Robertson Road,
Richard Road, Thompson Road Roadworks
Dear Resident,
Re: Robertson Road, Richard Road, Thompson
Road Roadworks
Council has allocated funding in the 2015-16 Capital Improvements
Program to undertake drainage upgrade works at various locations on
Scotland Island including Richard Road, Robertson Road and Thompson
Road as follows:
Richard Road (west
of Hilda Ave):Reconstruction of existing stormwater pits as on
grade gully pits with concrete V drain gutter
Robertson Road
(south of Amoa St):Construct new stormwater pit with pipe stubs
and new pipe under road
Thompson Road:
(south of Cecil St):Installation of new concrete V-drain gutter
and minor bank remediation works
The works will take place in three stages. The drainage upgrade in
Richard Road will be undertaken first, followed by the works in
Thompson Road and then Robertson Road. The first stage involves the
reconstruction of existing drainage pits, pipe stubs and the
installation of subsoil and concrete v-drains.
During the third stage of the works at Robertson Road, there will be
temporary closures of the road whilst the pipe under the road is
installed. Residents will be informed when a date for the closure is
finalised. Council
also requests that all vehicles parked on the side of the road at these
locations be moved for the duration of the works as well as the
vehicles on the corners of the concrete ramp from Cargo Wharf to
Robertson Road to enable vehicle access.
Frequently Asked Questions
When will the work commence?
We expect that the preliminary works will begin on
Monday 27th of January and continue for up to 3 months pending
continued dry weather.
Who do I contact for design and construction
David Munday (Project
Engineer) will be the engineer responsible for the construction works
and can be contacted on 9970 1248 to discuss any questions or concerns
relating to the construction and how it will affect your property.
Due to the challenges of working at a remote location such as Scotland
Island there are significant risks that Council has to manage, however,
with the cooperation of SIRA and the residents of the Island we can
minimise the risks and will endeavor to minimize the impact on
residents during the works.
Kind regards,
David Munday
(02) 9970 1248
Notice here - (Note Date change to 27th)
On Monday evening (January 11) there was a special Pittwater Council
meeting on Amalgamation
It was an emotional meeting with some Councillors focusing on the
passing of Pittwater and proposing that it can still be fought. Other
were accepting the seemingly inevitable and focusing on the future
opportunity to ensure that the spirit, style and environmental values
of Pittwater Council is taken up in the new Council. There was a
motion, much debate, tears and a vote and the latter group prevailed.
Our new future Council has had some extra suburbs added including
Killarney Heights (so that it also has a small waterfront at Middle
Harbour – i.e. from Pittwater to Sydney Harbour).
Our new Council area includes most of the current Warringah Area and
55% of the Warringah population. There are 63,338 people in Pittwater
and we will add 77,343 people from Warringah. There is the same
population as the new Southern Council (Manly, 45% Warringah and
Mosman) – roughly 150,000.
Shortly a “Delegate” from the Premier’s Department Mr Richard Pearson,
will arrive in Pittwater, he is tasked with examining and reporting on
the merger proposal.
The Delegate will conduct a Public Meeting to discuss how we think the
new Council should function etc...
Submissions can also be made up till the 28th of February!
From mid-2016 the current Councillors may continue on, or an
Administrator appointed by the Delegate will act as the Council while
the transition process is entrain.
There are many details, such as that there are four GMs in the current
4 effected Councils (Mosman, Manly, Warringah and Pittwater). Two will
be retrenched and two continue on, depending upon the Delegate’s
There will probably be Council elections mid-March next year for the
new Council.
We spoke to the GM and senior staff afterwards and they assured us that
this will not affect the CP infrastructure project, as all ongoing
projects are to continue.
This is an opportunity for us to get in early and see to what extent we
can get a new deal with the new Council so that for example our annual
allowance for roads works (currently $100,000) might be improved, etc.
Offshore residents should be prepared to attend the public meeting and
make submissions, so that we can get the offshore communities into the
awareness of the Delegate.
It may not do much, but it can’t hurt.
Bill Gye
Read more:
Public Meetings and
Making Submissions on the
Pittwater Council merger
There will be two
public inquiry meetings on Tuesday 2
February from 1-5pm and 7-10pm at Mona Vale Golf Club.
Those wishing to address the public hearing must register to speak by
12 noon on 29 January 2016 by contacting 1300 813 020 or visiting
You can also make a submission online or via post before the Sunday 28
February 2016, 5pm deadline:
C/- Council Boundary Review Submissions , GPO Box
5341, Sydney NSW 2001
For details on the NSW Government merger proposals with accompanying
boundary maps visit
Kindy Press Release
The relevant links are:
Kindy page on website:
Enrolment form:
Evil Madeira Vine ??
By Tracy Smith
For years we have struggled with the evil Madeira vine.
BUT now it turns out that Madeira vine is highly edible. Medicinal,
Madeira vine leaves can be cooked like spinach and are highly nutritious
Madeira vine roots (rizomes) can be baked like potato
Madeira vine bubils (the aerial seed-ish things) are used extensively
in Chinese medicine as an anti inflammatory, anti ulcer and liver
protectant, but don't
attempt to eat these.
I found this article on it, Thank you google and Milkwood blog.
Maybe if we all try to eat it with at least one meal a week we can
eradicate it or at least keep it manageable.
Try Madeira spanacopita, Madeira quiche, Madeira and Paneer curry. or
just wilted Madeira with your poached eggs.
Happy eating Cheers Tracy
Island Art School
Get ready for winter, because you know it will eventually get cold....
Firewood delivered for $170/cubic metre (1/2 tonne) or $320/tonne
Be quick,- limited supply
Call Matt Lakeman for more detail
0404 876685
Want Long Term Rental
Hi there ,we are a family living on the island and looking for a bigger
rental long term.
One of us currently work from home so property will be well looked
after and care for.
If there are any private home owners out there looking to rent there
home on the island long term please be in contact.
We need a 4 BDRM home or 3 BDRM + Study/Studio.
We have 2 dogs.
And chooks.
Currently renting through a local agent so references aren't a problem.
Will consider any serious long term offers.
Free Cot 
One Childcare cot, that converts to toddler bed, excellent condition.
Mattress in excellent condition also. Mattress protector and linen
available too. Cot sides easily fitted. Pick up from Thompson St, above
Please call/text Georgina 0402 219 636.
For Sale
Boat for sale!!! $3,000 ONO
Smartwave. 2 stroke. 3.5m foam filled.
Very stable. 4 year old. 30hp Tohatsu outboard.
Did I mention it's very stable?
Call Sam 0468718953.
Wanting a Long Lease House to Rent
We have been living off shore for 18 months and the house is up for
Looking to rent a 3 bedroom house long term.
Have good references.
The off shore community is our home now and a great way to bring up my
Please contact Amanda on 0406 654 466.
Lost Bird 
Our little bird, Olivia, escaped last weekend.
Olivia is a pastel faced, cinnamon pearl pyed female
She is hand raised and very tame.
If anyone sees her could they please call Peta on 0400 260 342.
Boat for sale!!! $3,000 ONO

Smartwave. 2 stroke. 3.5m foam filled.
Very stable.
4 year old. 30hp Tohatsu outboard.
Did I mention it's
very stable?
Call Sam 0468718953
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contribution (100 words or so would be fine) and assuming it is of
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nature and is not offensive, it will
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views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the views of the
Scotland Island Residents Association (SIRA), or
the Western
Pittwater Community Association (WPCA)