Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Genesis 6:9 This is the genealogy of Noah. Noah was a just man, perfect in his generations. Noah walked with God.

If I were to build an ark, would God call me just and perfect in my generation? Of course not. God has not asked such a thing of me. Yet men do things far more ridiculous than this and claim that God is pleased. They roll around on stones, they pray ceaselessly without actually saying anything, they swear off marriage and other blessings the Lord has given to them. Yet even Noah was not praised for the building of the ark but rather for the faith which moved him to build.

Hebrews 11:7 By faith Noah, being divinely warned of things not yet seen, moved with godly fear, prepared an ark for the saving of his household, by which he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness which is according to faith.

God gave His word and Noah believed. God gave His promise and Noah held on to that promise even though it took over one hundred years.

This is true in all things. It is not the act of man, but the promise of God which makes all the difference. This is why the Lutheran teaching on baptism is not work-righteousness, nor is it superstition, nor is it magic. Neither the water nor the words accomplish anything. But the promise of God does everything. Work-righteousness is believing in something I do. Superstition is thinking the speaking of the words accomplishes something. Faith is believing the promise that God has spoken.

And this is the promise that God has spoken: "Be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit" (Acts 2:38).