IAHF Webmaster: CODEX Emergency, Anti CAFTA, Whats New, What to DO
IAHF List: Speaker of the House Tom DeLay has called a mandatory GOP meeting for tomorrow (Wed) 9am as Bush is running scared on CAFTA and we MUST KEEP THE PRESSURE ON!!!
As you can see, although there are 50 more congressmen in the "no, leaning no" column than there are in the "yes, leaning yes" column, we can't get complacent because there are 138 in the "undecided, declined to answer, and no response" categories, and thats a lot of people, more than enough for Bush to win if he swings enough of them over, and with a special GOP meeting planned for tomorrow am at which Bush will speak and "call in his markers" as he goes into last ditch arm twisting mode, we've got our work cut out for us.
Below you'll see the TOLL FREE #s, and the lists of people to KEY ON as well as phone script, also info re the web based radio show I'll be on tomorrow from 2-3 Pacific time, 3-4 mountain, 4-5 central, 5-6 Eastern
IAHF ON AIR TOMORROW (WED) 2-3 pm on the Jill Harrison Show, web based at http://www.americanewsnet.com (PLEASE FORWARD THIS AND URGE YOUR FRIENDS TO JOIN YOU IN ACTING/
Congressman Paul had a great press conference today in front of the Canon House Office Bldg with many media in attendance. He was accompanied by 3 Republicans: Virgil Goode (VA), Butch Otter (ID), and Walter Jones (NC) Please THANK these courageous men for BREAKING RANKS with Bush and for sticking up for Ron Paul and for the Constitution!
First of all, please KNOW that the Liberty Committee has been lining up STAFF for tomorrow's staff briefing on CAFTA to be held in the Longworth Building, Rm 1537 from Noon-12:30 pm where lunch is provided, and they'll be shown WE BECOME SILENT by Kevin Miller http://www.welltv.com This hard hitting documentary on the CODEX/CAFTA issues is helping us to open minds and to swing members to our side against CAFTA, but we need YOU to ask your congressmans staff to attend. Tell them YOU watched this film and would like THEM to ALSO watch it(!!!!!) Tell 'em you EXPECT them to watch it, and see if they agree to or not. They'll also be handed material explaining our position which counters that of the US Trade Rep and others- (See http://www.coalitionforhealthfreedom.org/issues.html
866-340-9281, 866-340-9279, 877-762-8762
"I'm calling re the CAFTA issue as an angry vitamin consumer:
From the Liberty Committee website I see you're (insert one: leaning no, undecided, leaning yes, declined to answer, or no response by presstime).
You need to know that I am very concerned about the direction CAFTA is taking us. It threatens to harmonize us to restrictive international Codex standards. I would appreciate it very much if someone from your staff were to attend the staff briefing hosted by the Liberty Committee at the Longworth Building, Rm 1537 from Noon-12:30 pm where lunch is provided, and you may view a powerful documentary film on this issue titled WE BECOME SILENT by Kevin Miller which you can also see at http://www.welltv.com There you can also get additional information and get questions answered.
I expect you to vote NO on CAFTA."
Yes/Leaning Yes: 123
No/Leaning No: 173
Undecided: 67
Declined to Answer/No Response 71
Leaning No
Ackerman, Baca, Berman, Boren, Butterfield, Carson, Clyburn, Emanuel, Langevin, McCarthy, B. Miller, Payne, Rothman, Loretta Sanchez, Watson and Watt. (16)
Berkley, S. Bishop, T. Bishop, Clay, Cooper, Costa, D. Davis, J. Davis, L. Davis,
S. Davis, Edwards, Ford, Gonzalez, Hinojosa, Israel, Kilpatrick, Jackson Lee,
Meeks, D. Moore, Ortiz, Snyder and Towns. (22)
Declined to Answer
Chandler, DeGette, Eshoo, Frank, Kanjorski, Lofgren, Lowey, Matheson, Reyes,
D. Scott, Sherman, Skelton, and M. Thompson. (13)
No Response by Presstime
Andrews, Boyd, Conyers, Cramer, Filner, Gordon, Larson, Lipinski, Millender-McDonald, Owens, Ruppersberger, Rush, Velazquez, and Waters. (14)
Leaning Yes
Akin, Boozman, Culberson, Cunningham, Dent, Gilchrest, Gohmert, Granger,
Istook, Kingston, Leach, J. Lewis, Lucas, Pearce, Poe, Price, Putnam, Schwarz,
Shadegg, Shuster and Terry.
Leaning No
Aderholt, Bonner, Brown-Waite, Coble, Foley, Gutknecht, McCotter and
Simmons. (8)
Bartlett, Bilirakis, Blackburn, Boehlert, Brown, Camp, Crenshaw, M. Diaz-Balart,
Duncan, Ehlers, Emerson, Everett, Feeney, Fitzpatrick, Forbes, Franks, Gerlach,
Gibbons, Gillmor, Gingrey, Green, Gutknecht, Hefley, Hobson, Hoekstra, Kuhl,
Mack, McHugh, McMorris. G. Miller, J. Miller, Murphy, Musgrave, Osborne, Petri, Pickering, Rohrabacher, Sensenbrenner, Sodrel, Upton, Walden, Walsh, C. Weldon, Wamp, Whitfield and D. Young. (45)
Declined to Answer
Buyer, Garrett, Issa, Nunes, Platts, Regula, Tiberi, Turner and Wolf. (9)
No Response by Presstime
Alexander, Baker, Bishop, Bergess, Capito, Chabot, J. Davis, Deal, Fosella,
Gallegly, Graves, Hall, Hostettler, Jenkins, Jindal, Kelly, LoBiondo, Manzullo, Mica,
C. Miller, Ney, Peterson, Pombo, Renzi, Reynolds, H. Rogers, Royce, Saxton,
Sherwood, C. Smith, Stearns, Sweeney, Thornberry, D. Weldon and C.W. Young. (35)
IAHF Urgent Request for Financial Assistance: Killer Bandwidth Charges:
IAHF has incurred some enormous recent bandwidth charges. Please don't force us to remove IAHF.COM from cyberspace, but I'll have no choice unless I get donations to cover the more than $1,000. incurred in recent extra bandwidth charges due to massive site visitation in recent weeks. I just can't pay this without help! See address below or go to paypal on the site at http://www.iahf.com
Thanks for helping, the LIFE you save..... might be your OWN.......