Having recorded the strenuous and
desperate swim by his men to reach their ship across an arm of Port
Jackson, Captain Hunter (later to become Governor Hunter) waited
until he ended his gruelling tale to relate "a providential story".
For during their several attempts to reach their ship and avoid a
long trek around the North West Harbour to do so, they occasionally
heard a shot. Eventually, and quite accidentally, they encountered
their ship's carpenter, Peter White, who, having left the Sirius for
a walk and to shoot birds, had been "lost in the woods" for four
days. He had eaten all the food he had taken with him and worn the
flint in his musket "down to a stump".
As a result he could not risk
using it to shoot birds for food fearing that nothing would be left
to draw attention to his "starving and helpless condition".
These mishaps did not , however, deter
them, or others, from further exploration. ln August of the same
year, while the Sirius was laid up in Port Jackson and her officers
were at liberty, Governor Phillip decided that a careful survey of
Broken Bay should be made. So Captain Hunter set out again with
"several gentlemen of the settlement" determined to be "two days on
the journey and to lie all night in the woods". The boats, under
Lieutenants Ball and Bradley, had sailed around, and the walking
party "joined the boats on the afternoon of the second day" at
Pittwater. A careful survey was made and this time without any
mishap, the party walked back along the shore to Port Jackson.

In l792, William Dawes, Lieutenant of
Engineers, walked from Manly Beach to Pittwater to make another
survey and soon after published the first map of all that portion of
the coast. This map, inscribed to "Captain Twiss of the Royal
Engineers", shows the path over which Dawes and his companions
travelled until they mounted "the rocky sides of Barrenjuee". The
high land above
Careel Bay over which the path is shown is marked "good pasture for
sheep". The same exploring party later walked to what is now Church
Point and a line on the map shows the path they took.
These journeys and surveys are
interesting because they show Phillip's continual anxiety to find
land suitable for cultivation .They also explain what would not
otherwise be clear -- the important place which Pittwater held in
the early days of Australian settlement, a place which was lost when
, with horses at their disposal, the men in authority discovered
thousands of acres of better soil inland and decided that the rock
and sand of the sea coast were comparatively worthless.
But that time was as yet a long way off.
--Leicester Warburton
Rental Accommodation Wanted
I am a child carer and mum with a
four year old daughter. We are looking to move to the island
and seek rental accommodation, 1-2 months initially, within
reasonable distance of the wharf. Must be partly furnished with
at least one bedroom - max $400 p.w. We would also consider an
arrangement of renting mid week and moving out on weekends. I
have excellent rental references and professional references
from the local families whose children I care for. I also house
sit/pet sit for a local couple on a regular basis looking after
their horses/dogs/chickens etc. Please contact Sonja
snavakas@bigpond.com or 040 939 5522.
(editor note: We do not normally
place such requests, but it has been approved by our local
estate agent!)
Careflight Fundraiser at RPAYC
I have had my piano tuned today by
Theme & Variations, who are the agents in New South Wales for
Steinway & Sons, (world leader in piano manufacture, for the
uninitiated) and they have
to send a Steinway to Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club for our
concert on 28th January. Incidentally, time will be 7.30 for
finger food and wine, concert at 8.30 and coffee, tea and
biscuits will be served afterwards, plus any of the wine that
isn’t drunk at the beginning. Bar will be open for other liquid
refreshments. Price will be $50 per ticket. No complementaries.
Four hands on two pianos is much more exciting that four hands
on one piano, and Steinway is TOPS. I have two watches (one
male, one female) to be raffled, but otherwise there is no
fund-raising. I guarantee $50 worth of entertainment.
Marg Molloy

