Monday, August 24, 2009

Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation for everyone who believes.


How can the value of an object be determined? The beauty of a free enterprise system is that the market decides. If people are willing to pay $4 a gallon for gasoline, that is what the price will be. If not, then the price will be lowered. Even time itself can be valued. For example, a plumber can charge $50 an hour for his services, or even more in a emergency because that is the value that society is willing to pay.

In the current debate about our medical system in America, questions are being asked concerning the price of medical costs. When a person's life is on the line we are willing to pay thousands and thousands of dollars in order to get him treatment. A human life is to be greatly valued.

Can we assign a value to the Gospel of Jesus Christ? The salvation of your soul for all eternity is very precious indeed. It is more precious than any sort of medicine for the body. It is worth more than thousands, millions, billions, or trillions of dollars. The Good News of Jesus Christ laying down His life for your sins is the power of God unto salvation.

While the value assigned to goods and services in a society can fluctuate up and down according to various factors, the value of the Gospel of Jesus Christ will never go down in value. Too often we become mixed up and devalue salvation because it is not seen as precious by the masses. Through God's word and the power of the Spirit we can see the true value of heavenly treasure.