Monday, September 19, 2011
Some people say, "Baptism is *not* for everyone. Infants and small children don't *need* to be baptized, because they have not reached the 'age of accountability' for their sin."
But God's Word says, "All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23).
Why does the sinful nature get caught up so often with the word "ALL" when it is used in the Bible? Many Christians have difficulty with "all." They argue why a "loving God" would condemn "innocent" children before they were "old enough to know better" (age of accountability). But aren't there a couple of problems with that idea? 1) If you've ever been around a toddler, he or she is seldom innocent; or an infant, probably the most selfish out of anyone. 2) The true God is a "loving God," but He is also a "just God" as well. 3) Scripture says, "All have sinned."
Two of my children share a room. One child is five. The other is three. But they know exactly what it means to "pick up ALL the toys in your room." Even at a young age they know that they are to leave no toys behind. Isn't that a lot like sin? No man, woman, or child is left behind! Children, infants, and even the unborn are sinners according to Romans 3:23 above.
David confesses, "Behold I was shapen in iniquity, and in sin my mother conceived me" (Psalm 51:5). Romans 5:12 says also that "death [both physical and spiritual] has "passed upon all men for all have sinned." If children weren't sinful, according to this passage they wouldn't ever die. And if young children were not held accountable for their sins, wouldn't the apostles say so in their New Testament writings? So why would God promise His grace to children (or anyone) if they didn't need it? WHO is Baptism for? Clearly, all people young or old are in need of God's grace, mercy, and forgiveness -- as found in the precious Word of God. Yes, "ALL have sinned," but as Romans three continues, they have been "justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus." Praise the Lord!