BPS Newsletter - Issue 162 23 October 2015 |
To: Firstname Lastname
Your BPS Membership No:
Next week is the annual Keith Hewitt Lecture. This year the speaker will be Helen Mugridge ARPS who will be presenting her talk Bird Photography at Home and Abroad. You can see more of Helen's work by visiting her website. This is one of the major events in the Society's programme so a good turn-out would look good.
Print Competition - Round 1
Last Wednesday was the first round of the Print Competition season which was judged by Gordon Jenkins APAGB. The results are as follows:
Name |
Title |
Result |
Terry Hilton |
Charcoal Beds, Smokey Mountain |
1st |
Terry Hilton |
Smoker's Cough, Java |
2nd |
Terry Hilton |
Fit to Drink, Siem Reap |
3rd |
Robert Eschle |
Forest Nymph |
HC |
Mike Fox |
Venetian Window |
HC |
David Grierson |
Watching You |
HC |
Joanne Searle |
Making for Home |
HC |
Joanne Searle |
One Green Bottle |
HC |
Joan Symes |
Hairy St. John's Wort |
HC |
Howard Thomas |
Bottles 'R' Empty |
HC |
Ann Mead |
Seed Bug Rhopalus |
1st |
Mike Bigger |
The Seven Sisters |
2nd |
David Alderson |
New Lines |
3rd |
Mike Bews |
ERA at Speed |
HC |
Gordon Bunney |
The Way to the Top |
HC |
Margaret Collis |
Aspens no. 1 |
HC |
Bob Faris |
Homage to the Stones |
HC |
Tony Gill |
Enthusiast |
HC |
Tony Gill |
Guardian of the Unseen |
HC |
Andrew Gillingham |
The Girl with the Rose Tattoo |
HC |
Ron Harrison |
Last Fairford Flight of Vulcan |
HC |
Ann Mead |
Walkers in Bryce |
HC |
Barry Mead |
Sea Horses |
HC |
Barry Mead |
Polo B2 |
HC |
Barry Mead |
Trumpets and Angels |
HC |
Bob Micklethwaite |
Memphis Belle |
HC |
Derwood Pamphilon |
Dancer in Silhouette |
HC |
Derwood Pamphilon |
Reflecting |
HC |
David Southwell |
Snowy Egret - Storm Fishing |
HC |
David Southwell |
Severn Bridge |
HC |
Patsy Southwell |
Salisbury Cathedral |
HC |
Gordon Stirrat |
The Great Lie - Auschwitz, Oct. 2014 |
HC |
Gordon Thomas |
Family Fun |
HC |
Keith Wood |
Beach |
HC |
Charcoal Beds, Smokey Mountain
Terry Hilton
Seed Bug Rhopalus
Ann Mead |
Lightroom Session: This is planned for Monday 2nd November. Details were announced in the last newsletter, issue 161, sent on 9th October. This is an extra meeting of the Digital Imaging Group devoted solely to Lightroom.
Please contact Ashwin Chauhan ( a.chauhan@blueyonder.co.uk) if you wish to attend or want more information. The regular DI meeting is on the following Monday, 9th November 2015 as shown in your BPS Handbook. |
BPS Newsletter Is Taking A Break
This week's newsletter will be the last edition until 20 November as I'm off on my hols. If you need to check what's on "next week", consult that mighty tome known as the BPS Handbook or check on the BPS website.. |
A Message From The Membership Secretary
As I’m going to miss five Wednesdays, could I ask members to keep an eye open for people who wander in looking a bit lost and uncertain? Mary Pears is going to look after any prospective new members and any visitors (relieving them of the necessary £3 at the same time) for the first week, while Mike Bigger will be taking over for the remaining four evenings. If you could point them in the direction of Mary or Mike, it’d be much appreciated. Don’t worry about asking someone if they are new, only to discover they’ve been a member for some time – on more than one occasion I’ve asked visiting speakers if they are ‘new faces’. Carol
The annual WCPF Kingswood Salver competition takes place on 21 November at The Village Hall, Clyst St Mary, EX5 1BG - 10.30am for 11.00am start. This is a competition for panels of 5 prints from five photographers of 1 club. The judge is Tony Worobiec FRPS. After the competition, Tony will be giving a talk (starting at 2pm). To find out more, please click here.
Spike Island" at the RPS HQ, Fenton House Bath till end of October -
showcases the work of club member Peter Brisley ARPS and two other RPS
members. The exhibition includes images, both monochrome and colour, of this Bristol dockside area,
home to SS Great Britain, Aardman Animation, M Shed et al.
This is one of Peter's images which this makes riveting viewing (sorry about that!)
Second Look - Autumn Exhibition - " Bristol Places" at the Paintworks, Bath Rd until 8 November. Further details on their website.
Arena Photographers are holding an exhibition an Exhibition titled “ Arena Presents” at The Grant Bradley Gallery, East Street, Bedminster from 10 October - 28 November. Membership of the Arena Group of Photographers is by invitation only and the exhibition includes work from Ted Sturgeon, John Chamberlin (BPS), Nikki Gwynn-Jones, Caroline Hyman, Vanda Ralevska, Leigh Preston, Steve Smith, Sue Brown, Harry Cundell, Tim Rudman, Paul Foley and Kathy Harcom. For further details, please click here, or to find out more about Arena, please visit their website. Below is one of the images from the exhibition (by Sue Brown)
Last week I mentioned some successes by BPS members in UK internationals - I was firmly rebuked by Beryl Heaton for having omitted to mention her success in the Swansea International where she gained an HC - consider my wrist slapped!
Common Puffballs
Beryl Heaton
Highly Commended - Swansea
Contrary to popular belief, I do not possess psychic powers and need you to tell me if you've had successes. If you want to blow your own trumpet (or someone else's), then this is the place to do it. Please let me know and I'll include details in a future issue. |
If you have something photographic that you want to sell, let me have the details and I will circulate them to a captive audience of photographers through the Newsletter - send to the usual address.
If you have anything you think other members would like to know about, such as exhibitions, special events etc. please let me know at newsletter@bristolphoto.org.uk
Missed a copy of the Newsletter?
To view past editions of this Newsletter, please click on the following link and then select the date(s) you are looking for - BPS Newsletter Archive
BPS Website - Members' Area "Log in"
To enter the Members' Area of the BPS website you will need the following:
User Name - chatroom Password - pixels
If you have any problems getting into the Members' Area, please contact Carol, either by email: membership@bristolphoto.org.uk or by telephone: 0117 924 1338
Bristol Photographic Society, Unit 13, Montpelier Central, Station Rd, Bristol, BS6 5EE