I have been going over some of our earlier newsletters (much
earlier) and reading with great interest the wonderful History Corner
series submitted by Leicester Warburton. I thought I would start to
reintroduce some of these interesting articles back into the
as they give such an insight into our Pittwater world
from times
long gone.
We actually owe a great deal to Leicester as he started this
whole newsletter business for the offshore community by hand
typing the original SINEWS newsletters, then hand delivering
them to all the residents. A story goes that when
Leicester did his rounds delivering the
newsletters he was always invited in for a quick drink and a
chat by all the appreciative locals. So much so that it often
took him most of the day to get his deliveries done, and he would
home much later than expected somewhat worse for the wear ! Leicester
might like to comment ?
Please remember that the PON is your newsletter so if you
have something for sale, or something you want, or wish to
on a local issue (as long as it's not offensive or personal)
just let me
in time for the next newsletter.
Gwyn's Calendar
Jan Sindel-Hand Art Prize
Gone Fishing Gallery Update
Local Council Notices
Fireshed Dinner on again
this weekend!
Book Launch at Gone
Fishing Gallery
New Photos added to
Online Gallery
History Corner by
Leicester Warburton
Lunch & Talk
Author Talks
New Post Boxes available
at Church Point
Local Contact Guide
subscription Information
2011 Calendar
To download
a full version (A4 size) of this months calendar, ready for
printing, just click on the
calendar image.
You can contact
Gwyn Perkins by email at g.perkins@gwyn.com.au
file is quite large and in PDF format. To view PDF
documents you
will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer.
download Acrobat Reader please click here |


Sindel-Hand takes 2nd Prize, RMYC Art Show
Secret Men's Business
recently I knew Jan Sindel-Hand as the friendly, golf cart driving
resident on Florence Terrace. Actually Jan is an award-winning artist
and not one to sing it from the rooftop. I ran into Jan this past
weekend. She casually mentioned (with a shrug) – hey by the way I won a
prize. I thought more locals should know.
Congratulations Jan
for winning 2nd prize in this year’s RMYC Annual Art Show. Her
watercolour, “Fine Tuning,” took 2nd and promptly sold, as did another
of her works.
Also, in 2010 Jan took the RMYC Commodore’s Prize.
Her ‘blokes in the yacht,’ a painting actually called “Secret Men’s
Business,” was the People’s Choice in 2009.
For those who
don’t know Jan’s history, she’s a retired commercial artist. She’s been
on the Island for 8 years and much longer in the Peninsula. As her 2011
piece sold so quickly she missed the chance to get a shot of it. But
here’s a sample of her work, her People’s Choice blokes.
Tracy Ponich

