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Scotland Island - Western Shores - Mackeral Beach

- June 2005 -

Newsletter for Offshore Residents of Pittwater, Australia  Volume 7, Issue 86; June 2005     


The AGM of SIRA is to be held on Sunday June 19th. (further information below) Now is you chance to help steer the good ship SIRA on your idea of the right course. Now is also the time for a new edition of POD, the Pittwater Offshore Directory. This wonderful publication is due for an overhaul and you can help by encouraging those that supply goods and services to you, to advertise in the new edition (at a very moderate cost). More information below!

In this Issue:

  • History Corner
  • SIRA Annual General Meeting
  • Hooked on Books?
  • Keeping Pittwater Safe- Pittwater Crime Prevention Survey
  • Pittwater Business/Industry Forum
  • More about amphibious cars
  • Chronicles of the Scotland Island Players - the 1980's
  • Charity Book Sale on Scotland Island
  • Survey - Changes to Ferry Timetables
  • Pittwater Offshore Directory (POD) - new edition
  • Art Project – Island Places
  • SIRFB turns 50!
  • Archived Newsletters
  • Your Subscription Information
  • History Corner
    Describing Barrenjoey, the Government surveyor William Govett, sent in 1829 to record the Port Jackson-Broken Bay stretch of coastline, reported "a sand-bar connects the extraordinary headland with the main range." He makes no mention of its ideal positioning of a warning light to guide vessels entering Broken Bay and the establishment of such a warning does not appear to be found in records until  1855. About that time a wooden building stood at the peak of the headland  and it is assumed that fires were lit in a fire basket there, at least in bad weather.
    By 1868 the building had become dilapidated and ,that year, two wooden towers were erected to serve as beacons during the day and from which to show lights at night. They are described in 1879 as "two white towers, 390 yards apart, from each of which is exhibited a temporary fixed white light." Directions were issued to mariners about getting them in line in order to avoid shoals on entering the bay. These towers were called Stewart Towers after Robert Stewart, Parliamentary Member for East Sydney who had supported the idea. They cost the then considerable sum of three hundred pounds plus eighty five pounds for two lanterns. .
    But even before they were superseded by the existing lighthouse they were insufficient for their purpose. The Hawkesbury was then navigable all the way to Windsor. Steamers traded there, carrying both passengers and produce and by 1876 river trade was extremely buoyant. The disease of rust in wheat had not come to Australia and the grain was grown and ground on the flatlands beside the river.. Pittwater, too, sent produce to Sydney and a reliable light on Barrenjoey was vital. This was complicated by the fact that the northernmost portion of the long isthmus, including the headland, had been granted to a James Napper at a time when land was granted without any thought to future needs. Then it was found that Napper had sold the extreme end., the ideal site for a lighthouse. But finally the difficulty was surmounted. The land was acquired and plans for the present lighthouse were prepared in by James Barnet , the Government Architect responsible for many of Sydney's finest Victorian buildings including the G.P.O. Estimated building cost was nearly seventeen thousand pounds and the foundation stone was laid by the architects's daughter , Rosa, on April 15, 1880.
    Next Month:  The first lighthouse keeper. How did he die?

    Leicester Warburton

    And this comment received from a reader regarding last month's edition:

    The "intriguingly numerical name" of the Hundred of Packenham was just another importation from England where, from ancient times, a hundred was a district forming part of a county. It was originally so called because each consisted of a hundred freeholders (or ten tithings). Each hundred once had its own court and was governed by a high constable or bailiff.
    So, in the colony, when the land came to be described, hundreds formed counties which formed parishes.
    Regards Nick Cowdery
    McCarr's Creek

    SIRA Annual General Meeting

    Sunday June 19th 2005
    9.30 am in the Community Hall
    9.30 Tea/Coffee + Registration + New Members
    10.0 Welcome, Previous Minutes, Treasurer’s Report, Other Business

    Changes to Constitution
    To view the detail of the constitutional changes:  CLICK HERE
    Emergency Water. Progress on upgrade of lines.
    Water and Sewerage progress.
    Roads and Drainage
    Public Wharves SI – Changes to tinnie tie-ups at wharves by Council
    Community Vehicle – Phone in changes changes
    Waste Management
    Bush Regeneration
    Church Point Precinct –
    Car park, Ferry, Commuter Wharf and other issues
    Election of Office Bearers for 2005/2006
    President Vice Presidents (2)
    Secretary Treasurer
    Committee Members RFS Representative
    Land Care Representative Community Vehicle Rep.

