IAHF List:
Seasons Greetings to all of you, all over the world on the IAHF list!
We Wish You a Merry Christmas/ Salubrius Winter Solstice/Happy Hanukkah
Additional Assistance Needed to Send IAHF Back to Washington DC
For More Work- Update Herein
Myspace.com is a cybernetwork of millions of people, and a lot of them are into alternative medicine, dietary supplements, herbs and holistic health. There are discussion groups on myspace on topics that will be of interest to all of you. Melissa on the IAHF list strongly urged me to create a presence on Myspace in order to funnel more people in to the IAHF list and websites, and to help get our messages out further- so I created this new site for that purpose: http://www.myspace.com/nopharma
It doesn’t cost anything to set up a Myspace blog, and if any of you would like to assist me in Myspace.com I’d welcome your help! (If any of you are already in Myspace- lets add each other to our friend lists on our sites- please contact me for this purpose.) This will be one more way to help spread our urgent IAHF alerts to more people!
By thinking GLOBALLY, while ACTING LOCALLY each of us on the IAHF list has the power to fight for health freedom and to awaken our neighbors to the broader battles existing beyond our immediate back yards. I encourage all of you to get the book
Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky because it would help anyone to become a better grass roots organizor: See my friend Ed Griffin’s description of this great book here: http://realityzone.stores.yahoo.net/rulesrad.html
I am a member of Freedom Force International http://www.freedomforceinternational.org and frequently draw on information, ideas and resources from this site while running IAHF. Freedom Force was started by my friend Ed Griffin, author of The Creature from Jekyll Island- Secrets of the Federal Reserve, A World Without Cancer (about the suppression of Laetrile) and numberous other books and documentary films. Please consider joining Freedom Force, it will help you to more effectively do this health freedom work just as it helps me! Tell Ed John Hammell sent you!
While attempting to stop the Codex international threat to health freedom by focusing people’s attention on the globalization processes by which the FDA would harmonize our laws to Codex, I’ve simultaneously started a pressure group called The Point Roberts Alliance for Sound Public Health Policy to stop our local Parks Board and Verizon from putting a dangerously overpowered Cell Phone Tower right next to a public school.
Illustrating that your BEST DEFENSE is ALWAYS a GOOD OFFENSE, our group has broken the spirit and resolve of our opponents and recently forced them to agree to hold another town meeting- one that they don’t want to have: (See Front Page Article “Threat Forces Public Meeting” http://www.allpointbulletin.com/ and note that we dominated the Letters to the Editor with 3 letters against the tower to our opponents zero: http://www.allpointbulletin.com/editor_letters.html
Few things would please me more than to see a lot of you on the IAHF get involved with your local government, and to champion our cause of health freedom any way you can RIGHT WHERE YOU LIVE. By building a coalition locally to oppose cell phone towers, water fluoridation, destruction of ecosystems by developers, destruction of old growth forrests and related matters- it becomes easier to build a local group that you can also tap for opposition to the planned North American Union, to FDA’s Trilateral Cooperation Charter to Codex as well as other bad Federal bills such as the AER bill which we unfortunately weren’t able to stop (but we will be impacting the implementing regulations when FDA holds a public meeting and solicits input on them.)
Never Forget This: “Governments derive their just powers FROM THE CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED.” When the government ignores the right of the people to self determination, the government must be ABOLISHED.On July 4th, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was signed. All of us on the IAHF list should take the time to re-read it, because if the Chinese dump the Buck, Wall Street will HAMMERED, and the criminals in our government who take their orders not from us, but from the Shadow Government, could declare total martial law under a “state of emergency” and could try to radically accelerate the planned Deconstruction of America- and the rise of the planned North American Union police state.
See Impending Police State in America
Interview with Professor Francis Boyle
We may yet be forced to declare war on our own government, but in the meantime we must exercise any and all PEACEFUL means at our disposal for reining the miscreants in.
The military already has contingency plans in place to treat all of North America in the same way that they’re dealing with Iraq right now, and they could start declaring ANY of us “terrorists.” It will be necessary for each of us to educate those around us so that the New World Order’s eugenics/genocide plans can be successfully thwarted- By donating to IAHF, you can help us get back to DC in January to continue pushing for Oversight on the FDA’s Trilateral Cooperation Charter (and to help oppose the ongoing deconstruction of America and the creation of the planned North American Union [see petition http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/373269232#body IAHF 556 Boundary Bay Rd. Point Roberts WA 98281 (We’ve received $600. in donations so far toward the $2200. or so we’ll need for airfare, lodging, meals for 10 days in DC, so please help!Declaration of Independence http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Declaration_of_Independence
If China Shuns Dollar, Look Out U.S. Bonds: William Pesek Jr.http://quote.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=10000039&refer=columnist_pesek&sid=aEBBmwvtNuxA
See North American Union to Replace USA? by my friend Jerome Corsi. http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=14965 He is a Harvard graduate and a solid investigative journalist. He is connecting many dots. See THE CASE FOR THE AMERO (by the Fraser Institute, a Canadian globalist think tank) http://oldfraser.lexi.net/publications/critical_issues/1999/amero/ See EUROPE SHARPLY DIVIDED OVER DIETARY SUPPLEMENTShttp://www.newmediaexplorer.org/sepp/2006/12/06/europe_sharply_divided_over_vitamin_supplements.htm (If we allow an EU like North American Union to occur here, what do you suppose will happen to our access to supplements when our law is harm-onized to Canadian and Mexican law where access is far more curtailed and where supplements are regulated as “DRUGS” (not as FOODS, as they are here?)
FOR MORE WORK!! We'll Send Books + DVDs in Xchange for Donations
By donating to IAHF, you can help us get back to DC in January to continue pushing for Oversight on the FDA’s Trilateral Cooperation Charter (and to help oppose the ongoing deconstruction of America and the creation of the planned North American Union [see petition http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/373269232#body IAHF 556 Boundary Bay Rd. Point Roberts WA 98281 (We’ve received $600. in donations so far toward the $2200. or so we’ll need for airfare, lodging, meals for 10 days in DC, so please help! ![]() | Powered by YMLP.com ![]() | ![]() |
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