Fishing Gallery Update
click image to
load full size PDF

Notices |
Creative Writing
Workshop for Young Teens
Are you aged between 12 and 14 and enjoy story writing?
Vale library is inviting young storytellers to a creative writing
workshop with journalist and author Lisa Forrest on Thursday 14 July
from 10am.
Ms Forrest will help you unlock the secrets of storytelling, by helping
you turn your good ideas into a great tale.
“When it comes to storytelling a few simple guidelines will help you on
your way,” said Ms Forrest.
will learn how to keep your characters interesting, keep your readers
wanting more, while having fun during the writing process,” she said.
Forrest has been described as a story teller for all ages. She became a
household name when she burst onto the international swimming scene in
1978 as a 14 year old school girl.
While in Year 11 at high school Lisa captained the Australian swimming
team to the 1980 Moscow Olympics.
joined a small band of high profile athletes that led a campaign to
defy government support of a US-led boycott of the games, resulting in
death threats, falling public support and dwindling sponsorship
The campaign took its toll, with Lisa failing to win the expected
Olympic medal in the 200m backstroke, in dramatic fashion.
Making a successful move into the media, Lisa became a well-respected
sports commentator and more recently a TV and radio host.
2000 she became an author for young adults when her first book Making
the most of it was released. Her other books include djmAx and a
chapter book for younger readers called Meg Banana.
attendance fee for the workshop is $7 per person. The workshop runs
from 10am to 11.30am, with bookings essential on 9970 1600 or by
emailing rebeccah_vick@pittwater.nsw.gov.au
Media contact: Rebeccah
Vick Ph: 9970 1622
Traditional Damper Making for Kids
Vale library will host a free damper making workshop on Tuesday 5 July
from 10am to 12pm at Mona Vale Memorial Hall, Park Street, Mona Vale.
aged between 5 to 8 years old are invited to learn how to make
traditional damper with ‘Uncle Les’, as well as join in some fun
Aboriginal games.
‘Uncle’ Les McLeod is an experienced National
Parks Aboriginal ranger who through his work teaches both children and
adults about the importance of Aboriginal culture.
“Most people think of damper as the food of the colonial bushmen that
roamed around Australia in the 1800s,” said Mr McLeod.
“Actually, the Aboriginal people were making a damper-like bread way
before that, using ground seeds of native plants,” he said.
free workshop is in celebration of the Guringai Festival, a month-long
celebration of Aboriginal and indigenous culture in northern Sydney,
involving over ten councils.
The Guringai Festival runs until 10 July. For more
information visit www.guringaifestival.com.au
Bookings for the workshop are essential and can be made by calling 9970
Media contact: Rebeccah Vick, Mona Vale
Library Ph: 9970 1608
Pittwater Sustainability Awards
2011 Pittwater Sustainability Awards have opened, with a new category –
Sustainability in Schools – added to boost younger residents’ interest
in the issue.
The Sustainability Awards aim to recognise and
reward individuals, businesses and schools that are committed to
helping Pittwater community reduce its ecological footprint.
entries have included a sustainable makeover of a Petitt &
1970s house; a completely new home constructed at Mona Vale that has
cut energy and water use by up to 50%; a new garden in a clifftop
location that now has over 100 native plants and a company producing
sportsfield equipment such as goalposts out of recycled materials.
Entries can be submitted online at at
four categories are Sustainability in Design, Sustainability in
Business, Sustainability in Landscaping and Sustainability in
Pittwater Mayor Harvey Rose said the awards
were initiated by the Council in 2009 to recognise and reward
sustainable actions by local businesses and individuals.
first awards included the Blackmores organisation, which has integrated
rain water harvest and energy generation into their business premises
and local resident Dick Clarke who renovated his home with a focus on
sustainable air quality, water and energy use making it 100% carbon
neutral,” Mayor Rose said.
Winners in each of this year’s
categories will receive their award at a presentation in October.
Entries can be from residents, business or schools and must demonstrate
sustainability within the Pittwater area. The closing date for entries
is 15 August.
Media contact: Fiona
Hasselmann Ph: 9970 1248
New Delivery Program Adopted
Council has adopted the 2011-2015 Delivery Program and Budget at its
meeting this week. The Delivery Program and Budget identifies key
actions that the Council will undertake over the next four years on
behalf of its community.
A major platform of the program and
budget is the inclusion of a $38 million works program funded by a
three-year rate variation.
For the average residential ratepayer
in Pittwater, it means an estimated increase of $41 a year in rates for
2011-2012; $85 in 2012-2013 and $86 in 2013-2014. The Council will
begin implementing the works program from July this year.
Harvey Rose said the works program was strongly influenced by the
community’s wish to see major capital works and infrastructure
improvements in Pittwater.
“The Council believes wholeheartedly
in the principle of consulting the Pittwater community about spending
priorities and choices”, he said.
Key capital works projects include:
- $16 million over the next ten years for
Pittwater’s roads, footpaths and boardwalks.
- Strengthening
of environmental protection programs for areas such as Narrabeen Lagoon
North Palm Beach dunes and McCarrs Creek, among others
- Extending water and energy saving initiatives
in the community and in public buildings
- Major improvements to surf clubs such as Avalon
- Extension of the cycleways network
- New communal facilities at reserves such as
Bilarong, Governor Phillip and Kitchener Park
- Improvements to Lakeside Holiday Park at North
- Implementation of more stormwater harvesting
- Flood prevention works in Newport and North
Manager Mark Ferguson said the Delivery Program would spearhead the
Council’s operations over the next four years and provide the
operational link to the strategies outlined in Pittwater 2020, the
community’s strategic vision.
The Delivery Program and Budget
for 2011-2015, which includes fees and charges for the new financial
year, can be viewed at www.pittwater.nsw.gov.au and at the Council’s
customer service centres and libraries.
Paul Reid, Pittwater Council Ph: 9970 1102
Community Reference Group Members
The Council has appointed 60 local residents to serve on its community
reference groups over the next two years.
reference groups were created by the Council in 2009 as an additional
way of gaining community input on issues affecting Pittwater residents.
central focus of the reference groups will be to discuss the Council’s
progress on implementing Pittwater’s strategic plan, Pittwater 2020.
There are four reference groups including:
- Community Recreation & Economic
- Natural Environment
- Community Engagement & Information
- Planning an Integrated Built Environment
Harvey Rose said that the groups are made up of individuals in the
community and representatives from registered community groups in
“We have a mix of members with diverse knowledge and all have a strong
commitment to Pittwater,” he said.
group will give feedback to the Council regarding the goals and
initiatives associated with key directions of the strategic plan,” said
Mayor Rose.
The newly formed groups met last month for the first
time and amongst a number of items on the agenda received a briefing
about the terms of reference and how the groups will operate.
The reference groups will meet once every three months over the next
two years.
For a full list of group members visit www.pittwater.nsw.gov.au/referencegroups
Jane Mulroney, Pittwater Council Ph: 9970 1108
Offshore Community Representatives
Paul Purvis - West Pittwater Community Association
Dianne Campbell - Scotland Island Residents Association
Bill Gye - Scotland Island Residents Association
Brigitte Mahler-Mills - West Pittwater Community Association
Greg Roberts - Scotland Island Residents Association
Joy Nielsen-Purvis - West Pittwater Community Association

