Hello Cat Lover!

Here's what's in this issue:

1. Helping animals in Haiti...
2. Pet obesity report...
3. Are cat people and dog people very different?
4. Farm Bureau "bait and switch" ...
5. Avoid these medications...
6. Cat food info...
7. Web sites to explore...
8. A smile for you...
9. Take action...


1. Helping animals in Haiti:
Best Friends Animal Society in Utah is part of the Animal
Relief Coalition for Haiti (ARCH) and is collecting donations
at their web site, here: http://bfas.org/3

Saved by dog food:
A woman and her two children were shopping for cat food
when the earthquake struck in Haiti, but it was dog food
that saved their lives. As the store collapsed around them,
bags of dog food slid off shelves and formed a sort of "cave"
around them, protecting them from deadly debris.



2. Fat owners linked to fat dogs -- but not fat cats
January 14, 2010

Now here's a bit of pet-obesity news. A study published
in the journal Public Health Nutrition investigated the relationship
between body weight in pet owners and body weight in their pets.
Its finding: Overweight owners tend to have overweight dogs, as
other studies have reported before. But no such relationship was
seen between owners and pet cats.

Bear in mind, this study used a very small sampling -
36 cat owners and 47 dog owners. It's not conclusive, but certainly
it's interesting.



3. Do Cat People and Dog People Have Basic Personality

Another unofficial "study" has revealed there is a
basic personality difference people who prefer dogs
and those who prefer cats. I'm not too fond of the results,
as they called us cat lovers "neurotic" and the dog lovers
are characterized as "outgoing."

Since the "study" is simply a compilation of some surveys,
the results are therefore just the opinions of pet owners and
are not really definitive.


4. Farm Bureau bait 'n' switch on animal welfare -
While this organization claims to care about animal welfare, make
no mistake... when they vote on programs that benefit farmers,
animals definitely take a back seat.

5. Top 10 medications your pet should never take -

According to Petfood Industry magazine, pet owners in China
are moving toward using more commercial pet foods, and away
from preparing those foods at home. Apparently, the industry
there is marketing food products based on new safety guidelines
since the contamination scandal of 2007, along with some
propaganda against home preparation, based on stories of
pets being injured by, for example, internal punctures by
small bones. How true those are is up for speculation.

In the U.S., by contrast, some groups are promoting home
preparation with natural products to prevent inadequate
nutrition from low quality commercial products.


Help Feed Shelter Animals

Don't forget to visit these sites as often as you can and
click on the shelter-feed links. There is no cost to you
to do this, but it can only be done once per day.

http://www.theanimalrescuesite.com/ (Just click to donate)

http://pets.care2.com/i?p=868775137 (click to donate)

http://www.freekibblekat.com/ (Answer a trivia question...
even a wrong answer gives a donation.)

You can sign up for their daily reminders, too, if you need
a little nudge, like I do.

7. WEB SITES to explore
Reiki for Cats? Hey, why not?

Flea Control Secrets

Pet Poison Helpline

(How to move when you have pets)

(Because every cat deserves to be comfortable!)

(Information about getting pet insurance)

Now here's a house for cats! This is amazing, not to
mention... uh... how much would this cost?


-------- LATEST VIDEO -----------

Check out the video on my website, at the bottom of the page.


If you want to see more videos, go to my blog:
and then go clear to the bottom of the page, where I have
a "Video Bar" with several cat videos that change out every
so often. So there is always a fresh one there in case
you need a cat video fix and can't wait for the next Kitty Times!

TAKE ACTION - Sign this petition: Stop Shelter Animals From
Being Sold for Research! The Petition Site: http://bit.ly/8jDAFT


5 quick, easy ways to help rescue pets NOW! http://bit.ly/1YfBeo


Do you have any interesting stories to share about your
cats? Send them in and I'll put them here in
this newsletter. (Include your name and website
if you have one, and I'll give you a "plug" for
your website. Or, anonymous is OK, too. It's
up to you.)


Are you on Twitter yet? Anyone want to "follow" me?
Just go to Twitter.com, get an account (free, easy, fast), then
click on the Follow button under my picture!


If you ever want to review past issues, here is where
they are stored:

We will NOT rent or sell your info. You are
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R.J.Peters, "the Cat Lady." You can unsubscribe

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http://www.theproblemcat.com/ (use the signup form)
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If you would like to also receive my dog newsletter,
you can use the signup form here:

Roberta, the Cat Lady
mskitty @ catlover.com

PS - Now for the new Legal Stuff I have to display:

As of Dec. 1, 2009, the FTC changed requirements for
providing information on the Internet. Here is a somewhat
generic statement that I hope covers this newsletter.

Disclaimer: This email newsletter may contain
affiliate links that provide compensation to
our company if a purchase is made. (It hasn't
happened yet, but a few bucks would help feed
the critters here!) On that note, donations are extremely
welcome, here: http://www.hipaws.com.