Pure Water Occasional, August, 2022
Greetings from Pure Water Products, the Pure Water Gazette, and the Pure Water Occasional.
In this Almost Labor Day Occasional you'll learn what filter carbon is made from and hear about things that affect the way water tastes. A sensible approach to protecting against lead in city water supplies,. Learn why ordinary is best when it comes to filter cartridge sizes. How to protect against water contamination caused by water treatment iself. Information about our simple undersink filters. And, as always, there is much more.
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Please visit the Pure Water Gazette, where you will find hundreds of articles about water and water treatment.
What Kind of Carbon Is Best?
or, How Is Filter Carbon Like a Parking Lot?
by Emily McBroom and Gene Franks
The “carbon” (often called “charcoal”) that is used for water
treatment is made from a variety of raw materials. Someone has said that
filter carbon can be made from anything that contains carbon, even
peanut butter. Most filter carbon is made from coal–bituminous,
sub-bituminous, lignite–and from nut shells, especially coconut shells.
Some of the characteristics that are considered by filter makers when choosing raw materials for the carbon products are:
- Surface area – square meters of surface per gram of
carbon. The surface area determines how much adsorption can take place
and what types of contaminants the carbon can take onto its surface.
- Iodine Number – indicates the ability of the carbon to adsorb small, low molecular weight organic molecules, like volatile organic chemicals.
- Molasses Number – indicates the ability of the carbon to adsorb large, high molecular weight organic molecules, like colors.
- Bulk Density – indicates the density as pounds per
square foot in a column. In general, the higher the density, the more
surface area available for adsorption.
Water Quality Association training materials provide such a good
explanation of how these four parameters apply to carbon suitability
that we can’t resist borrowing it.
The inside surface of the activated
carbon particle can be viewed as a large parking lot for organic
molecules. Further, one can view the large molecules as semitrucks, and
the small organic molecules as compact cars. Using this viewpoint, it is
easy to illustrate a number of things. First, if most of the pores in
the activated carbon are micropores (small parking spaces), the
semitrucks are going to have a difficult time moving inside the parking
lot, and they will have difficulty finding a parking site which fits.
But, the compact cars will have an easy time. (This corresponds to a
high iodine number.) Second, it the pores are mostly macropores (large
parking spaces), the semitrucks will be able to get around fine, but it
will be an extremely inefficient way to park compact cars. (This
corresponds to a high molasses number.) Third, if there are only a few
roads connecting the various areas inside the parking lot, the cars will
all pile up, and the roads will act as a bottleneck. Ultimately, a
large number of small cars can be parked, but the parking lot will fill
slowly. This is what happens if there is not a suitable mix of
micropores (small spaces) and macropores (big spaces).
So, activated carbons made from lignite coal tend to have large pores
(macropores) and make good parking spaces for big trucks, like tannins.
Carbons made from coconut shells have very small pores (micropores)
and are especially good parking spaces for very small molecules like
VOCs, which are the compact cars of the organic chemical world.
But over the years, the most widely used carbon material of all is
bituminous coal, because bituminous carbon has big pores and little
pores and a lot of mid-sized pores (mesopores) that are just right for
parking the great many average-sized family sedans, SUVs, and pickups.
In other words, bituminous carbon is widely used because it works pretty
well for just about anything. Bituminous coal based activated carbons
are frequently a good first choice for general dechlorination and
reducing the concentration of a large range of organics.
All carbons, by the way, work well for removing chlorine and even
chloramine, although contact time with the carbon needs to be about
twice as long for chloramine as for chlorine. (Specially processed
carbon called “catalytic carbon,” which is available in coal- or
coconut-based, is much better at chloramine removal than standard
carbon.) All carbons work well for taste/odor improvement, and we find
no scientific basis to support the common belief that coconut shell
carbons make water taste better than other carbons.
There are other considerations, of course, that are left out of the
parking lot method for choosing carbon. An important one for residential
users is a test called Ball-Pan Hardness. It puts a numerical
value on the hardness of the carbon–how much banging around it will take
before it breaks down. In this test coconut shell carbon always comes
out way ahead of bituminous. This is significant for tank-style
residential filters because when carbon breaks down because of the
rolling and tumbling of repeated backwashing it gets into service lines.
Think of it as the coconut shell parking lot having tougher walls and
posts to withstand the banging it gets from those wild compact car
Carbon made from peanut butter, by the way, fares poorly on the
Ball-Pan Hardness test but has an excellent Molasses number and great
Surface Area.