Fireshed Winter Dinner - Western Tucker
Saturday 2, July
from 7pm
The men are cooking this one.....
Western Style Tucker plus a Vegetarian Option
Bring along your best dessert and be a part of the Bake Off
Get dressed up and get in the mood

Launch at “Gone Fishing” Gallery
An Eighteenth
Century Sanskrit Treasure
Sunday July 17th
An opportunity to hear about the work of local writers while viewing
the work of local artists
Everyone Welcome
Jennifer and Grahame Cover will present in ‘IslandThinking’ style the
first English translation of
Bodhasara: An Eighteenth Century Sanskrit Treasure
Sunday July 17th 3-6pm
Venue: “Gone
Fishing” Gallery, 1858 Pittwater Rd, Church Point (in the old Pasadena)
Please bring a bottle and/or plate to share.
We’d appreciate an RSVP to jennifer.cover@bodhasara.com or 0409 560 008
For background material see www.bodhasara.com
Paperback version available at www.amazon.com
Bodhasara is not an intellectual text – its spirit of curiosity will
appeal to anyone with an open, receptive mind. It is a fine example of
wisdom literature enlivened by the renaissance spirit evident in India
during the pre-colonial 18th century. Special care was taken to create
a fine English translation to make this text accessible and enjoyable.
Bodhasara, one of the few texts known from this pre-colonial period,
was almost forgotten until this translation project. Narahari, the
author, uses humour, double meanings and striking metaphors. He is
fearless about discarding worthless adherence to form and ever
confident in the natural purity of existence.
This publication of Bodhasara was recently launched in India, in Pune
at Pune University and the Bhandarkar Oriental research Instituite, and
in Rishikesh at the Arsha Vidya Gurukulum. It was praised by all,
including many Sanskrit scholars. In Melbourne, Sydney (mainland) and
Brisbane the reception has been equally enthusiastic among scholars and
lay readers alike. A US launch tour is being planned for August.
A project directed by the young Australian composer Andrew Batt-Rawden
is in an early stage with the goal of setting the work to music and
Signed copies will be available at the launch: Paperback $37, Hardcover
$65 (Cash or cheque only)

New Photos added to Online Gallery
From the Island
Play "Jealousy and Lust on the Island"
Click any image to open the
gallery in your browser
Images kindly submitted by Jonathan Duhig

