December 2, 2012
We're excited to share another week of news & ideas with our MAiZE family. There never seems to be a shortage of ideas and the truth is that some of the best originate with all of you! So, if you ever have an idea you'd like us to pass along to the group, please just send it our way. Also, please remember that we'll be archiving these ideas on the siteowner web site, so that you can go back and view them whenever you like.
Corn Party Registration Due December 17

Just a reminder that it's time to register for the Corn Party! Because we have to submit counts for the shuttle bus, shirts, etc., the deadline is December 17. If you register after that date, the price will increase $25/attendee and the free conference tshirt will no longer be available.
Ready to register?
Haven't seen the basic schedule?
Arriving the night before & need info on hotel block?
Wondering what there is to do in the Tampa area?
Find this info and more at WWW.CORNPARTY.COM
Send In Best Ideas For A Chance To Win A FREE Ipad!
At this year's Corn Party we will have a slideshow that includes all of your best ideas. We know each of you work very hard to improve & grow your event each year, so we know you all have some great ideas! Please send us a photo (or video clip) of any great newattraction, event, marketing tool, food item, etc. that you implemented on your farm this year.
Each person who submits a photo will receive an entry into a drawing for a FREE iPad! Even if you aren't attending the Corn Party, you can still enter to win. All photos must be submitted by January 1 to qualify for the drawing.
To submit your photo, CLICK HERE.
We Want You in Our Year-End Video!
Were you in the news this past season and/or have some cool footage/photos you think others would enjoy seeing? Or do you perhaps have a promotional video or tv commercial? Send it our way! Logan has already begun gathering footage for the 2012 Year in Review video that will play at the upcoming Corn Party & be posted online afterwards. Plus, we'd like to play some sample commercials or promotional videos in between sessions at the conference.
If you have links to any footage and/or have some cool photos to share, please email them to If you don't have digital files, please email Logan with details on what formats you have and he can coordinate the best way to get them from you. It's always fun to look back at each year and we'd love to include as many of you as possible.
Still Haven't Booked Your Cruise for 2013 Corn Party?
There is still time to book your cruise for the 2013 Corn Party!
Though the deadline has passed to book at our block rate and the free cruise credits are no longer available, you can still book at the best available rate from the cruiseline. If you are still interested in booking, please contact our travel agent:
Stephanie Smith at Get Away Today, 877-510-2929 or
For more details, visit
Chat with MAiZE owners on the Facebook Forums

If you have a Facebook account, but haven't joined the Forum & Marketplace pages that are exclusive to our MAiZE family, you're missing out on a great opportunity to chat with your fellow MAiZE owners and/or get info on items for sale!
To access the Discussion Forum, CLICK HERE and request permission to join.
To access the Marketplace, CLICK HERE and request permission to join.
Archive of Ideas of the Week
If you'd like to browse through past Ideas of the Week, you can access them by visiting the Resource section of the siteowner website OR by CLICKING HERE. This link takes you to the most recent Ideas. Older ones, dating back several years are also on the siteowner site.
The MAiZE Inc.; PO Box 367, Spanish Fork, UT 84660; 888-798-0596