    12.15 Close
    1.00 Everyone is welcome to join us in a sausage sizzle to celebrate SIRA’s 50th Birthday Please bring your own liquid refreshments.

    Note: Nominations for office bearers and committee members are welcomed

    Hooked on Books?
    Are you hooked on books? Would you like to join a Book Club on the island? A new book club has been formed this year and we have held two meetings to date. We have about seven members but would like about eight more so that we have a "critical mass" every month.

    Who can join? Both girls AND guys. We already have two guys!
    What do we do there?
    First of all we bring something to drink and some nibbles to share.
    Secondly we bring a book each, ie. one we have read and would like to talk about. We then talk about our books. Sometimes the discussion goes beyond the individual book itself into social issues. For example last month someone had read a John Grisham book revolving around capital punishment, so we talked about that as well.
    Thirdly we share our books with each other. This is not essential as someone may not wish to
    lend a particular book (it may be special, a library book or belong to someone else). We don't have a problem with this. We keep a register of who talked about which book (its title, author, fiction/non-fiction status) and who has borrowed it (most important to ensure people get their books back).
    Fourthly, you can talk about any genre, we are an eclectic group reading biographies, pot boilers, crime, trash, prize winning books, sagas, hard science fiction, self help and anything else you can think of.

    That's about it really. We have been meeting at Jan (Melville) and David (Wardman's) place but if our numbers grow we thought it might be a good idea to rotate between different members' homes. This means that people don't always have to trek up to near the top of the island!

    For further information, please phone Jan on 9999 5944 or Kerry on 9999 4092.

    Keeping Pittwater Safe- Pittwater Crime Prevention Survey

    The next step in Pittwater Council’s Crime Prevention Project is to conduct a survey of residents living in Pittwater. The survey is aiming to gauge the community’s perception of crime and will also act as an evaluation tool for the project.

    By clicking on this link to  the survey, which is being distributed throughout the community, and posting back the completed form, you can help us to keep Pittwater safe.

    The survey can be completed by either answering the questions on the survey form or visiting the Pittwater website at www.pittwaterlga.com.au

    Pittwater Business/Industry Forum

    Business, trades and industry representatives are invited to attend Pittwater Council's eighth Pittwater Business/Industry Forum, to be held at Royal Motor Yacht Club, 46 Prince Alfred Parade, Newport as a breakfast session from 7.15-9.15am on Wednesday 18 May 2004.

    This year's Forum has a central theme of “Growing Your Northern Beaches Business”, with a presentation by Tim Shaw, Sales and Marketing Expert and local businessman. This is supplemented by a brief presentation by Steve Harvey, Business Researcher, on “Pittwater Trends and Opportunities”.

    The breakfast session will be provided for $25 per person, and exhibition space at the Forum is available for participants.

    The Forum offers an invaluable opportunity to network with local business people, Councillors and Council business managers. Pittwater Mayor Lynne Czinner invites all local business, trades and industry people to attend and participate in the themed discussion, as well as give their views on any issues of importance. Through this Forum Pittwater Council hopes to develop a better working relationship with its business and industry community, but this can only be achieved if local representatives attend.

    Booking slips can be downloaded from the Pittwater website – www.pittwaterlga.com.au - under “What’s Happening, Events, May 2005”, at Council offices at level 2, 1 Park Street, Mona Vale and 59a Old Barrenjoey Road, Avalon and at Mona Vale and Avalon Libraries, or can be posted to interested people. Bookings are essential – contact Gay McCorby, Tel: 9970 1119.