Corner by Leicester Warburton
Popular School
Principal has Island Link 50 Years Back
It was a weekly ceremony familiar to a number of Islanders - the
loading of the family vehicle late on a Friday afternoon somewhere on
the mainland and heading for the Island for the weekend.
On this occasion, 50 years ago, the car was parked outside their
Maroubra home and the McErlean family, Harry, Sally and their boys,
Harry Jr. and Brian, were headed for Bell Wharf for a weekend of toil
and a little bit of fun.
Harry Snr was a builder and with the help of his two strapping sons
just entering teenage a house was taking shape on waterfront land
bought for 365 pounds. It was just beside the Bell Wharf steps on the
right as you climbed. This was a time of pressure lamps and kerosene
fridges. Power was still some years away. The car park as we know it
did not exist and parking was single column along the roadside.
They kept their small boat in a decrepit boatshed at Church Point and,
by the time all was loaded the water level at the gunwale was
dangerous. Mostly the 400 yard (yes, yard) row to Bell was mercifully
calm. There was no sheltershed at Bell in those days so if it rained
you hurried on - and up. Only about five boats ever moored there.
Every weekend the whole family worked on building their holiday
weekender. The big reward for the boys on Sunday afternoons was a swim
off the wharf. But not too far out.
Today, the elder lad, now the amazingly popular and highly admired
headmaster of Newport Public School, Harry McErlean, still expresses a
special fondness for the Island, with many great teenage memories.
He recalls ringing the bell of Bell Wharf to summon the legendary
skipper of the Curlew, Len Duck. As they built, they utilised any
convenient timber they could lay their hands on including, eventually,
parts of the ancient boatshed, bought for a song when it was being
demolished. That wood formed part of the enclosing of the basement of
the house
Eventually, the McErleans sold their home and moved to the Island full
time when the house there became larger than the Maroubra dwelling.
Harry remembers weekends were fun when friends came to call (by then
they had a half-cabin boat) but- with the Island still lightly settled,
it could be lonely through the week, he says.
Eventually, as the boys attended teachers training college, commuting
became a problem and, in 1967, the family sold up and moved again.
House and land went for $20,000. Harry's parents moved back to Ireland
and the boys pursued teaching careers.
When Harry married he managed to get a posting in the area he had come
to love - the Northern Beaches. The couple managed to buy a house at
Whale Beach with a stunning view right next to the much loved radio
personality, Gwen Plumb. In 1991, when he took over as principal of
Newport Public, only seven children travelled there from Scotland
Island and the Western Shores. Today, encouraged by the remarkable
reputation the school has acquired under Harry's imaginative
leadership, that number has grown to 100. And the School's overall
enrolment is still increasing!
With a career going back 42 years, Harry McErlean doesn't look like
stopping - yet. It has been such a wonderful, even enthralling
experience, he says and adds "I'm just so proud of Newport Public and
our dedicated staff!"
Published April 30, 2004

Friday 15 July,
Pittwater Room
click image to
load PDF flyer
now for the rare opportunity to hear Team Yachting Australia's
spokesmen, Nev Wittey & Peter Baker, speak of their quest to
the America's Cup to Australia after 30 years.
See the AC 45's in action and ride the wave of their enthusiasm as they
prepare for San Diego in November.
Price: $55
$65 non
Includes two course lunch and welcome drink.
To book call
reception on 9998 3700.
close Tuesday 12 July

