”(西遊記第壹佰零壹回之月光寶盒), “Summer Snow”(女人四十) Best Supporting Actor in 15th Hong Kong Film Awards and 32rd Golden Horse Awards, “From Beijing with Love”(國產凌凌漆));
Astrid CHAN Chi Ching (陳芷菁) (“That Demon Within”(魔警), “The Sunshine Cops”(陽光警察), “Fascination Amour”(愛情夢幻號))

Mr. K.K. Ho (starring Vincent WONG), is a leading “star tutor” with remarkable achievements. Lee Lung Kei (starring Hugo NG), the stingy boss and principal of the cram school, regards Mr. Ho as a trump card. Chloe (starring Jennifer YU Heung Ying), a traditional high school teacher, has always tried her best in teaching. Chloe despises K.K.’s teaching methods and refers to them as deviant. The two of them give tit for tat in class.
Their conflict leads to K.K.’s appreciation for Chloe. He gives her flowers as an apology, but Chloe never accepts. He finds out Chloe is the daughter of Principal Lee. When she was young, she witnessed her mother being bullied and died by accident. That is why she deeply hates her father and refuses to get in touch with him.
K.K. with wisdom and courage, who breaks through all the obstacles to pursue Chloe but also takes into account the father-daughter relationship. However, he learns Chloe has genetic heart disease and what’s worse, due to her diligent teaching for years, the doctor believes that she could only live for half a year at most.
On a rainy night, Chloe is still worried about her students’ exam and force herself to leave the hospital. Her father hears the news and hurriedly drives to pick her up. On their way back, they have a traffic accident.
Mr. Lee is badly injured and passes away, while Chloe narrowly escapes from death. After that, she is so discouraged to give up everything, including love and teaching. K.K. helps her recollect the past, until she really understands all about Mr. Lee and let go their 20-year feud. With Ho’s encouragement, Chloe finally starts again to teach and even to love.
補習天王何sir (王浩信 飾),被「算死草」校長李龍基 (吳岱融 飾)視為皇牌。傳統中學教師Miss Lee (余香凝 飾)不滿何sir教學方法離經叛道,二人甫碰面就擦出激烈火花。之後何sir追求Miss Lee慘吃檸檬!復悉Miss Lee為李校長親女,童年目睹慈母遭嚴責後身亡,遂深恨乃父。
何sir衝破難關,續追求Miss Lee,且不忘彌補她與李校長的親情。Miss Lee有遺傳性心臟病,加上過勞,性命危殆!又為春風化雨強行出院…李校長舐犢情深,惡劣天氣下駕車往接,遭逢意外,傷重而亡。而Miss Lee痊癒出院,身上卻複刻亡父影子,由是尋找原因,追憶往事,真正瞭解乃父生平,拆解多年恩怨。
Offical Selection, London East Asia Film Festival 2021 (London)
Offical Selection, Asian Film Festival 2021 (Venice, Italy)
In competition, Asian Summer Film Festival 2021 (Vic, Spain)
In competition, Osaka Asian Film Festival 2021 (Japan)
Official Selection, Asian Pop Up Cinema of Sophia’s Choice 2021 (Chicago)
Official Selection, Project HK, Hong Kong Film Fest 2021 (Hong Kong)

Genre: Drama
Country of Origin:Hong Kong
WONG Yat Ping (王日平) ("The Way We Dance"(狂舞派), "The Way We Are" (天水圍的日與夜)
Alan FUNG (馮智恒)

Ronald CHENG (鄭中基)  (“Concerto Of The Bully”(大樂師為愛配樂) Nominated Best Actor in 37th Hong Kong Film Awards, “The Four II”(四大名捕II), "Vulgaria" (低俗喜劇) Won  Best Supporting Actor in 49th Golden Horse Awards and 32nd Hong Kong Film Awards);
Hanna CHAN (陳漢娜) (“The Fallen”(墮落花), “G Affairs”(G殺), "Paradox" (殺破狼. 貪狼) Nominated Best New Performer in 37th Hong Kong Film Awards);
Tony WU (胡子彤)  (“The Secret Diary of a Mom to Be”(Baby 復仇記), “Men On the Dragon”(逆流大叔), "L Storm" (L風暴), "Weeds On Fire" (點五步) Won Best New Performer in 36th Hong Kong Film Awards, Nominated Best Performer in 53rd Golden Horse Awards);
Carol TO  (陶禧玲) (“Guia in Love”(燈塔下的戀人)) 

   *Full Feature on request*
Synopsis (short version)
Based on two real cases – a young mother was found guilty of manslaughter, her orphaned girl was arrested for drug possession. Tragedy remains trapped in a fateful loop cursing generations to generations of youth …
When Daisy (starring Carol TO) was arrested for drug possession, Sergeant Fai (starring Ronald CHENG) recalls a case where a young girl murdered her boyfriend from a decade ago - Daisy is the orphan of that couple.
In 1997, 15 years old Elisa (starring Hanna CHAN) fell in love with triad member Wai (starring Tony WU) and gave birth to a baby girl, Daisy. Desperate to make a living, Wai was prepared to do anything, only to end up escaping from Hong Kong after committing a crime. Since then, Elisa’s life changed completely – raising Daisy and facing the cruelty society alone. Wai returned to Elisa’s side six months later, to a family once perfect in their dreams, but now only pain remain.
What else can we do in this era besides regret? Elisa, who was abandoned by everyone; Fai, who spent the latter half of his life living in remorse; Wai, who lost himself; Daisy, who no longer remember her last name… The tragedy upon the youth is not the result of our action, but rather the consequences of our inaction.
源於兩件真實案件,二十年前,年輕的母親犯了誤殺罪; 二十年後,舉目無親的女兒亦因為藏毒被捕。
少女迪詩 (陶禧玲 飾) 運毒被補,探員林力輝 (鄭中基  飾)憶起了十多年前曾處理過的一宗情侶兇殺案: 迪詩,正是那對情侶的遺孤。
1997年,15歲的女學生Elisa (陳漢娜 飾) 愛上黑幫成員文偉 (胡子彤 飾) 並誕下了女兒迪詩。文偉不惜鋌而走險賺取生活費,卻最終要避走香港。自此Elisa的人生徹底改變,既要獨自撫養迪詩亦要面對著殘酷的現實社會,半年後,文偉回來,可惜一切已回不到從前了…他們而夢想中的家頓時變成了不能承受的痛。
EP was found in 2003, actively participated and exploring diversified opportunity in the entertainment industry among Hong Kong, China, Pacific Asia as far as the rest of the world. We have successfully launched numerous videos, TV and hundred of movie contents via production, distribution, copyright licensing, promotion regionally and internationally, in order to provide audiences massive choice of quality contents.
Our recent distributed movies such as "i'm livin' it", "A Lifetime Treasure", "Binding Souls", "The Tag Along Sequel: Devil Fish", "The Tag Along2", "Zombiology: Enjoy Yourself Tonight", "Vampire Cleanup Department", "Anniversary", “SPL2 – A Time For Consequences”, “Ip Man”, “Cold War”, “The Constable”, "Are You Here", “Gangster Pay Day”...and so on.
Thanks for reading!