    For more information: Gay McCorby, Corporate Communications Officer, Tel: 9970 1119

    More about amphibious cars

    Hi from Macleay Island . I am the chap that builds the amphibious 4x4 . As you stated in your last newsletter, it is based on a Suzuki  Jimny , but totally rebuilt , all the original body is gone and replaced with a composite hull deck and firewall . I designed it to be a very seaworthy and capable vessel for its size and can handle weather that would keep a tinnie on its trailer .  it is driven by a jet from a PTO on the transfer case and does a good 7 knots on water and we hope to inch that up to 9 knots in time . I live on an island in Moreton bay and we fully appreciate the problems you have down there , ours are the same . My car is the dream vehicle here and everyone would have one if they could afford it . I am still finalising the production prototype and it should be ready for full production in a month or two . Australia is not familiar with amphibious vehicles and I am sure it will grow into a sizeable venture over the years . We  Islanders can instantly see the benefits because of our geographical Isolation and I am sure that in the years to come it will change the property values there as its remoteness becomes less of an issue . It also happens to be a heap of fun and a useful thing around water , I go fishing in mine and exploring our bay and islands .  The story on  www.gizmag.com.au  is a good one with lots of pictures and info . Go to the web site and select the  "on the water " section in the drop down then scroll down the articles , its about tenth I think .  Please feel free to contact me on 07 34094065 , I am sure that I can solve a great big headache for your readers . I hope to get to Sydney soon to do some demos and get it seen . The photos were taken some time ago and it now has steps in the side and a soft top for sun rain and unfriendly seas....    Keep well ...Boyd Wyatt    OZAMPHIBIAN

    Chronicles of the Scotland Island Players - the 1980's
    Have you ever watched an Island Players show and wondered what they do with the video tape? Annette Freeland has been compiling the most amazing archive of Scotland Island history for over 20 years! We’ve taken all the best bits from 1983 to 1989 and put it on one DVD. It covers over a dozen productions; dramas, comedies, revues, musicals, children’s shows, dancing and even two short films shot at Church Point and on Scotland Island 20 years ago.

    The DVD has commentary throughout by Philip and Trilby Bond, Dave Walsh, Annette Freeland, Bob Blackwood and Dulcie Erdman.

    Shows include Sinbad the Sailor, Out of this World 1 and 2, The Wizard of Oz, Club Gothic, Flight of Fancy, Halley’s Revue (forerunner to the Cadwell Capers), Theatre Restaurant, The Magician’s Curse, CafĂ© Vereaux, Camelot the Musical, Magic Pudding, and Murder Mystery.

    Where do you get it? Come along to the next production of the Scotland Island Players, ANYONE FOR TENNIS (THE SECESSION REVUE) 3rd, 4th, 10th 11th and 12th of June – you’ll all be there won’t you!!!!! There’ll be copies at the door, $20 for the DVD, $30 for the video.
    You can also get copies by contacting Boyd at boydatt@bigpond.com or 0417 991 499.
    Click on this link to check out the amazing stills taken from the CHRONICLES DVD http://www.juicepulp.bigpondhosting.com/

    Charity Book Sale on Scotland Island

    Another charity book sale is to be held at GEEPS (waterfront o few south of Tennis)  Bring along all unwanted books anytime before July 21st.  The sale will only be held on Sat 21st.  Last year we charged 50cents per book and raised over $300 for the Garvin Institute which conducts research into cancer. It’s a fun day where you can read and talk about books with whoever drops in. 

    Bring a plate a food and something to drink and take the afternoon to drift through the literary off casts of your friends.  This year we will be raising funds to buy a wheelchair for a needy teenager. More about that later.

    Survey - Changes to Ferry Timetables

    To all residents of Scotland Island and the Western Foreshores,
    The ferry service appears to be about to be subjected to the biggest threat to its existence that it has ever faced.
    We are not talking about boats sinking or financial failure brought on by our dabbling in polar bear oil futures.
    We are talking about our financial viability being utterly gutted by stupid, totally flawed and
    incompetent changes to our crewing requirements dictated by NSW Maritime.

