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  November 2011
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This month: mobile phone safety, Generation Green and family news
Competition and Free teaching resources to combat mobile phone theft
According to research carried out by the Home Office:
  • Children of school age are five times more likely than adults to become victims of mobile phone theft.
  • 48% of all victims are under the age of 18.
  • One third of all robberies involve a mobile phone only.
  • The peak age for offenders in this type of crime is 16.
The site has KS2, and 4 resources for ICT, Drama, English. PSHME and others plus a fun primary and secondary competition for their 2012 campaign!

The task is to design a slogan and simple logo to raise awareness of crime risks, winners will receive cash prizes for their school and vouchers for themselves.

All information you need to enter - including terms and conditions and support resources can be found on the competition page. Closing date 31st January
The ‘Out Of Your Hands‘ site has been set up to educate young people about responsible mobile usage, prompting them to consider the impact of mobile phone crime. This can be done through a range of PSHE, Citizenship, Literacy and ICT curricula linked resources that are available to download from the teacher’s area of their site. Also videos.
Click here to access free resources for teachers
Generation Green, the sustainable schools programme from British Gas has relaunched!
Generation Green, the sustainable schools programme from British Gas has re-launched!

The new website is buzzing with teaching resources and competitions to win big prizes for you, your students and your school.  This term the theme is ‘Save’, with lots of resources available and prizes worth up to £5,000 for your school to help you save energy. Just by using the website, you can earn entries into our competitions.
Generation Green image

By downloading resources already in the Resource Bank, and uploading your own lesson plans / activities, you instantly gain an entry. The more entries you get, the better your chances of winning for your school!

This week they have also launched "Our Green Dream" – a student competition with a prize of £500, to go towards a green initiative for their school, of their choosing. For more information, visit
Englsih Heritage - free learning group visits to 400+ sites
Did you know that English Heritage offers schools free entry to over 400+ sites around the country? I didn’t!
You can find out more on thier website:
Family News
I can't believe its been almost a year since my last newsletter, it's been that busy. Business has been moving forward and I have a wonderful person working part-time for me who organises events. I've also become a part time distributor for Utility Warehouse helping people and businesses to save money. Hoorah! I started physical training in January and I'm much fitter and have lost 3 stones, fill much better. : )
John has now started his A levels, he got 16.5(!) GCSEs and is now doing Maths, Further Maths, Physics, Biology and Chemistry. He's going up to Bristol Uni every Wedsday with another guy for some special lessons. He still wants to go to Cambridge but I just don't know what to do about paying for it all. : (
Lizzie is as wonderful as ever, 14 now and in Y9 she's thinking about her future. She says she'd like to work with folks in deprived areas in Africa in some medical capacity so she's doing the sciences and French. She's on her Grade 4 for Piano and singing is on the back burner.
James is James, Y6 now. In the scouts, very excited over dungeons and dragons, he's a dungeon master and runs a club at school! He's doing his Grade 3 keyboard.
Fiona completed her, "Return to Nursing" course in October, but has remained a parent support advisor although she's planning to do more work in hospitals to keep her hand in. She is wonderful and so patient with me. We had to do our wills again recently along with life insurance etc. Very salutory experience once again, I just don't know what I'd do without her, but it's more likely that I'll go first!
Colleagues, it's the cusp of that special season, I wish you all well, and never underestimate the work you do. Or if you have retired, well done! Children will remember, think and talk about you until they grow old and tell their grand children about you as well. I wish you all the best!