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To: Firstname Lastname
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Click the link to be taken to article.
Next week we have the Annual Projected Image Competition. There is a large entry, so we need to get started sharp at 7.30pm. As there is a large and varied entry, we are promised an interesting evening.
Login details:
- Wednesday 29 May @ 19.30hrs
- Log
in: Click HERE
- Meeting
ID: 856 0506 3116
- Password: 499624
Distinctions Advice Meeting - UPDATE
Please note, the next meeting of the Distinctions Advice Group will be held at the Clubrooms at 7.30pm on Tuesday 28 May, and not Monday as previously advertised (we forgot the Bank Holiday). The advice will be given by Pete McCloskey FRPS, Andrew Marker FRPS and Ralph Snook ARPS.
A few changes have happened of late, with the main one being that the RPS ‘L’ panel is now for DPIs only.
The main requirements for the PAGB awards are unchanged. However, the PAGB now have two new levels on trial:
- BPAGB, will be judged as the CPAGB and requires an entry of 7 prints.
- EPAGB, the Excellence Level is a step up from DPAGB, assessed at exactly the same standard but with a significantly higher passing score.
These meetings are aimed at anyone thinking of going for photographic distinctions and are open to all members.
The closing date for the 2024 Annual Print Competition is next week - Wednesday 29 May. The judge for this year's competition is Jenny Hibbert FRPS MPAGB FBPE EFIAP/d2.
This competition will consist of the Club, Intermediate and Advanced levels. In addition, there is a Nature section which does not distinguish between Club, Intermediate and Advanced entrants but is open to all. Anyone wishing to enter the Nature section must indicate the entries with a tick in the appropriate box on the print label.
Members may submit a maximum of 4 prints into the competition. These must be numbered in the entrant’s preferred order, as some images may be excluded if the total entry is excessive.
In addition to the usual awards at each level, the judge is asked to select the Best Travel, People, Action, Landscape and Monochrome pictures from the whole entry (i.e. all levels). One or more of the Best Travel etc awards may well go to an image that gains another award. A trophy will be presented for the best image in each competition at the AGM. The trophy will be awarded for one of the 1st place images.
Entry Submission
- Trade processed prints may be submitted
- All prints must be mounted, the maximum size
of mount being 50 cm x 40 cm.
- Each print must be labelled to show: entrant’s
membership number, level of entry (Cl, Int, Adv) and title of print. Other
identifying matter must be hidden. Labels will be provided by the print
competition secretary and should be positioned on the back in the
bottom right-hand corner. Anyone wishing to enter the Nature section of
the Annual competition must nominate on the labels the prints he/she would
like to be considered for this.
View/download labels for this year’s Print Competition by clicking on the version you require. Versions are either PDF or MS Word labels.
When entering the competition, you must also supply a digital copy of each print you enter (unless you have already submitted digital copies of the same images to previous print competitions). This should be the same size as for the PDI competitions – 1600 pixels x 1200 pixels – but there will be no need to give any other information than your name and the title e.g. Sam Bloggs, Storm At Sea. You don’t need to add your membership number or level of entry.
Please upload the digital copies of your prints by following this link:
Any queries to the Print Competition Secretary:
A BPS Council Meeting was held on Thursday 16 May. Apart from the usual reports from officers there were two items to report to the membership:
- The Other Room: The heater upstairs in the studio "dressing room" area has now been replaced.
- Great Western Photographic Exhibition: The GWPE Chairman, Steve Field, reported as follows: Everything is on schedule for the opening of the exhibition to receive entries from 5 July. We have the selectors booked and the website went live on 17 May (entry disabled) - The "word" is being put out on relevant Facebook pages to advertise the exhibition. Selection will take place on 11, 12 and 13 October this year and we will be looking for support/helpers from the BPS membership at that time. Tasks will be similar to those for the Bristol Salon.
Our new cleaner will be starting on Thursday morning, 30 May. 7.30 to 9.30 and fortnightly thereafter.
Would all members please make sure that any crockery and cutlery is washed and put away after use – this includes things used by groups or visitors. Please don’t leave mugs etc for someone else to tidy away.
The kitchen and toilets are priority, although I understand the gents’ loo leaves a lot to be desired (I'm told that a little more accuracy is called for!).
Vicky remains as Clubroom Steward but if there are any problems with the cleaning, please let me know initially.
Carol Sykes
Check to see if your name is on the list
The table at the front of the clubroom is beginning to groan under the weight of uncollected prints again. If your name is in the list below, would you please arrange for your prints to be collected as soon as possible. If you don't want them, please let me know and we will arrange for them to be disposed of:
- Suzanne Allen
- Mike Bews
- Ken Clarke
- Matt de-Beger
- Colin Dixon
- Anita Fullerton
- Gerry Gill
- Jay Hallsworth
- Derwood Pamphilon
- Ralph Snook
- Howard Thomas
- Andrew Whettam
- Keith Wood
Apologies if you have already collected your prints.