The Advantages of Being Ordinary: Why Standard Sized Water Filters Are Best
Things get to be standard for a reason. — Latvian Proverb.
If you own one of the many popular drinking water systems that use
uniquely sized replacement filters–Aquasana, Brita, and Pur, for
example–the total number of replacement cartridges you have to choose
from are one.
That’s because the manufacturer has made the filter so that it will
accept only one cartridge size–the size that the manufacturer alone
makes. This practice is known in the industry as proprietary sizing. The
purpose is to assure the maker that you can buy only his cartridges. It
also relieves the maker of the need to provide variety. One-size-only normally also means one-style-only. Whether
your water is disinfected with chloramines, chlorine, or nothing at
all, you get the same filter cartridge. If your water has lead or no
lead, fluoride or no fluoride, it’s the same cartridge.
If, on the other hand, you own a drinking water system that uses a
standard 9.75″ X 2.5″ filter cartridge, you can choose from literally
dozens of different cartridge styles, and you can even buy a cartridge
from a manufacturer other than the one who made the filtration system.
This size, which we call Size 1 for convenience, is the most commonly
made filter size. Almost anyone who makes water filters makes some
cartridges in this size.
Below are some examples of standard-sized cartridges that will fit
all standard-sized filtration units, countertop filters, undersink
filters, reverse osmosis units, add-on filters, and even garden hose
For an idea of the cartridge choices you get when you stick with a
standard size, take a look at the cartridge offerings in 9.75 X 2.5 on this site.
Standard cartridges come in two general styles–radial and axial. These
can be interchanged. In other words, if you purchase a water filter
with a standard sized axial cartridge, you can replace it with a radial
cartridge. The pictures below will explain.
The ChlorPlus 10 cartridge made by Pentek fits any standard housing. An
excellent all-around carbon block, it is designed to be especially good
at chloramine reduction. It fits countertop filters, undersink filters,
and reverse osmosis units.or even out standard-sized garden hose filters.
The standard filter shown above is a “radial style” cartridge. This
means that water to be filtered passes through the outside wall of the
filter cartridge and works its way into the core. The cartridge,
therefore, has a very large filtering surface.
is an “axial” style media cartridge. It contains calcite, a sacrificial
medium that raises pH and adds minerals to low pH water, plus coconut
shell carbon for taste/odor and chemical treatment. Its most common
application is as a reverse osmosis postfilter.
There are also
many “axial style” cartridges that fit in standard housings as well.
These interchange with radial filters and no modification of the housing
is needed. Axials work differently. Rather than flowing through the
side of the cartridge to the center, with axials water enters one end of
the cartridge and flows the entire length of the cartridge to exit the
other end. Cartridges of this type are often called “media” cartridges,
since they use granular filter media. Most specialty cartridges
(fluoride, iron, nitrates, arsenic, etc.) fall in this category.
Granular carbon “taste/odor” cartridges as well are almost always
The filters shown above are all standard drinking water size.
Standard sizes also exist for larger units for higher flow or “whole
house” applications.. Here are the common ones:
Size 2: 2.5″ x 20″
Size 3: 4.5″ X 9.75″
Size 4: 4.5″ X 20″
Cartridge diameter may vary a bit.
For a group picture of many cartridge sizes, both standard and proprietary , go here.
Gazette Introductory
Note: It took us several decades after public water suppliers started
using chlorine as a disinfectant to figure out that the disinfection
process was creating a seemingly countless group of pretty nasty
chemicals that we refer to collectively as “disinfection byproducts” and
regulate as THMs. It should not surprise us, then, than when we apply
hydrogen peroxide and UV light to eradicate water contaminants we create
“presumably less harmful chemicals” that the article below refers to as
“transformation products.” Nature is about change. We know that when we
“remove” something from water we are often just changing it to
something “presumably less harmful.” Chlorine doesn’t go away: it
becomes chloride. So who knows what phenols from personal care products
might morph into when exposed to oxidation?
Public water quality has received a lot of attention in recently
years as some disturbing discoveries have been made regarding lead
levels in cities across the country. Now, a new study from the Johns
Hopkins University pinpoints other chemicals in water that are worth
paying attention to — and in fact, some of them may be created,
ironically, during the water treatment process itself.
To rid water of compounds that are known to be toxic, water treatment
plants now often use methods to oxidize them, turning them into other,
presumably less harmful chemicals called “transformation products.”
