
T H E   B E S T   N E W   W O M E N   P O E T S

Perugia Press at AWP!
Tampa, Florida * March 8-10
We'll be at the annual AWP Conference & Bookfair in Tampa! Visit Editor/Director Rebecca Olander at table #413.
We're hosting author visits, and all of our books 
 will be on sale. Hope to see you there!
Visit with a few of our authors:
 Diane Gilliam: March 8, 1:00-2:30
Linda Tomol Pennisi: March 9, 1:00-2:30
Lynne Thompson: March 10, 1:00-2:30

GUIDE    sweet husk    BEH

Saturday April 7, 5:30-7:00

Join us for a poetry reading with three stellar poets hosted by the Eileen Fisher Store in Northampton, MA! The reading showcases Perugia Press poet Ida Stewart and CavanKerry poets Sarah Sousa & Cindy Veach! This is the local book launch for Sarah's new book: See the Wolf! Don't miss this line-up of incredible voices in a beautiful space. 
Celebrate Poetry Month with us! 

Perugia Press also plans to be at two wonderful
literary festivals in Massachusetts this spring!

Look for us at the Literary Marketplace
at the Easthampton Book Fest on Saturday April 14

 And come visit our table at the MA Poetry Festival
in Salem on Saturday May 5

We plan to have results to announce from
the 2018 Perugia Press Prize contest in our
next newsletter! Thank you to each woman
who sent in a manuscript for consideration. 
It's been our sincere pleasure and honor to read
your work over these last months. Stay tuned!

PO Box 60364, Florence, MA  01062