Below, find our National Poetry Month Appeal letter,
news about the first annual Florence Poetry Carnival,
and some recent accolades for our poets. 

* National Poetry Month Appeal *
Dear Friends of Perugia Press,

Up until now, we haven’t said enough about what the Perugia Press Prize winner receives other than book publication, so it’s high time for some boasting. This isn’t news; we just want to spell it out.

• We work closely with the winning poet to create a book she loves. 
• The poet has a say in editing, design, and promotion. 
• We plan a book launch in MA, where the press is based, for which a travel stipend and reading honorariums are provided. 
• Poets receive ongoing publicity through our website and social media, plus invitations to do readings and participate in local and national book fairs.
• The winner receives $1,000.
• After receiving 10 copies of her book, she enjoys a discount of 50% off the cover price forever. 
• We send review copies to writers and review venues.  
• We enter the winning book into post-publication contests. 

This may sound standard, but it’s actually more of what makes Perugia Press unique. Our books make their way into the world on many paths, gathering more attention. And it pays off.

It was just announced that last year’s winner, Girldom, by Megan Peak, won the Texas Institute of Letters Award for Best First Book of Poetry. Texas is huge; the competition was steep. We are so pleased to add Girldom to our long list of post-publication wins.

However, offering these so-called extras (that we consider standard) takes time and resources. Please help us continue our good work by donating to the press during National Poetry Month.


Susan Kan
Founder and President of the Board

P.S. For gifts of $100 or more, we’ll send you a copy of the 2019 Perugia Press Prize-winning book, Hail and Farewell by Abby E. Murray, when it is released later this year. And, as a little gift in honor of Poetry Month, we’ve included a poem from Murray’s collection below.

The Falling Body

When our daughter falls 
down the carpeted hotel stairs, 

her body translates to another 
you’ve seen before, 

fingers outstretched in search of anchor, 
elbows locked into columns.

You didn’t catch those bodies
either, not even a sleeve.

She howls. You scream for me 
the way a medic screamed for you, 

yelling as if I don’t kneel 
on the same carpet you cradle her on, 

its red lotus design bursting 
like fire at night. 

We lean into each other like ruins 
beneath a glittering chandelier,

our backs to the guests
who line up to check out.

By Abby E. Murray
from Hail and Farewell

* Hail and Farewell will be released in September 2019 *
 *** Perugia Press will be at the Florence Poetry Carnival ***
Saturday, April 27 from 2:00-6:00

The inaugural Florence Poetry Carnival will take place at the Florence Civic Center, 90 Park Street, Florence, MA. Perugia Press will be there with books, prizes & a poetry activity. Here are some other highlights:  
  • Add a verse to the Forbes Library's Poetree, and after the Carnival, a chapbook of the verses will be made by the Forbes Library Zine Club.
  • The Emily Dickinson Museum will provide poetry-inspired crafts and activities.
  • Storyteller and poet Rochelle Wildfong’s project "The Story Basket" prompts people of all ages to spin a poem. 
  • Poet MadLibs customized by poet Mike Mercurio. 
  • Elements of the poems2go (P2G) project will be at the carnival. 
  • Readings of poems from the book Paradise Found: A Walking and Biking Tour of Northampton, Massachusetts through Poetry and Art. 
  • Hedgerow Press will guide you to a poem that reflects the tone and mood you describe.
  • Artist JuPong Lin
And, at 4:30, current Northampton Poet Laureate Amy Dryansky will welcome incoming Poet Laureate Karen Skolfield (both poets are also volunteers with Perugia Press). Each poet will read for 20 minutes, followed by a Q & A. This portion of the afternoon is co-hosted by the Noho Arts Council. $5.00 suggested donation per person. 

2019 Perugia Press Prize winner Abby E. Murray
has been named Tacoma, WA Poet Laureate!
Cheers, Abby!

Recent reviews of Perugia books:
Thanks to Seth Copeland for this review of Girldom in

Thanks to Travis Cravey for this review of Starshine Road in

An excerpt from Copeland's review:

"Girldom is not the first great book of poetry about overcoming violation, but it is one of the wisest. Mark Doty once wrote of 'how the world gives luster as it falls apart,' but Megan Peak has shown us how it does the same while pulling itself back together again."

An excerpt from Cravey's review:

“The Mojave, in the end, forms this collection. It gives it blood and propulsion and meaning. The desert lays bare Henley’s life and dreams, her regrets and humanity. She has managed to open herself up for us, welcoming us into this world, to this high desert love story.”
Perugia Press
PO Box 60364, Florence, MA  01062