Though earlier studies have looked at the byproducts of water treatment
processes like chlorination, not so much is known about the products
formed during some of the newer processes, like oxidation with hydrogen
peroxide and UV light, which are especially relevant in water reuse.
“Typically, we consider these transformation products to be less
toxic, but our study shows that this might not always be the case,” says
lead author Carsten Prasse assistant
professor in the Department of Environmental Health and Engineering at
the Johns Hopkins Whiting School of Engineering and the university’s
Bloomberg School of Public Health. “Our results highlight that this is
only half of the story and that transformation products might play a
very important part when we think about the quality of the treated
Prasse, along with colleagues from the University of California,
Berkeley, chose to look at phenols, a class of organic chemicals that
are among the most common in the water supply, as they’re present in
everything from dyes to personal care products to pharmaceuticals to
pesticides as well as in chemicals that are naturally occurring in
To determine what compounds the phenols transform into during treatment, the team, whose results are published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,
first oxidized phenols using peroxide radicals, a process often used by
water treatment plants. Next, they borrowed a clever method from
biomedicine: They added amino acids and proteins to the mix. Depending
on what chemical reactions took place, Prasse and his team could do some
backwards calculation to determine what compounds the phenols must have
turned into in the earlier step.
They discovered that the phenols converted into products including
2-butene-1,4-dial, a compound that is known to have negative effects,
including DNA damage, on human cells. Interestingly, furan, a toxic
compound in cigarette smoke and car exhaust, is also converted into
2-butene-1,4-dial in the body, and it may be this conversion that’s
responsible for its toxicity.
To test the specific effects of 2-butene-1,4-dial on biological
processes more fully, the team exposed the compound to mouse liver
proteins. They found that it affected 37 different protein targets,
which are involved in a range of biological processes, from energy
metabolism to protein and steroid synthesis.
One enzyme that 2-butene-1,4-dial was shown to bind is critical in
apoptosis, or “cell suicide.” Inhibiting this compound in a living
organism might lead to unchecked cell proliferation, or cancer growth.
And other compounds that 2-butene-1,4-dial interferes with play key
roles in metabolism. “There are a lot of potential health outcomes, like
obesity and diabetes,” says Prasse. “There’s a known connection between
pesticide exposure and obesity, and studies like ours may help to
explain why this is.”
The results are exciting since this is the first time these methods
have been applied to water treatment, Prasse says. In time, they may be
expanded to screen for other types of compounds beyond phenols.
Water purification is extraordinarily challenging, since contaminants
come from so many different sources — bacteria, plants, agriculture,
wastewater — and it’s not always clear what’s being generated in the
process. “We’re very good at developing methods to remove chemicals”
says Prasse. “Once the chemical is gone, the job — it would seem — is
done, but in fact we don’t always know what removal of the chemical
means: does it turn into something else? Is that transformation product
Prasse and his team point out that by the year 2050, it’s been
estimated two-thirds of the global population will live in areas that
rely on drinking water that contains the runoff from farms and
wastewater from cities and factories. So safe and effective purification
methods will be even more critical in the coming years.
“The next steps are to investigate how this method can be applied to
more complex samples and study other contaminants that are likely to
result in the formation of similar reactive transformation products,”
says Prasse. “Here we looked at phenols. But we use household products
that contain some 80,000 different chemicals, and many of these end up
in wastewater. We need to be able to screen for multiple chemicals at
once. That’s the larger goal.”
Coauthors on the study were Breanna Ford and Daniel K. Nomura of the
Department of Nutritional Sciences and Toxicology at the University of
California, Berkeley. The senior author was David L. Sedlak of the
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of
California, Berkeley.
This research was supported by the National Institute for
Environmental Health Sciences Superfund Research Program (Grant P42
ES004705) at the University of California, Berkeley.
SOURCE: Johns Hopkins University
Simple Undersink Filters
If you want to install a high quality undersink drinking water filter but are unable to drill a hole in the sink or countertop for the ledge faucet, we have convenient, easy-to-install single,double and triple filters.
They fit under the sink and filter all of the water that comes from your regular cold-water faucet. They cost less than our standard undersink
filters because the separate faucet and inlet valve are not needed. They
are very easy to install. No holes to drill, no faucet or inlet valve
to install.
Places to visit for additional information:
Thanks for reading. The next Occasional will be out eventually--when you least expect it.
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