Featured Books

10 Minute Short Stories by Zach Rehfeld
100 Physical Education Activities by Denis O'Driscoll
600 Days in Hiding by Andreas Algava with Daniel Levine
Alligator and Friends Or Friendly Antics, An by Adrienne Harrell
Almost a Minyan by Lori S. Kline
America: The Founders' Vision by Thomas Graham Jr.
Angel City Singles by Ralph Cissne
Are You Happy? by Lea Colleens
Bandwagon by Dwight Dixon
Beer and Gasoline by John Knoerle
Bird in a Hurricane, A by Carlton M. Downey
Boba's Adventure by Leah Rondogiannis
Bridge with Three Spans, A by Zia Uddin Ahmed
Bringing In Beauty by Malcolm Pullen
Budaniel: and Simba the Toy Lion by Susan Kapanke
Cardinal Rule by W. Greg Henley
Chasing Truth by Joel Zao
Cinnia's Story by Lily Violet
Contemporary Bloody Literature by Martin Connolly
Cooking with Kip by Kip Meyerhoff
Coyote's Christmas Tale by Andy Melenchek
Deadly Highway by J. Willis Stewart
Deadwood and Beyond by Kip Meyerhoff
Decisions We Made, The by Travis Towns
Emmanuel by Lilian White
Falling Into Flowers by Lynne Barnes
Fellowship of the Saint, The by Ali Hussain Al-Ridha
Four Aspects of the Goddess & the Wheel of the Year by Norma Joyce
Four Seasons of Loneliness by J. W. Freiberg
Fried Oyster Sandwich  by Lloyd E. Gross
Girl, World by Alex Poppe
Golden by Sandra O. Ferraro
Grandma's Magic Box by Nadine Thomas
Hidden Women by Jacqueline Widmar Stewart
His Bat Is His Calling Card by George Gilliam
His Name Is Josiah by Jose Flores
Hunger Saint, The by Olivia Kate Cerrone
Hypocrite by Tasha Harper
I Am John H. Holliday DDS by Patrick Gillen
I Am Terry Walker by Skye Andrews
Kings’ Assassin, The by Ed Cannon
Lady of Esterbrooke, The: Loves Journey Through Time by Ann W. Phillips
Legend of Higley Flow, The...   by Richmond LaFayette Holton
Lost Time by D. L. Orton
Machine by Julio Ortiz
Madagascar by Stephen Holgate
Mental and Emotional State of School-Aged Students, The  by Sean M. Brooks, Ph.D.
Midsummer's Bottom by Darren Dash
Miranda's Appeasement by Barbara Allemeersch 
Motivated by Wicked Intention by Carol Bell
Mountain Meadows... Ocean Meadows  by Charles Anderson
Mysterious Paths of Versailles, The by Mark Lamont
Occurrence in Big Sur, An by Dwight Dixon
Olympus Deception, The by Richard Ronc
Outlander Page by William Cornelison
painted drawings | drawn paintings by Arline Kimbel Sadlon
Pretense: Imbroglio Trilogy by John Di Frances
Prodigal, The by Janice Parker
Rainbow Angel Earns Wings by M. Michaelides
Raven's Resurrection by John D. Trudel
Sammy the Super Sleuth Sprite and Ferrett by Gi Gi
Satan's World by Wayne Hill
Sig Alert by David Scott
Sins of the Mother, The by Ellen Tipping
Style Yourself with Confidence by Ellen Joubert
Sunday Cosmopolitans by Lynn Clark Dorr
Synod: A Novel by Dan C. Gunderman
Thaddeus Lamb by P. G. Smith
Three Secrets, The by Gretchen Bainum
Three Souls, The by Bill Thomas
Ticket, The by Fred Shackelford
Tushhog by Jeffery Hess
Unlocking The Natural Born Leader's Abilities by Salar A. Khan, MD., MBA.
Unsullied Islands, Beaches & Landscapes by Cyril Oghomeh
Voidstalker by John Graham
Walking Shadows by Chijioke Dikeocha
Warrior's Embrace by Anita Crowley
When Will I Be Good Enough? by Barbara Jaffe
Where Is My Home? by Joan Romney Groves
The Book Killers: Stilted Writing
In this ongoing series, Christopher Klim, author and senior editor of the US Review of Books, takes a look at common errors that undermine books.
The word stilted is defined as stiff, self-conscious, and/or unnatural. In a book, this concept is just as unwelcomed...