    Fortunately or unfortunately we are not alone – the new regulations will drastically affect every commercial vessel operator in NSW, small operators such as us being disproportionately impacted.
    We are frantically trying to work out how we can survive this bureaucratic nightmare which we are told is likely to be imposed in July this year.

    It would appear that the only serious options that we have that are of sufficient magnitude involve ceasing to operate 2 ferries during morning and afternoon peak periods and reverting to a single boat operation. The future of non-viable services such as weekday early morning and midday runs is also in doubt as are early/late weekend runs and the Newport school run.

    You can greatly assist us to work out how we can rearrange the timetable by taking the time to complete the attached survey.
    Each family member, including children, should fill out a separate form because their needs will be different. Additional forms can be obtained from any employee of the ferry service.

    The only potentially contentious information we have asked for is your name, address and telephone number. We require this for a couple of reasons. Firstly we want to ensure that there is one response per person, secondly we may want to contact you if we have any questions and thirdly, if time allows, we want to obtain your comments on any proposed new timetable before putting it in to effect.

    If you have difficulty in understanding how to answer any part of the survey don't hesitate to ask any of the employees of the ferry service for assistance. To complete the survey, please print out the form by clicking here

    When you have completed the survey please give it to any of the employees of the ferry service.

    We would much prefer to be able to continue to offer you the current level of services however this is impossible in the context of the looming madness,

    Jack Kirkpatrick (0409 223 879)     Alan McGrath (0419 946 566)

    Pittwater Offshore Directory (POD) - new edition

    SIRA are putting together the new edition of the directory we have all come to use and love! This invaluable document is read by most offshore residents, particularly when looking for a local phone number or a repair person. It is also a major fund raiser for SIRA and we seek your help in searching out new and old advertisers. If you know an individual or a business that would like to be exposed to such a targeted audience, please ring Deryn, Rosemary or Shar on the numbers below. Below is the letter being sent to businesses and the costs of advertising  and an application form can be found by clicking here. Please feel free to print this form, then talk to your local business or service provider!

    Dear Local Business,

    A new bumper edition of the Pittwater Offshore Directory is to be published shortly and we invite you to advertise again with us. For the first time this edition will be placed on the Internet and over 700 copies will be distributed to homes on Scotland Island, Western Foreshores, Mackeral Beach and Coasters Retreat. The Directories have proven to be an essential source of information to every offshore household and business.

    The deadline for booking your advertisement is 10th June 2005.

    We would appreciate your support and hope that we can be of service to you. If you would like any further details please contact one of the following.

    Deryn 9979-9141, Rosemary 9979-3301or Shar 9999-1346

    Art Project – Island Places

    Many thanks for all the lovely responses I have received since my call for interest in the Island Places art project, published in last month’s news letter. I am quite delighted and very much looking forward to meeting you all.

    I will be on Scotland Island from Friday 8 July to Sunday 24 July. For anyone else who would like to be a subject of this project, you can contact me on 07 3844 3111 or you can email me at judy@xyris.com.au.

    SIRFB turns 50!

    2005 marks the 50th Anniversary of the Scotland Rural Fire Brigade. Established in 1955 by the fledgling SIRA, the Brigade has grown along with the Island population. Now housed in a modern Station with two fire-fighting vehicles, a troop carrier and fire boat, the Brigade has considerably more resources than it did back in 1955!

    To celebrate this occasion, the Brigade invited old and new members, local politicians, RFS dignitaries and other local Brigades to an afternoon of festivities on 7th May. The Commissioner of the Rural Fire Service, Phil
    Koperberg, presented the Brigade with a plaque commemorating 50 years of community service and speeches were also made by The Hon Bronwyn Bishop and Pittwater Mayor Lynne Czinner, along with our trusty President Ian White, Captain Graeme Richmond and Life Member Bob Blackwood.

