* Please consider a year-end gift to Perugia *
(and abundant thanks to those who have already donated)
Dear Friends of Perugia Press,
Building community is at the heart of Perugia Press. When so much of our country and the world seems fractured, the value of community rises. By “community,” we mean strong connections both within the organization and between our press and other organizations. We also mean friends of the press, like you, who help sustain our mission by reading our books, submitting to our contests, attending our events, and making donations that support Perugia’s work. Here are some examples:
- In dozens of events and readings over the years, poets we published 25 years ago meet and read with our newest poets. This is a cornerstone of how we build community within Perugia.
- For instance, our 2000 prize winner, Catherine Anderson, our 2010 winner, Melody S. Gee, and our 2023 winner, Carolina Hotchandani, have a reading planned at the St. Louis Poetry Center.
- This year, we collaborated with Black Writers Read to host readings and conversations with poets Lisbeth White and Lynne Thompson. Other recent partnerships were forged with the Emily Dickinson Museum’s Phosphorescence series and the Straw Dog Writers “Celebrating Voices of Resistance” initiative.
- Our monthly Emerging BIWOC Poet Spotlight continues to highlight the work of women poets of color (December’s spotlight is on Pakistani-American poet Saba Husain). Plus, we donate 5% of our book sales to support organizations that promote the work of women of color.
What does it take to create a welcoming, ongoing, healthy community like ours? It takes hard work, care, dedicated poets, staff, and volunteers, and, of course, financial resources.
Donations are an integral part of how we fulfill our mission to celebrate and support the work of women poets. As part of our community, please consider a year-end gift to our press.
With gratitude,
Rebecca Olander, Editor/Director and the Perugia Press Board
Emerging BIWOC Poet Spotlight
December 2023 Poet: Saba Husain
When December Runs into a Tree of Gold
the earth smacks of decay
though the sun is blinding,
rendering the leaves
a shade of ginger-lemon.
Save for the glitter of a cobweb
in the branches, or the buzz
of an inadvertent fly,
wood chimes mimic eons.
This is how it must feel to die.
Feet blanketed by yesterdays,
face to the sky, I am my four-year-
old granddaughter in ponytails
crunching leaves under my bike.
Summers move through me,
spring clings to flimsy branches,
I am my gray-haired mother
murmuring, I am here, I am here.
Note: December's edition of our Emerging BIWOC Poet Spotlight is our 40th consecutive monthly publication of this feature. Saba Husain was a finalist for this year's Perugia Press Prize. The other two 2023 finalists were also acquired this year: Monique Adelle's Rupture (Codhill Press, 2023) and Michelle Whittaker's Spoke the Dark Matter (slated for publication in 2024 by Sundress Publications). We're so happy for these poets that their books are in, or are soon to be in, the world!
* Carolina Hotchandani's The Book Eaters *
Perugia received a Flexible Funding Grant from
the Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts!
We are so grateful to be among the 96 Pioneer Valley nonprofits awarded Flexible Funding grants this year by the Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts. These grants are awarded
"to build capacity and strengthen operations and programming."
Thank you, Community Foundation, for all the good work you
do to support the local creative nonprofit community!
* Perugia Poet News *
publications: "Appalachian Grit" and "All Through Their
Bodies, Hands and Eyes" in Emulate Magazine; "To Speak These Petals Deeper" in Voices of the Earth Notable Works anthology; and "Queer Maps" in Yellow Arrow Journal's "Emblazon" issue.
nominated for a Pushcart Prize by ONE ART for
"What It's Like to Wonder Whose Country It Was First"
as well as receiving a nomination from a Pushcart editor.
Who Are Not Believed" was up at Verse Daily this month.
She is also teaching a 4-week course "Revising and Polishing
starting January 7.
"When I Asked ChatGPT What It Didn't Know,
was featured by Major Jackson on the podcast
by River River Books for 2025! And, here's a recording
PO Box 60364, Florence, MA 01062