Reviews for July 2018
10 Minute Short Stories by Zach Rehfeld
100 Physical Education Activities by Denis O'Driscoll
Alligator and Friends Or Friendly Antics, An by Adrienne Harrell
Are You Happy? by Lea Colleens
Bandwagon by Dwight Dixon
Bird in a Hurricane, A by Carlton M. Downey
Boba's Adventure by Leah Rondogiannis
Budaniel: and Simba the Toy Lion by Susan Kapanke
Captive Bride by Marjorie J. Hersom
Chasing Truth by Joel Zao
Deadly Highway by J. Willis Stewart
Decisions We Make, The by Travis Towns
Emmanuel by Lilian White
Fabu by William Bateman Ruffner
Fellowship of the Saint, The by Ali Hussain Al-Ridha
Four Aspects of the Goddess & the Wheel of the Year by Norma Joyce 
Fried Oyster Sandwich by Lloyd E. Gross
Golden by Sandra O. Ferraro
His Name Is Josiah by Jose Flores
How She Fought by Melissa L. Bryant
Hypocrite by Tasha Harper
I Am Terry Walker by Skye Andrews
Kings’ Assassin, The by Ed Cannon
Lady of Esterbrooke, The: Loves Journey Through Time by Ann W. Phillips
Machine by Julio Ortiz
Mental and Emotional State of School-Aged Students, The by Sean M. Brooks, Ph.D.
Miranda's Appeasement by Barbara Allemeersch
Motivated by Wicked Intention by Carol Bell
Mountain Meadows... Ocean Meadows by Charles Anderson
Mysterious Paths of Versailles, The by Mark Lamont
Occurrence in Big Sur, An by Dwight Dixon
Olympus Deception, The by Richard Ronc
Perseaus: The Ferret Books, vol 2 by C. C. Wyatt
Poets, Artists, Lovers: A Novel by Mira Tudor
Pretense: Imbroglio Trilogy by John Di Frances
Rainbow Angel Earns Wings by M. Michaelides
Sammy the Super Sleuth Sprite and Ferrett by Gi Gi
Satan's World by Wayne Hill
Sig Alert by David Scott
Sunday Cosmopolitans by Lynn Clark Dorr
Synod by Dan C. Gunderman
Thaddeus Lamb by P. G. Smith
Three Secrets, The by Gretchen Bainum
Three Souls, The by Bill Thomas
Unsullied Islands, Beaches & Landscapes by Cyril Oghomeh
Warlight by Michael Ondaatje
Focus Review
Warlight by Michael Ondaatje
War never ceases. Even during ceasefire, war goes underground and waits for a chance to reemerge. During active war, nothing comes off cleanly, and rules are bent if not entirely broken. This uncertainty requires people to reevaluate what is important and what to preserve for the future. The intensity forces people to change. It places them out of position and off the beaten paths of their lives. On the largest scale, war is about power, but when the dust clears, all war is personal. ...
Recommended Reviews
600 Days In Hiding by Andreas Algava with Daniel Levine
America: The Founders' Vision by Thomas Graham Jr.
Beautiful Here, A by Linda Phillips
Beer and Gasoline by John Knoerle
Beautiful Here, A by Linda Phillips
Bringing In Beauty by Malcolm Pullen
Cardinal Rule by W. Greg Henley
Cinnia's Story by Lily Violet
Contemporary Bloody Literature by Martin Connolly
Coyote's Christmas Tale by Andy Melenchek
Deadwood and Beyond by Kip Meyerhoff
Falling Into Flowers by Lynne Barnes
Four Seasons of Loneliness by J. W. Freiberg
Galahad's Fool by Conrad Bishop and Elizabeth Fuller
Girl, World by Alex Poppe
Hidden Women by Jacqueline Widmar Stewart
His Bat Is His Calling Card by George Gilliam
Hunger Saint, The by Olivia Kate Cerrone
I Am John H. Holliday DDS by Patrick Gillen
Lost Time (Between Two Evils, Book 2) by D. L. Orton
Madagascar by Stephen Holgate 
Midsummer's Bottom by Darren Dash
Outlander Page by William Cornelison
painted drawings | drawn paintings by Arline Kimbel Sadlon
Prodigal, The by Janice Parker
Sins of the Mother, The by Ellen Tipping
Style Yourself with Confidence by Ellen Joubert
Ticket, The by Fred Shackelford
Tushhog by Jeffery Hess 
Voidstalker by John Graham
Walking Shadows by Chijioke Dikeocha
Warrior's Embrace by Anita Crowley 
When Will I Be Good Enough? by Barbara Jaffe
Where Is My Home? by Joan Romney Groves
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