    The Brigade would like to thank all residents and friends of the Brigade for their support over the past 50 years and remind everyone that new members are always welcome, either active (fire-fighting) or associate. Drop into the Station or call on 9999 4404.

    The local guide

    Local Real Estate Agents:

    Botham Real Estate L.J.Hooker Mona Vale
    PMC Hill (subscribe to their newsletter here) Pittwater Real Estate

    Government Organisations:

    Local Pittwater Council, or email them at pittwater_council@pittwater.nsw.gov.au  or by clicking here.
    State: John Brogden, Member for Pittwater, or email him at jbrogden@nswcoalition.com or  by clicking here
    Federal: Bronwyn Bishop, Member for Mackellar, or email her by clicking here or Bronwyn.Bishop.MP@aph.gov.au or
    Local Transport:

    Scotland Island Community Vehicle: Information, click here. Phone 0404-103-700

    Church Point Ferries (02-9999-3492)  Manly Warringah Cabs (02-9997-9111) Palm Beach Cruises (02-9997-4815) Pink Water Taxi (0428-238-190)

    Bed & Breakfast: Scotland Island Lodge: or http://www.scotlandislandlodge.com.au         (9979 3301)
    Yacht Clubs Woody Point Yacht Club  or http://www.wpyc.com.au 
    Short Term Holiday Accommodation: Pittpoint Cottage:  (9997 8382)

    Local Pittwater Studies Website: http://www.pittlink.net/ls/index.html

    Emergency Contact Numbers

    • NSW Police: 000, general information 9281 0000
    • Broken Bay Water Police 9979 4944 or 0412 162 093
    • NSW Fire Service: 000, general information 9265 2999
    • NSW Ambulance Service: 000, general information 9320 7777
    • Rural Fire Service: 000, general information 9450 3000
    • State Emergency Service, Warringah/Pittwater SES: 9486 3399
    • National Parks & Wildlife Service: 000, general information 9457 9322
    • Dept of Community Services: general information 9977 6011
    • Sydney Water: 132 090
    • Energy Australia: 131 388, (ah) 131 909

    Emergency Scotland Island Water Contacts: click here for information (while online)

    Airlines, Buses and Railways

    Sydney Airport: Arrivals and Departures Qantas Information                   Jetstar Information
    Sydney Buses information. Virgin Blue Information
    City Rail Timetables and Information. Country Link Rail Timetable


    Join SIRA You can now join the Scotland Island Residents Association by clicking here. Please print the page you see and return the completed form to SIRA at this address: The Treasurer, SIRA, PO Box 70, Church Point 2105. Please NO CASH. Contact SIRA at sirapittwater@hotmail.com Join WPCA To join the Western Pittwater Community Association, contact Larry at larrye@aftrs.edu.au or click here or phone 02-9979-5026 for more information.

    Archived Newsletters A complete set of past electronic newsletters since May 2000 can be found and read at http://www.scotlandisland.org.au/newsletters/archive.html  or by clicking here or by visiting the Mona Vale Library. The Scotland Island website is at www.scotlandisland.org.au

    Spread the Word:

    The future of this newsletter is in your hands. More than 700 residents and friends read this electronic newsletter monthly. Please tell your friends and neighbours to subscribe. If you are particularly literate in matters computing, you might like to help them follow the very simple path to subscription. It is easy to join. Simply click here to join, leave or change options or go to following address: http://www.scotlandisland.org.au/signup


    If you would like to contribute to this newsletter it's easy!. Send an e-mail to the editor by clicking here. Type your short contribution (100 words would be fine) and assuming it is of general interest to the community, does not include matter of a political nature and is not offensive to your neighbours, it will appear next month.


    To get on and off this newsletter, or to change your options,  - click here or got to: http://www.scotlandisland.org.au/signup

    The views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the views of the Scotland Island Residents Association (SIRA), or any of the associated Pittwater Offshore Resident's Committees

    Newsletter Design:Paul Purvis [0403-442-764]