That glorious structure with picture
windows with floor-to-ceiling glass, aluminium frame and
pneumatic sliding door is now sited on its north westerly aspect
for all to see and admire! While there's been no official
house-warming, we were thrilled to pay our five cents and get the
use of the phone. When we ventured that it was probably the most
picturesquely positioned phone box in the Southern Hemisphere, our
grumpy companion suggested he'd rather have the money than the
box At this outrageous comment we sent him reeling against the
phonetorium giving him the unusual but appropriate punishment of "an
ear on the box".
A Big Thank You
I would, on behalf of KU Scotland Island Pre-school, like to extend
a great, big Thank You to everyone that has been involved in this
years fundraising.
We all thought that the Scotland Island Fair was such a successful
event. Absolutely beautiful! We appreciate all the hard work that
went into it and would like to take this opportunity to give you a
bit more information…
The Pre-school’s cookbook raised $2000 in profit, all work done by
Jacqueline Turnure, Adrian Matthews and Jane Kennedy. 300 copies
have been sold!
Cindy and pony Molly donated half their earnings, $50. Thanks for
the photo too!
All of the following artists donated their entire income from the
Silent Auction:
Craig Burton, Susan Rushforth, Micha Nussinov, Gordon Floyd, Claire
Atkins, Karen Lambert, Antonia Hoddle, Eunice McAllister, Emmie
Collins, Gwyn Perkins and M.Van Driesschen. Their total contribution
mounted up to a staggering $1065.
Megan Longginau and Nathan Brown (and all their family members that
were involved) donated all of their takings from the Greek food
stall, and gave us a totally unexpected cheque for $815. Rick
LePlastrier had a Chinese dumpling stall, adding on another couple
of hundred $$$. As if this wasn’t enough Margaret Urlich sang (once
again) to make our day!! Her wonderful performance and dedicated
speech really urged the audience on to dig deep into their pockets
when the pledge buckets were circulated.
A final thanks to all of our parents, children and staff who had
activities, stalls or were part of the organisation. The Pre-school
had beading, headbands, lanterns and an obstacle course. These
activities and the pledge buckets raised $ 800. We are sure to
follow up and evaluate. A contribution has been sent off to the St
Johns Ambulance. As a non-resident, I can only urge you all to
continue supporting this very unique Pre-school. We need you!
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas!
Cheers! Mimi Symons (Director)
Pittwater Council is moving
For Your Convenience - Pittwater
Council Is Relocating To Offices In Central Mona Vale
From Monday 24 January, 2005
New Address And Office Hours:
Pittwater Council
Customer Service Centre
Village Park
1 Park Street, Mona Vale
(Additional Entrance Also At Pittwater Road Via Central Plaza)
8.00am To 5.30 Pm Monday To Thursday
8.00am To 5.00pm Friday
Change in Post Office opening times
SIRA has been advised by
members that the Church Point Post Office is now open only on
weekdays from 9.00 am until 5.00pm and that people who need to
access it outside those times cannot do so.
We spoke to the postal officer to ask whom we should contact to
request at least one extended opening each week. He replied that
Australia Post had made the call on the basis that it is not
financially viable to do so. So much for public service in the third
The contact details for the Post Office are as follows:
Church Point LP
1860 Pittwater Road
Church Point 2105
(02) 9999 3089
If you call during working hours your mail can be left in the shop
for collection unless it is a registered item which requires your
signature in the presence of a postal officer. If this happens you
will need to take time off work to collect it during office hours.
Anyone who is affected should contact SIRA at this email
SIRAPittwater@hotmail.com and we can consider
further action. However we will have no hope of changing the
situation things unless a reasonable number of people make
Pittwater's Australia
Day Breakfast
Residents and visitors have
made the Australia Day Breakfast at Newport Beach one of the
Northern Beaches most popular summer events. This year will be no
exception, with the organising committee determined to support the
national theme of “Celebrate What’s Great on Australia Day”.

