amanda gore - Wired for Joy!     August 2013
 New Products
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on Zazzle.
Here is just a small sample of the JOYous things you can find. Click on the link to see more!!


How One Question Can Change Your Work Culture 
What's the Best Thing That Has Happened to You Today?

I challenge you to greet everyone in this way – watch their faces light up!

Begin your staff meetings with asking everyone to answer the question “what’s the best thing that happened to you since we last met” – it will transform the group dynamics! You will be amazed at how much better the meetings flow and at the improvement in creativity and ideas.
Leave it as a message on your voice mail!  “Hi – I can’t take your call right now but if you tell me the best thing that’s happened to you all day – I’ll call you back!”
Ask your colleagues to do this daily, as well as your clients, customers and family.

Asking this question will make you popular!

If you do this consistently, people will look forward to seeing you, because for some reason that they won’t understand, they will like being around you and feel good when they are with you.

Remember this is a very sophisticated way to change a persons physiology as they release ‘happy’ drugs when they recall something pleasant!

The field of positive psychology proves that a ratio of 3:1 positive comments or experiences or feelings a day to negative transforms workplaces and people! If you are scoring an average of 3:1 positive: negative in your workday, you will flourish! At home, the science shows us it is 5:1!!
  Remember to Breathe

Did you know that all disease begins with stress?

If you are stressed on a permanent basis your immune system is attacked and weakened and then you are susceptible to all forms of disease; and your performance drops.

This post has some tips on stress busting to help boost your performance, productivity AND give you more energy and vitality!

Do you remember what flight attendants tell you about oxygen in the safety briefing? If the oxygen masks fall from the ceiling and you have a child, put it on yourself first. Why? Because if you are dead you are not much use to the child!

Yet most of us in small business consistently push ourselves beyond our physical, mental and emotional limits and wonder why we are tired all the time!

It’s time to stop, put on the oxygen mask (metaphorically) and suck in great gobs of oxygen!

Seriously, when we are stressed we stop breathing!

How Serving Others Will Help You To Succeed
  Your job is your job, but it can also be your work, depending on how you look at it and how you do it.

Your work is manna for the soul. It fulfills you and satisfies you, and it usually involves serving others.

Go to your job today and make it your work.

Everyone in every job serves others in some way – the boss, colleagues, customers, clients, the country or the community. It does not matter how lowly you feel your job is, you are part of a serving team. Teams only function well when all parts do their best to work with and serve all the others.

Author and inventor Buckminster Fuller said,
“The whole is greater than the sum of the parts.”

That means that when we all connect and contribute to the team, the results are much better. Ambitious, selfish people who ignore, harm or cut down others for their own personal goals may realize apparent short-term success, but their success will probably not last, and they will not be happy, fulfilled or satisfied. They will not be honored because they are not honoring others.

People who think, “My pie will be smaller if you have some of it!” don’t understand the laws of life!

ZOOTIES! And thanks for reading and being on my list!

If you enjoyed this month's Wired for Joy! please share it with your family and friends!

Featured Video

 Refresh Leadership - Part 1 of the whole presentation
One of my newest videos - Filmed in Florida at the Refresh Leadership Event earlier this year - televised to 7000+ people!! I had the honor of sharing the stage with Guy Kawasaki and Terry Bradshaw.
Featured Product
on kindle
Get the kindle version of my book for Free!!!!
This offer is only available for a short time (starts August 21st ends 24th August PST)
I would also love, love, love it if you could take the time to write a review on Amazon

Book me :)
I will be in the USA again September this year until early October if any of you know anyone who needs me to speak for them please send me an email at
"Today I will be gracious, forgive, bless and love everyone"

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