Authors Talks at
Mona Vale Library
Hey Mum, What's
a Half-Caste?
By Lorraine McGee-Sippel
Wednesday 6 July 2011,
Time: 6.30pm
FREE talk in celebration of the
Guringai Festival.
This is the story of the author’s
long struggle to understand the mystery of her identity and find her
birth family, after she is informed that she is
adopted. She also
discusses her reunion with her birth mother and siblings, learning for
the first time about her Aboriginal ancestry.
Lorraine McGee-Sippel is a descendant of the Yorta Yorta people of
the Murray-Goulburn region and winner of the inaugural Yabun Elder of
the Year Award for her contribution to reconcilation and community work
in 2008.
Hey Mum, What is a Half-Caste?, Lorraine’s first book sold
out within five months and won the 2009 Deadly Award for Outstanding
Achievement in Literature
Wednesday 6
July 2011
Time: 6.30pm
Venue: Mona
Vale Library
1 Park
Street, Mona Vale
Cost: FREE!
in celebration of the Guringai Festival
Phone: 9970
The Keepers and the Kept.
of a Zookeeper
Terry Boylan
Wednesday 20 July 2011, Time: 6.30pm
Boylan was nearly killed by a furious elephant, bitten by a venomous
cobra, and chased an escaped troupe of monkeys. But he still loves his
The author gives insight into the running of a zoo,
particularly Sydney’s Taronga Zoo and relates humorous and
heart-warming animal stories.
Terry Boylan worked as a zookeeper
for more than 40 years at Taronga Zoo, Melbourne and London Zoos. He is
still employed as a zookeeper by the Taronga Conservation Society.
He has published more than 20 natural history and zoological articles
in magazine and journals.
This is his first book
Wednesday 20 July 2011
Time: 6.30pm
Venue: Mona
Vale Library
1 Park
Street, Mona Vale
Cost: $8.00
Concession - Pensioners and Students (passes must be shown)
Phone: 9970
within 3 days of booking

Post Office Boxes Installed at Church Point
We have had an additional bank of PO Boxes installed at the PO and
these will definitely be the last set of boxes that we get.
are still a few people/families sharing a PO Box, so if you would like
one of these new ones, now is the time to apply, as vacant PO Boxes are
rare and the wait for one can be many months.
Offshore residents receive a greatly discounted annual rate, currently
around $25 for a small box .

Place to Rent
Professional couple seeks to rent, short to long term, on the island
as of July.
Please call Martin 0414011948 or Juliet 0431487589
Pram Taken form
Elvina Bay North
Last week our black Mountain Buggy pram was taken from
Elvina Bay wharf.
was left there for a couple of days since it was pouring with rain when
we got off the ferry and we couldn't haul it and two kids (one
sleeping) up the steps...
Seen it? Took it by mistake?
love it back! Thanks...Isadora (and Apanie)... Tel: 9999 1329 or return
it to the ferry wharf and we'll collect it from there.

