Friday, July 7, 2017

1 Timothy 2:1:1-3 I urge … that requests, prayers, and intercession be made … for kings and all those in authority.


It is well for us Christians to remember that we're the only ones who can offer prayers for the blessing of our government and country. All citizens, including atheists, can pay taxes. They can exercise their right to vote under the Constitution so good laws are enacted for the good of society. They can do much to benefit their nation outwardly by enlisting in the armed forces, by serving as doctors, police officers, builders of hospitals, highways, bridges, and things like that. But only Christians whose sins have been blotted out by the blood of Jesus, can offer prayers that are heard and answered by God for the eternal benefit of their fellow-citizens.

So praise God for the earthly blessings you enjoy as American citizens, for the sacrifices made by brave men and women through our nation's history to safeguard our civil liberties. Above all, praise Him for the One whose sacrifice on the cross freed you from the oppression of sin and death, who broke the control that sin and Satan had over you, and has made you a citizen of His eternal realm. Then, petition Him to shed His grace on America so more people in our country and around the world-- through the preaching of the Word-- may come to know the freedom Jesus won for all sinners by His death and resurrection, and be blessed to live with Him, forever happy and free, in His heavenly kingdom.

And when in power He comes, Oh, may our native land
From all its rending tombs Send forth a glorious band,
A countless throng, For aye to sing
To heaven's high King Salvation's song!
(The Lutheran Hymnal, 575:5)