emailIraq vets gather for Winter Soldier today
Hundreds of Iraq Veterans Against the War are gathering today near DC to disclose the realities of US war policy in a historic public investigation.

Afghan vet, Iraq resister to be discharged!
Audio interview with recently AWOL Iraq War resister James Morriss—pending discharge after surrendering to military.

Canada vote on sanctuary expected in April
The House of Commons in Ottawa is in session, and is likely to take up the question of allowing US war resisters to remain as early as April 2008. Download our updated Canada Action leaflet and sign the letter online if you have not already do so.


winter soldier

Hundreds of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans gather in Washington DC for Winter Soldier

Iraq Veterans Against the War

To mark five years of the U.S. occupation of Iraq, Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW) will gather beginning today through Sunday at the National Labor College near Washington, D.C. to disclose the realities of U.S. war policy in a public investigation called “Winter Soldier: Iraq and Afghanistan”.

Veterans and civilian survivors of both conflicts will give public testimony and share the eyewitness stories that have been censored from the American public about the true human cost of these occupations. This testimony also will reveal how the Iraq occupation is tactically un-winnable, morally wrong, and has brought our military to its breaking point.

Winter Soldier: Iraq & Afghanistan aims to:

  1. Motivate veterans and active duty service members to get involved in today’s growing GI resistance movement;
  2. Awaken America to the real human costs of war that have not been exposed sufficiently by the American media; and
  3. Hold both Democrats and Republicans accountable for the illegal Iraq occupation they have jointly kept going.

ws 250The term, Winter Soldier, is a play on the words of Thomas Paine who wrote in “The Crisis” (1776) that summer soldiers, “shrink from the service of their country” in times of crisis. In contrast, Winter Soldiers are those who stand up for the soul of their nation in its darkest hours.

America’s democracy is in crisis today, motivated by an economic addiction to oil and empire, engaged in ongoing illegal occupation that has cost the lives of hundreds of thousands, and stymied by a political process that values moneyed interests more than the majority of the American people.

Over 35 years after the first Winter Soldier investigation conducted by Vietnam Veterans Against the War, America needs Winter Soldiers again. Continuing in this tradition, IVAW’s Winter Soldiers are performing a difficult but essential service to our country.

For the past five years, Americans have heard from generals, pundits, and politicians about the occupations in Iraq and Afghanistan, but they haven't heard enough from those who have first-hand experience.

From incidents like Fallujah and Abu Ghraib to the awarding of no-bid contracts, Winter Soldier will show that wrongdoings and failures in Iraq and Afghanistan are part and parcel of war policy set at the highest levels of power. Troops are being ordered to do things that violate their conscience and the rules of war.

As hundreds gather to hear the Winter Soldier testimony in Silver Spring, Maryland, thousands will gather simultaneously in their homes, houses of worship, on college campuses, and on military bases around the globe to bear witness to these stories via live broadcast. The Winter Soldier: Iraq & Afghanistan proceedings will be carried via satellite on the Deep Dish network, Free Speech and Link T.V., public access television stations, the Pacifica Radio network, and via web streaming on


Afghan vet, Iraq resister James Morriss to be discharged!

morrissCourage to Resist audio interview
19:20 min.
March 12, 2008

James Morriss deployed from Fort Bragg to Afghanistan with the Army’s 82nd Airborne in 2005. James discusses refusing orders to shot a young boy carrying a rifle, indiscriminate shooting, and other instances that led him to conclude that “we are not doing the right thing over there.” In 2007 James went AWOL and lived in Canada for a year in order to resist deployment to Iraq. With the help of Courage to Resist, he recently surrendered to the Army at Fort Sill, Oklahoma and has since accepted an Other Than Honorable discharge.

Listen to interview here

Message from James to supporters:

"I’m really grateful for everything Courage to Resist has done for me and all the other soldiers. Thank you for your support, help with my legal fees, and everything else. Also, I wanted to say “thank you” to everyone that donates money to Courage to Resist because without you none of this would be possible. To everyone who has contributed in some way to the members of the military who refuse to fight in Bush's War—thank you!"

Donate to Courage to Resist here


House of Commons likely to vote on sanctuary in April

ctr paredes
Iraq War resister Pablo Paredes speaks outside of Canadian Consulate in SF 1/25/08. Photo: Jeff Paterson for Courage to Resist

It is crucial that we act now in support of U.S. war resisters in Canada.  The House of Commons in Canada is in session, and is likely to take up this question as early as April 2008.

With Courage to Resist members in attendance, the Standing Immigration Committee of the Canadian Parliament voted on December 6, 2007 to recommend that the Canadian government immediately implement a program to allow Iraq War resisters (and resisters of any war not sanctioned by the United Nations) and their families to stay in Canada. 

By taking the steps outlined in this leaflet we can pressure Parliament to accept this committee’s recommendation, which would essentially create a political sanctuary for the courageous men and women who are resisting an illegal war by seeking refuge in Canada.


Sign the appeal—we'll mail the letters for you!

"I am writing from the United States to ask you to make a provision for sanctuary for the scores of U.S. military servicemembers currently in Canada, most of whom have traveled to your country in order to resist fighting in the Iraq War. Please let them stay in Canada..."

Also: For information about the War Resisters Support Campaign (Canada), visit