Sep 2012
Alumni Survey
Master on LinkedIn
25th Anniversary Summer Course
This is the newsletter of the International Master of Affective Neuroscience and the Summer School on Anxiety and Depression.
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Alumni Survey
It is almost ten years ago that the first students started the Master's programme - then still called the Master in Affective Pathology. Over the years we have had many wonderful students from all parts of the world, who together have made a significant contribution to research in affective neuroscience.
We would very much like to know more about your careers after the Master, and what you think of the programme. The Masters is due to be re-accredited by the Dutch government, and to demonstrate the quality of the programme we would like to present data on the contribution that the Master has made to your careers and what scientific output the Master has helped to generate.
For this we have drawn up a short online survey, that will take about 3 minutes to fill out. If you would help us out and fill out the survey, you would do us a big favour! The link below will take you to the survey:
The buttons in the questionaire are in Dutch (sorry). Click on "volg." to go to the next page, and on the third page, click "gereed" to finish.
Thank you very much!
Join the Master on LinkedIn
Did you know that the Master has its own group on LinkedIn: Master in Affective Neuroscience. The group is intended for our students, alumni, staff, and everyone who takes an interest in affective neuroscience. Join the group for discussions, news, job opportunities, and to get back in touch with your fellow students.
25th Summer Course:
7 - 12 July 2013
Villa Finaly, Florence (Italy)
The Summer Course on Mood of 2013
will be the 25th in the series, and at this
occasion prof. Griez, the founder of the
programme, will start his retirement.

The special anniversary programme
will be announced on the website soon!