Local Guide
Island Residents Association
(SIRA) Membership Application - click
here to download |
West Pittwater Community
Association (WPCA) - http://www.wpca.org.au |
Island Water
SI Emergency Water Contacts and Guidelines for water: click
here for information and contacts
Scotland Island 'Water Agreement' - click
here to download |
Island Children's Centre - (SIOCS - Scotland Island
& Offshore Childrens Services)
Catherine Park (Long Day Care Service) 8.30am - 4.30pm (Tues,
Weds & Thurs)
Playgroup @ Children's Centre every Monday, 10.00am - 12 midday
Other services include: School Holiday Programme / Facility &
Equipment Hire
For information call 02 9979 7856 or email: siocs@comcen.com.au |
Island Community Hall
Bookings: Kez on 9999 4092 or kezborthwickbolton@gmail.com |
Real Estate
Services, Clubs &
Traders - On-line shopping
from your computer, through your door on Scotland Island. Contact
Graeme on 0419 460 331 or click
here for full details
Justice of the Peace
- Bob Bolton - 9999 4092 |
Justice of the Peace
- Paul Purvis - 9979 9667 |
Justice of the Peace
- Paul Burchall - 0414 975 793 |
Justice of the Peace
- Bob Mitchell (Mackeral Beach) - 0419 745 628 |
Community Arts Inc. - Enquiries Lorrie Morgan
9997 8079 lorriemay@bigpond.com |
Point Yacht Club - http://www.wpyc.com.au
commodore@wpyc.com.au |
Prince Alfred Yacht Club - 02
9997 1022
http://www.rpayc.com.au/ |
Motor Yacht Club - http://www.royalmotor.com.au/
02 9997 5511 |
Island Lodge - Bed
Breakfast - 02 9979 3301 or
http://www.scotlandislandlodge.com.au |
Elvina Escape - B & B at
Elvina Bay - Alison Newham 0423 598 760 |
on Towlers Bay - 02 9332 2611 info@walkabouttours.com.au |
Youth Hostel - 02 9999 5748 www.yha.com.au/hostels/details.cfm?hostelid=31
Chambers - Celebrant (marriages, funerals etc)
Discount for all offshore residents. 9999 2445 |
IT Computer Services - Contact Robert
0427 890 357 or 9999 2942 |
Handy Service - "No
job too small" - Call Alan 0447 775 541 |
Electrician Wayne on
Scotland Island 0418 229 277 - offshore community
sparky - www.sparky.com.au |
Island Classes
Dance, Art etc)
Meditation and Group Fitness with Patrice - 0406
483 036 patrice.corrie@gmail.com |
Anusara Yoga
- Thursdays - 0421762236 dominiquemarill@gmail.com
or floydcbg@ozemail.com.au |
with Max - Watercolour classes. Phone Max on 9997 4527 |
Art Classes- drawing
and painting in oils, acrylics and mixed media- Marion 9979 3993 or
0431 457 431 |
Nathalie's Table - Cooking Classes - Mediterranean
cooking fortnightly - Nathalie - 9999 4449 |
/ The Forth Way - Call John on 9979 5584, Marion on 9979
3993 or Anne on 9999 3478 |
Group For Catherine Park - Run by SIOCS - Emmie Collins
on 0405 330 781 |
WOW - Women on Water
- second Wednesday of the month - contact Nila on 9999 2445
& Kids Groups Playgroup - Run by SIOCS
- email Emma trysemz@tpg.com.au |
Scotland Island Players
- contact Bob or Kez on 9999 4092 |
Catherine Park Bush Care Group,
2nd Sunday @ 9.30am, Sharon Kinnison @ 9997 6017 |
Elizabeth Park Bush Care Group,
1st Saturday @ 9 am, Bob Bolton @ 9999 4092 |
Thinking Group - Roy
Baker, 9999 6891, roybaker99@yahoo.com |
Offshore a capella choir
– Saturdays at 2:30 pm, SI Community Hall. Call Gordon on
9997 2035. |
Buses and Railways
Island Tides,
Moon phases, Sun rise & set
weather for Sydney (128k circle)
Contact Numbers
ALL EMERGENCIES (Police - Fire - Ambulance) |
000 |
Assistance Line & Information |
1444 or 9281 0000 |
Bay Water Police |
7899 or 0412 162 093 |
Island Rural Fire Brigade |
9999 4404 |
Fire Service General Information 9265 2999 |
2999 |
Fire Service General information |
3000 |
Emergency Service, Warringah/Pittwater SES |
3399 |
Parks & Wildlife Service: 000, general information |
9322 |
of Community Services: general information |
6011 |
Water |
132 090 |
Australia |
388, (ah) 131 909 |
can now join the
Scotland Island Residents Association by clicking
here. Please print the
page and return the completed form to
SIRA at this address:
The Treasurer, SIRA, PO Box 70, Church Point
Please NO CASH.
Contact SIRA at sirapittwater@gmail.com
To join the
Western Pittwater
Association, contact Michael Wiener at m2wiener@bigpond.net.au |
A complete set of past electronic newsletters since May 2000 can be
found and read at https://ymlp.com/archive_gesgjgm.php or
by clicking
here or
by visiting the Mona Vale Library.
The Island website is at www.scotlandisland.org.au

If you would
like to contribute to this newsletter it's easy!. Send an
e-mail to the editor (editor@scotlandisland.org.au) or by clicking here.
Type your
contribution (100 words or so would be fine) and assuming it is of
interest to the community, does not include matter of a political
nature and is not offensive, it will
appear next month.
To get on and off
this newsletter, click
here or got to: http://www.scotlandisland.org.au/signup
To change your
address, click the 'modify' link at the bottom of this
newsletter or send an email to the editor@scotlandisland.org.au

Online Local Contact Guide
HERE to load
views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the views of the
Scotland Island Residents Association (SIRA), or
the Western
Pittwater Community Association (WPCA)
