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Car Park Vandals at Work Again
What you see below is the wanton damaged caused to a vehicle
parked at Church Point Car Park, in the last 10 days.
determined efforts gone to by the thugs who damage this car
have rendered it a complete rightoff. All of you know what
the consequences
of that are to an owner and the inconvenience, and costs that
it causes. It is understood that at least two other vehicles,
possibly more have been either
damaged and or had parts stolen during this same period.
What happened to these cars could have happened
to anyones car, and it may well be
someones car in the future. How many cars have been damaged
and vandelised in this carpark in the last few years and at
cost to this community? This car park is a playground for
these sorts of people, especially as they can quickly see there is
little or no consequences to their actions.
police service is not setup to deal with long term monitoring of places
like the car park. Apparently we do not have enough crime in the area
to warrant additional policing anyway! Council do
not take
responsibility for security in the
car parks, yet time and time again we see and hear of cars trashed at
Point. How much worse does it need to get before anything is done to
stop this unacceptable behaviour and what is to be
done if
we want it stopped? It appears that if we want our
assets to be secure
then we as a community have to be prepared to organise security
and be prepared to cover the costs ourselves.
One idea is to have the car park patrolled. Would car owners consider
paying for a qualified patrolman to patrol the car park
from 11pm to 6am each night, 365 days of the
Not random patrols, but someone at the car park all the time between
the hours of 11pm and 6am every night. This would cost 250 car
owners each approximately $32 a month ($390 each per year) to have
such a
service at Church Point Car Park. Would vehicle owners
consider this, or is this too much pay? What are you prepare to pay?
Do you have any thoughts or ideas about this? We would really
like to know how the community feels about this issue and
would appreciate all your comments.
Please send comments to editor@scotlandilsand.org.au
Scotland Island Cafe
Scotland Island Cafe will be open for coffee and cake every week from
next Sunday. Please join us in Catherine Park by the Kindy from 10am to
midday from Sunday 11 April. Save yourself 20 cents off your coffee if
you bring your own cup!
If you'd like to make a cake to share with the island please call Maddy
on 0421 742 049.
Ten Dollar Kindy
something to sell? Getting rid of some books? Just
made a
batch of delicious jam? Want to offer reflexology or a massage?
raise much needed funds for the kindy, we are offering you the chance
to hire a table and sell your wares or skills to coffee shop customers
every Sunday. No booking needed. Just turn up by
9.30am to set up your stall / table.
You keep your profits, we keep the ten dollars.
Any questions please call Barbara on 0400 377 056
Local Wins Prize at Rural Landscape
Fine Arts Show
go to PHILLIPPA THOMAS another of our Island artists, for her
ribbon in the Contemporary Landscape Section at the Royal Easter Show.

Author Talks at
Mona Vale Library
The Inconvenient Child
By Sharyn Killens & Lindsay Lewis
Click image to
load flyer
This is the true story of an abandoned Australian child’s struggle to
survive childhood and find her African American father.
Sharyn Killens has spent time in foster care, an orphanage and in
juvenile detention centres in Parramatta and Hay, as well as living in
Kings Cross, before realising her dream of becoming a professional
singer and trying to come to terms with her origins.
She is currently visiting Fellow at the Australian Defence Force
Academy and has taught in secondary schools, TAFE and at
22 April 2010
Vale Library
Park Street, Mona Vale
Concession / Pensioner or Friends of Mona Vale Library
must be shown)
9970 1600
within 3 days of booking
Library News 2010 - March to May
Click image to
load flyer
- Author Talks
Bookings are essential on 9970 1600
The first two talks for 2010, the four Italian ladies and Henrietta
Taylor, have been very well received. Forthcoming talks are as follows:
- MARIA HILL “Diggers
and Greeks” -
Tuesday 30 March
Inconvenient Child “ - Thursday 22 April
“Civilising Globalisation, Human
Rights and the Global Economy” - Wednesday 5 May
The above events are held at Mona Vale Library and commence at 6.30pm.
The cost is $7.50 or $5.50 concession
Author Talk in conjunction with the Coastal Environment Centre:
- DON TATE ‘The War
Within” plus film footage on
the Vietnam War taken by the author. - Tuesday 25 May, cost
to be advised.
Please note that the above event will be held at the Coastal
Environment Centre commencing at 6pm.
Coastal Environment Centre: 1 Lake Park Road, North
Local Guide - Community Information
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