All the great fun events such as a Beach Treasure Hunt, Thong
Throwing Competition, Wheely Bin races and Face Painting will be on
again. Of course, the BBQ breakfast with the legendary bacon or
sausage and egg rolls for $2 each, drinks and fairy floss will also
be available. The fun commences at 7am and concludes around 10.30am.
The Citizenship Ceremony, always a popular highlight, will commence
at 7.45am and the Flag Raising Ceremony, which will include the
Australia Day Ambassador’s speech and the presentation of the
Australia Day Pittwater Citizen of the Year Awards, will follow at
Pittwater’s Australia Day Ambassador is local Olympian Yachtsman
Colin Beashel, who has competed in five Olympic Games and was Flag
Bearer for the 2004 Australian Olympic team at Athens (biography
Sponsored by Pittwater Council and organised by a group of combined
service clubs including Lions, Rotary and Zonta, with the assistance
of the NSW Rural Fire Service and SES, Newport’s Australia Day
Breakfast is a non-stop festival of fun. A new addition for 2005 is
a Nippers Parade March Past, comprising Nippers from Pittwater surf
life saving clubs. Snake Gully bush band will provide live
entertainment for everyone’s enjoyment.
“In keeping with our Pittwater tradition, this great event will have
something for people of all ages -with the usual informality and fun
people have come to love - so we invite everyone to come along and
join us”, said Pittwater Mayor Lynne Czinner.
For more information: Gay McCorby, Corporate Communications Officer,
Tel: 9970 1119
16 December 2004
A Message from Annette
Freeland My name
is Annette Freeland I have been living on the Island with Tony my
husband and Grant my son, coming up to 28 years, I live near Tennis
wharf, would you mind publishing a small paragraph in the SI News,
to let all my friends know that I have been accepted and put on the
Transplant list, for a lung transplant, with St Vincents hospital.
"The Call" could come at anytime, but likely to be within the next 9
months, it has been common knowledge that I have been suffering for
emphysema for some years, and I would just like to let everyone know
how very fortunate I am to be given another chance at breathing.
Kindest Regards and all the best to everyone for Xmas Annette
SIRA has registered with Clean Up
Australia to be included in next years event.
Support from the whole community
would be fantastic as we plan a massive clean up around the
island which will start at 9.00am until 2.00pm. which will then
be followed by a picnic in the park to celebrate.
More information will be included in
the next newsletter and will also be on posters around the
island and at the wharves.
Volunteer registration will start in
Happy Christmas and a peaceful New
A little humour to
start the New Year
Family Fortunes, ITV
1) Something a blind man might use? A sword.
2) A song with the word Moon in the title? Blue Suede Moon
3) Name the capital of France? F
4) Name a bird with a long neck? Naomi Campbell
5) Name an occupation where you might need a torch? A burglar.
6) Where is the Taj Mahal? Opposite the dental hospital.
7) What is Hitlers first name? Heil.
9) Some famous brothers? Bonnie and Clyde.
10) A dangerous race? The Arabs.
14) A famous Royal? Mail.
16) A famous bridge? The Bridge Over Troubled Waters.
18) Something you do in the bathroom? Decorate.
21) A sign of the Zodiac? April .
23) Something you do before you go to bed? Sleep.
Goshin Ryu Karate on
Scotland Island!
for beginners to blackbelts
Commencing Wednesday February 2, 2005
6pm - 7.30 pm
Scotland Island Community Hall
with Sensei Luke Atkins
Cost: Adults $8.50
Children 6 yrs+ $7.50
annual club membership $33.00
Contact Luke 9979 4709
Goshin Ryu is one of the worlds leading Karate styles. Karate helps
develop self confidence,
physical fitness and discipline. It is also great fun!
Goshin Ryu established in Australia in the 1960's and we are proud
to bring its newest club to Scotland Island. To find out more about
Goshin Ryu visit the website
www.goshinryu.com or call Scotland Island's instructor Luke
Atkins 9979 4709.
The Scotland Island
Bush fire brigade
would like to wish all off shore
residents a very happy new year, and we would like to thank you for
your support during the year. The peak months for bushfires are
December and January, so you should have started preparing already,
getting rid of potential fire fuels from around the
leaves, branches and think undergrowth , also other potentially
flammable material ( old newspapers, boxes , crates, etc.) Make sure
gutters are in good condition and are not blocked so they are still
capable of holding water. If bushfire threatens it is best to check
final precautions ; water, taps and hoses. Keep a battery operated
radio and torches on hand in case of electricity failure, For more
information go to www.rfs.gov.au
Mona Vale
Hospital in Real Trouble again
The General Purpose Standing Committee
No. 2 of the Legislative Council has established an Inquiry into the
operation of Mona Vale Hospital, and in particular:
The closure of the intensive care unit and the reasons behind its
transfer to another hospital
The level of funding given to Mona Vale Hospital compared to other
hospitals in the area
The level of community consultation in relation to changes proposed
by NSW Health to the hospital
The reasons why the hospital has not been made the general hospital
for the Northern Beaches area.
This may be your last opportunity to have your say, so please make a
submission, which can be as short as a letter or as long as a
detailed paper. Submissions close on 31 January 2005. Please send
them to The Director, General Purpose Standing Committee No2,
Parliament House, Macquarie St, Sydney NSW 2000. Send emails to
The local
As our newsletter continues to grow
(nearly 800 readers) we are including some links to other
nearby organisations and events that may be of interest.
If you would like to contribute, please send a message to
the editor by
clicking here.
Local Real
Estate Agents: 
Government Organisations:
Local Transport:

Local Accommodation:
Local Pittwater
Studies Website: http://www.pittlink.net/ls/index.html
Emergency Contact
- NSW Police:
000, general information 9281 0000
- Broken Bay
Water Police 9979 4944 or 0412 162 093
- NSW Fire
Service: 000, general information 9265
- NSW Ambulance
Service: 000, general information 9320
- Rural Fire
Service: 000, general information 9450
- State
Emergency Service, Warringah/Pittwater
SES: 9486 3399
- National
Parks & Wildlife Service: 000,
general information 9457 9322
- Dept of
Community Services: general information
9977 6011
- Sydney Water:
132 090
- Energy
Australia: 131 388, (ah) 131 909
Emergency Scotland
Island Water Contacts:
click here for information (while online)
Airlines, Buses and
Join SIRA You can now join the Scotland
Island Residents Association by clicking here. Please print the page you see and
return the completed form to SIRA at this address:
The Treasurer, SIRA, PO Box 70, Church Point 2105.
Please NO CASH. Contact SIRA at
sirapittwater@hotmail.com |
Join WPCA To join the Western
Pittwater Community Association, contact Larry at
larrye@aftrs.edu.au or click here or phone 02-9979-5026 for more
information. |
Archived Newsletters A complete set of past electronic
newsletters since 2000 can be found and read at http://www.scotlandisland.org.au/newsletters/archive.html or by clicking here or by visiting
the Mona Vale Library.
The future of this newsletter is in
your hands. More than 700 residents and friends read this
electronic newsletter monthly. Please tell your friends
and neighbours to subscribe. If you are particularly
literate in matters computing, you might like to help
them follow the very simple path to subscription. It is
easy to join. Simply click here to
join, leave or change options or go to following address:

If you would like to contribute to
this newsletter it's easy!. Send an e-mail to the
editor by clicking here.
Type your
short contribution (100 words would be fine) and assuming
it is of general interest to the community, does not
include matter of a political nature and is not offensive
to your neighbours, it will
appear next month.
To get on and off this newsletter,
or to change your options, - click here or
got to: http://www.scotlandisland.org.au/signup
The views expressed in this newsletter are
not necessarily the views of the Scotland Island
Residents Association (SIRA), or any of the associated Pittwater
Offshore Resident's Committees