Pete Howell
Mike Martin has been in touch with Nomad, and they have confirmed they have no plans to attend any of the usual photographic events in the near future, so he’s going to place an order on line.
If anyone wants any print boxes, Mike is happy to place a group booking and share out the delivery costs. Anyone interested, have a look at their range here and let Mike know what you want by 6 June, when he’ll be placing his order.
Mike Martin
This week's instalment from Mike Martin's on our successes in PSA competitions:
Photographic Society of America (PSA)
The results for the third and final round are in. However, what does matters are the individual awards and the full year totals/year end ranking.......
Large (A3) Mono
On the Diagonal
Andrew Whettam
Bobbi and her hat
Colin Dixon
At a Stretch
Derwood Pamphilon
The Shard (2)
Jay Hallsworth
Year end ranking...... We ended on 267 in SECOND, 5 points behind the winners.
Large (A3) Colour
The Lady Loves to Read
Derwood Pamphilon
Bedouin Boy
Ken Clarke
Rabbit Washing
Sandie Cox
Is there a doctor in the house
Simon Caplan
Year end ranking....... We ended on SECOND on 275, 5 points behind the winners.
Small (A4) Mono
A walk in the woods
Mike Hall
Morning Commute
Rachel Domleo
Steve Field
Vanishing Giant
Sue Pearmain
Year end ranking....... We ended on 279 in FIRST way ahead of the second placed club on 256!
Small (A4) Colour
Derwood Pamphilon
Twist of Lemon
Mike Martin
Alone Against the Elements
Simon Caplan
Waterscape with Snail Kites
Sue O'Connell
The round totals are rather academic as some clubs entered 8 prints (making up for those that didn’t arrive in time for round 2 judging in Dubai) whilst others ourselves included, only entered 4. Year end ranking....... We ended on 264 in EQUAL FIRST.
Creative / Altered Reality
Wheels of Time
Barry Mead
The Red Queen
Jay Hallsworth
Too Hot to Handle
Mike Martin
Lines of Honour
Rachel Domleo
Year end ranking....... We ended on 289 in FIRST way ahead of the second placed club on 261!
Three First placed (albeit one tied) and two second places – should be happy with that 
However, it’s not all over yet; the awarded images from rounds 1, 2 and
3 now get re-judged to determine the individual awards, at the
beginning of June.
everyone for your support this year, including Ralph and Barry who helped
with the selection, and congratulations to Jay, Derwood and Colin on
your awards, certificates shown above.
2024 FIAP Monochrome Print Biennial Selection |
Every year FIAP hold a number of Prestigious Biennial Competitions for its member countries. This year the PAGB invites you to submit up to 12 monochrome images for possible selection across the following three categories: a. Photojournalism b. Portraiture c. Architecture The FIAP Biennial Competition is a Print Competition, so high resolution digital copies of your images are required if selected for the print entry. Images will be printed by the PAGB. This selection is open to all members of WCPF Clubs and is a great chance to get your work seen on the international stage. The PAGB will select a panel of 10 prints on one of the three themes above. All selected photographers will be awarded a PAGB black badge, and all images scoring more than 8 points in the actual FIAP Biennial can be used a part of a FIAP Distinction Application. Online Entry Closes: 16 June Selection: 17 June Entry System: More details in the flyer below All enquiries to

Midland Salon 2024
Open - Now
Closing - 24 June
Winchester National Exhibition 2024 (BPE)
Open - Now
Closing - 14 July
Edinburgh International Salon
Click on image for further details
NEW Download Issue 356 PAGB eNews HERE.
NEW Download Issue 115 of Photography News HERE.
If you have any photographic items
for sale, drop me a line and I'll include it in the next newsletter.
Please make sure that you provide contact details, price and full
description of the sale items (pictures always help).
Salon acceptances: Contrary to popular belief, I do not possess psychic powers and need you to tell me if you've had successes. If you want to blow your own trumpet (or someone else's), then this is the place to do it. Please let me know and I'll include details in a future issue.
Members can download a pdf copy of the upcoming BPS programme by clicking on this link
IMPORTANT: Personal Detail Changes |
Please don't forget that if you change your
address (home or email), or gain additional photographic distinctions,
it would be appreciated if you could let the Membership Secretary know
so that she can keep her records up to date, this will also ensure that
you continue to receive your newsletters - please email all changes to
The distinctions we have on record are those
shown at the top of this newsletter, please remember, if you don't tell
us we can't possibly know!
For those of you who aren't sure what MPAGB, EFIAP/s and many more such
seemingly random collections of letters mean, just click here to see the list. |
Missed a Copy of the Newsletter?
To view past editions of this Newsletter, please click on the following link and then select the date(s) you are looking for - BPS Newsletter Archive |
BPS Website - Members' Portal "Log in" |
To enter the Members' Portal of the BPS website you will need the following: Username - Your Membership Number Password - Created by you
Bristol Photographic Society,
Unit 13, Montpelier Central, Station Rd, Bristol, BS6 5EE