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Well friends, it has seriously been a crazy year!
Lots of ups and downs and ins and outs. 114 shows, 62 cities, 17 states, and thousands of miles later, I am really looking forward to some down time to reflect, look ahead, and enjoy family and friends back home. 
On my drive home from my final run of shows last weekend, I was overcome but this overwhelming sense of gratitude. "Thank you" never seems like enough, but all I want to do is show my gratitude to every person who has supported me this year by coming out to a show, passing my music on to an eager ear, writing me an encouraging note, or welcoming me into their home. Thank you for caring. Thank you for listening. I am so so thankful!
So if you can suspend your disbelief for a moment...pretend you are this box and pretend I am giving you the heartiest, warmest, coziest hug you have ever experienced. It's what I would do if you were here.
Thank you, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

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