for the 2021 Perugia Press Prize
for a first or second book of poetry by a woman
on changes related to our contest and prize.

Perugia Press gives through books, with your help!
As part of our ongoing strategic planning to do more as an organization to address racism and inequity, Perugia pledges to donate 5% of our total book sales at year-end to organizations that support the lives and work of BIWOC (Black, Indigenous, and women of color). In 2020-2021, buying our books supports us and these selected organizations: The Audre Lorde Project, the National Black Women’s Justice Institute, and the Hurston/Wright Foundation. We plan to continue this practice every year, revisiting our choice of orgs every other year. Our goals are to make this one of our organization's concrete antiracist actions, to share this action with each person who buys our books, and to forge community with organizations whose missions we admire and support. To anyone who has bought a book throughout 2020, and to anyone who does so from now through 2021, thanks for helping to honor the work of these important orgs:
SAVE the DATE - Monday, November 2, 5:30pm PST/8:30pm EST
* Virtual Book Launch Reading & Celebration *
for Now in Color by Jacqueline Balderrama
This event will feature Jacqueline Balderrama reading from
her award-winning collection with special guest readers
Sally Ball, Alberto Ríos, & Juan Felipe Herrera! 
 Click here to register for this free virtual event on Zoom
Balderrama’s collection explores the multigenerational immigrant experience of Mexican-Americans who have escaped violence, faced pressures to assimilate, and now seek to reconnect to a fragmented past. Through the poetics of witness, ekphrasis, portraiture, and family mythos, Now in Color deepens our understanding of hybrid identities and calls attention to those impacted by tensions along the U.S.-Mexico border.

Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month 
PO Box 60364, Florence, MA  01062