Wednesday, October 12, 2005

John 11:25 Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live."


In this day and age doctors can do some amazing things today. They separate conjoined twins. They implant mechanical hearts. They can open the body up with a knife, and set it on the road to healing. But there's one thing that doctors can't do. They can't bring people back from the dead. The Bible says that God is the one who gives life.

Lazarus had been dead and buried for 4 days when Jesus told Martha, "Your brother will rise again." Martha thought that Jesus only meant Lazarus would come back from the dead on the Last Day. But Jesus wasn't going to wait for the Last Day to raise Lazarus from the dead. Jesus wanted Mary, and Martha, and the rest of His followers to understand that He had power over death, and that they didn't have to fear dying. That's when Jesus told Martha the words of our text.

And later that day, Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. He went to the tomb where Lazarus was buried and simply said, "Lazarus, come forth!" And he did.

Is Jesus still alive?
Does He know who you are?
Does He have the power to raise you from the dead?
Do you have to be afraid of death, or anything?

People who trust in Jesus don't have to fear death any more than they fear opening the door to their own home. Jesus has destroyed death's power.

If it helps, picture that scary grim reaper in the silly costume of a bell-hop or a doorman. That's the reality for the Christian, Death with all his dark intimidating grimness has been reduced to a servant at the door of heaven. All he can do is open the door when commanded, and usher God's children into eternal happiness.

All of this is true for us, because Jesus IS the Resurrection and the Life.