Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Romans 3:28 Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith apart from the deeds of the law.


For many, Reformation is celebrated as a "Fall Festival" or even a "Festival of Reconciliation" where various denominations gather with other church bodies to emphasize points of agreement, if any, while disregarding their soul destroying errors. Even Lutherans have gathered with Roman Catholics and others to downplay the insurmountable differences between the church bodies. This is the very opposite of why God brought about the Reformation. It’s not surprising, the Spirit warns: "In latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons" (1 Timothy 4:1 NKJV). In our church body (the Church of the Lutheran Confession), we gather to celebrate the true meaning of the Reformation-- the gift of God's Word in its truth and purity given back to the church!

Luther, early on as an Augustinian Friar, did everything he could to try to earn salvation, even beating himself brutally. He was taught that Jesus was a terrible and fearful judge that could only be appeased by doing special acts of repentance and works to earn salvation. When the Holy Spirit brought Luther to faith, He led Luther to read: "Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith apart from the deeds of the law" (Romans 3:28 NKJV). Then Luther understood-- salvation is by grace alone! He wrote in connection with the verse: "Suddenly I felt as if born anew, as if the gate to paradise had been opened." In time Luther became a faithful defender of God's infallible Word and the Christian faith. He spoke out against the selling of indulgences and against the Pope or any other church official who thought they had power over what happens to a person's soul.

Luther believed and taught that anyone could read the Bible and learn of God's mercy and grace in Jesus. He knew it didn't take a special gift or ability as the Roman Church claimed, but that the Spirit worked through the simple act of hearing or reading the Gospel to create faith! Luther also taught in accordance with God's Word that no ritual, belief, or practice apart from Scripture could "save" or give faith. Luther was God's chosen instrument to bring about the Reformation. The Spirit worked mightily through him to give us the precious Gift we celebrate at this time of the year: The Word of God it its truth and purity! That's why we celebrate the Reformation!