Saturday, October 4, 2014
Matthew 18:15 If your brother sins, go and show him his fault in private; if he listens to you, you have won your brother.
"Don't judge me," has become a catchphrase that gets thrown around quite a bit in our day and age. But sometimes it's hard to determine exactly what a person means. It helps to have a little context. For example, an anonymous writer once wrote:
"Don't judge me by my past, I don't live there anymore."
I think we can all agree that judging a person because of things they've said or done in the past is a mistake. People make mistakes. And people change. None of us would like to be defined by the stupid things we've said or the foolish things we've done.
But sometimes when our society says we shouldn't judge people, they really mean is that it's wrong to tell someone that what they're doing is bad. Who are YOU to tell ME that I'm a bad person? Stop judging me by YOUR morals.
This way of thinking would be correct if we were just imposing our own personal standards on the actions of others. But when we apply GOD'S standards on the actions of others, the whole conversation changes.
As followers of the true God, you and I are obligated to use our voices to tell the world what is right and wrong. God commands us to do this because he loves the human race and wants us all to see how messed up and sinful we really are. He wants us to see how sinful we are so that we can see how gracious He was when he sent His Son to take our sins away through his suffering and death.
Don't let society cloud your mind when it comes to "judging others." When we say what God says, we're not haters. We're not judging people unfairly. When we really speak the truth in love, we're doing what our Creator and Savior has called us to do. His purpose is actually to rescue sinners from the FINAL judgment.