tel:  512-280-1192                                           Friday, May 4, 2012
              Nursery Notes: Our mushroom garden kits are here. Grow
              tasty oyster mushrooms right from the box.  Easy, delicious
              and fun for kids!  $ 24.99. Beautiful bougainvillea  ($24.99) and
              purslane ($14.99) hanging baskets in full bloom. Pond plants -   
              horsetail and papyrus $7.99 to $24.99 Coming soon - rock
              specimens from around the world! Arriving later today: Tula
              men's and women's casual and gardening hats.
             Lecture 2 p.m. this Sunday:  ‘Three Composting Alternatives:
             Bokashi,  Black Soldier Fly and Worm Composting’ presented
             by Patrick Van Haren (Microbial Earth Farms).  Bokashi is the
             fast, odorless technique that's perfect for folks in apartments. Black
             soldier fly is a beneficial insect that also breaks down compost very
             fast. Worm composting uses red worms in a worm bin to break
             down organic materials. You will leave this lecture an expert! (free)
             Diane Winslow with Susan Wittig Albert (r) after the author's
            lecture on The Mystery of Herbs. A big thank you to Susan, and
            to all the people who came out last Sunday. Recipes and handouts
            to be attached to next week's newsletter. Later today Susan is to
            be made Honorary President of the Herb Society of America (at
            a meeting this weekend here in Austin at the Hyatt Regency on
            Barton Springs Road.) Congratulations Susan!  [photo: d.mayers]
   "I think of places like (It's About Thyme) as temples where we can
    come together on a Sunday afternoon to learn about thyme and the
    herbs of  the ancients, and extend our knowledge, and be with the
                                  - Susan Wittig Albert
            Congrats to Katie Harwell, who is leaving us later this month for
            the cooler climes of Vashon Island (near Seattle) to intern at an
            organic farm. 'I'm super excited!" says Katie, who will be building
            chicken coops, planting and harvesting crops. She will return in
    Central Texas Gardener (KLRU-TV): Preview the Wildflower 
    Center's Gardens on Tour (including a beautiful 'Stonehenge' sculpture
    garden); a visit to the wildlife friendly gardens of authors Lynne and
    Jim Weber. Sat. noon or 4 p.m. or Sun: 9 a.m.

              Habiturf: less water, fertilizer, and mowing
         Habiturf: Lawn of the Future
                          by Chris Winslow
As we stand at the threshold of what might be yet another arid
summer, I think it’s time for gardeners to consider a fresh
approach to their lawns… in the form of native grasses. 
The good news is that the folks over at the Lady Bird Wildflower
Center have come up with a fantastic solution for Austin-area 
gardeners. In partnership with DK Seed Company they have
created a native grass blend called Habiturf, using three native
grasses of similar texture and color.
This combo of buffalo, blue grama and curly mesquite makes a
beautiful lawn. Besides saving water, this new blend requires less
fertilizer and little mowing.
Habiturf requires 6 to 8 hours of sunlight each day to thrive, so it
will not work in the shade. For those who want to re-establish turf
grass in mostly sunny to full sun areas, this new blend is the way
to go. The sow rate is 3 to 4 pounds per 1,000 square feet. (We
stock the Habiturf native grass blend at the nursery: $35 per lb.)
With this month usually being the wettest month of the year, this
is a good time to start that new “native” lawn.
                                         Happy gardening everyone!
               Visit the website: 
Visit the nursery:11726 Manchaca Road, Austin, Texas 78748 